Paving the Way to the Future
keeping with its tradition of encouraging academic
excellence, the Shelton State Community College Alumni
Association is pleased to offer a new opportunity for
College support.
Shelton State alumni
and friends may purchase a recognition brick for the
future “Scholarship Walkway.”
With construction set
to begin soon near the Martin Campus clock tower, the
walkway will offer permanent recognition of each donor’s
purchasing one or more bricks, donors will contribute to
the Alumni Association General Scholarship Fund.
Participation in this
one-of-a-kind initiative will pave the way for the
Alumni Association’s continued support of promising
Shelton State students.
Choose between 4”x8” and an 8”x8”
For only $100 you may purchase a
4”x8” red clay brick engraved with three lines of text.
(Each line is limited to 21 characters which include
letters, numbers, and punctuation and spaces.)
For just $150 you will receive an
8”x8” brick of the same quality material with four lines
of text. But, in addition this double-sized brick
engraved with one of SSCC’s logos listed below.
For more
information, to order a brick, or to give to the Shelton
State Alumni Association, contact the Office of
Advancement at (205)391-2252 or email us at

-Pay by check
Mail to:
Shelton State Community College
Attn: Alumni Association
9500 Old Greensboro Road
Box -210
Tuscaloosa AL 35405
-Credit/Debit Card through
Brick orders placed between July
1 and December 31 will be placed into the walkway by
March 1 of the following year.
Note: If
planning to pay by cash in person, write “0000” in the
check number section to indicate that you are paying
with cash, and bring your payment to City Hall.