
By spring of 2023, the gazebo and walkway will be ready for the placement of commemorative bricks.
A brick walkway will be around the gazebo.

In memory of, or in honor of a loved one, you can purchase one or more engraved, 4x8 or 8x8 Dark Antique Brick to be placed on the walkway.
Each 4x8 brick will be $40.00, 8x8 $65.00.

Give a donor certificate for Christmas, birthdays, or memorial in recognition of your donation.
The donor certificate will be $10.00.

You can also purchase a donor 4x8 brick, with a felt back, for your office or home for $25.00.

All funds raised will go to the beautification, restoration, and maintenance for the City of Niota.

Order online at or complete this form and send it with a check payable to Niota Commemorative Walkway.
Mail to City of Niota. P.O. Bx 515, Niota, TN 37826.

Your credit card information is secure on our website.

Your Contact Information

Select Your Brick


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

An exact duplicate of the brick that you are purchasing from your organization, with the addition of felt backing.
4 x 8 Brick $25
Laser-printed certificate on heavy ivory paper showing your inscription on red-colored brick. $10

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