Whittenberg would appreciate your donation to help
improve our playground!
School of Engineering is currently in its 6th
year of operation as the
only elementary school in the state of South
Carolina with a school-wide engineering curriculum.
The mission of A.J. Whittenberg
Elementary is:
create a culture of respect and highest achievement,
uniquely aligned with engineering principles, that best
prepares a diverse group of learners to succeed in the
21st Century.
You have the opportunity to leave
your mark on A.J. Whittenberg Elementary School of
By purchasing an engraved brick you can help
create a lasting legacy of excellence and display your
pride in our school.
Your personalized, engraved brick
will be installed in front of the school and proceeds
from our brick sales will help improve the AJW
Bricks will sell for $38
for 4 x 8 brick. The brick will have space for 3
lines with 18 characters per line (including spaces and
any punctuation).
You can engrave your brick with
your child’s name, the name of a favorite teacher or
administrator, or a special message.
Thank you so much for supporting A.J. Whittenberg!