

The Corporation is organized exclusively for educational purposes and, to the extent that such educational purposes are coupled with a charitable component, for charitable purposes, within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

In furtherance thereof, the Corporation is organized to provide educational training (including without limitation classroom training, personalized individual training and public access training)  to individuals and groups about the benefits of having a service dog and the types of assistance that service dogs may provide to persons with (a) health issues, including without limitation, diabetes and other invisible disabilities, and (b) disabilities that are included under the Americans with Disabilities Act and related state and local accessibility statutes, laws and regulations.

Further, the Corporation will assist such persons by offsetting the costs for the purchase and training of a service dog for individuals with health issues or disabilities who apply to the Corporation for assistance and who would benefit from having a canine companion in their lives to enhance their quality of life and to remove barriers that prevent these individuals from living their lives to the fullest extent possible.

In furtherance of the foregoing, the Corporation will participate in the breeding, placement and training of service dogs for persons who have both visible and invisible disabilities.


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