The East Alabama Medical Center Remembrance Garden
is a place where families who have experienced pregnancy loss
or the loss of an infant can come for solace and peace.
Remembrance Garden Memorial Bricks
Fred Craddock speaks of the importance of “place” in one his
most famous sermons. He believes it is important for each
us to have a place. Place provides us with somewhere to come and
simply be. Place is important to who we are as human beings,
because it provides somewhere to create memories and to find
loss of a little one touches the essence of who we are: our
dreams, our love, our life. Many times when we have experienced
this type of loss it feels as though our understanding of place
is missing. The place where we desire our little ones to be is
not where they are. We need a place to find healing and
connection with them that will allow us to be family. The
Remembrance Garden located behind the hospital was created to be
a place where families can come to find healing and
year we try to enhance the garden by adding new features. In
the same way, healing does not happen in one instance, but over
time. Over the years, we dedicated an October maple and
placed a stepping stone to be the centerpieces for the garden, we planted azaleas and dedicated benches
and we dedicated a sign to name the place.
Throughout the year
we will be placing bricks and we
would love for you to join us in remembering our little ones.