Rotary Club of Galveston Pave the Path to the Rotary Club of Galveston Turtle

Help us Pave the Path to the Rotary Club of Galveston Turtle at Jamail Park!

The Rotary Club of Galveston has sponsored a Galveston "Turtles About Town" turtle sculpture to be placed near the Rotary Paviliaons at Jamail Park in Galveston, Texas.

We will be paving a path to, and around the turtle, and are offering the opportunity to purchase 4" x 8" brick pavers, engraved with your name (or in honor or memory of someone you love).

Established in 1913, the Rotary Club of Galveston is one of the oldest Rotary Clubs in Texas. We are community and business leaders representing diverse professions, experiences, and perspectives who share a desire to connect with others to address the challenges affecting our community and communities around the world.
The Rotary Club of Galveston is a proud part of this community and of Rotary International. Rotary is a global network of more than 1.2 million members who believe that great things happen when dedicated minds come together.

Solving real problems takes effort, commitment, and vision. Rotarians work to protect communities from preventable disease, keep women and children healthy, improve education and economic outcomes, create safe water and sanitation infrastructure, and make our community and the world a more peaceful place in which to live.
Our Club works with various partners, locally:
Meals on Wheels
Salvation Army
Galveston Police Department, and internationally:
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The World Health Organization, and UNICEF to end polio once and for all.

In their business and professional lives, Rotarians abide by the Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

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Select Your Brick


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

Smaller option: a miniature brick (fits in your hand) with your custom inscription. $25
Laser-printed certificate on heavy ivory paper showing your inscription on red-colored brick. $15

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