The Historic St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church is just that-
Historic. St. James has a rich legacy of worship and witness in the Abbeville
community. The current structure, built by freed slaves has been in place since
1899 and is so central to the town’s affairs and business that geographically,
it can easily be referred to as “The Heart of Abbeville”. The current leadership
structure has adopted The Heart of Abbeville as a rallying cry and we have made
it our mission to truly become the Heart of Abbeville in a very meaningful and
symbolic way in our community. St. James has developed and instituted a holistic
approach to embrace, equip and empower Abbeville through effective community
focused service.
We want to enhance our ministry presence in Abbeville and here is how you can
We are pleased to offer opportunities to sponsor the St. James Pathway Walk of
Fame! We are offering brick sponsorships that will permanently be visible and
accessible on our grounds located on Henry McNeil Turner St. for $125. Each
brick will feature 4 lines of 18 characters each of your tribute to African
Methodism, Family, Friends and/or neighbors. We are offering you a unique
opportunity to invest in a parcel of history. As parishioners arrive each
Sunday, they will be able to review and appreciate your commitment to our
mission to seek out and save the lost.