By spring of 2023, the
gazebo and walkway will be ready for the placement of commemorative bricks.
A brick walkway will be around the gazebo.
In memory of, or in honor of
a loved one, you can purchase one or more engraved, 4x8 or 8x8 Dark Antique
Brick to be placed on the walkway.
Each 4x8 brick will be $40.00, 8x8 $65.00.
Give a donor certificate for Christmas, birthdays, or memorial in
recognition of your donation.
The donor certificate will be $10.00.
You can also purchase a donor 4x8 brick, with a felt back, for your office or
home for $25.00.
All funds raised will go to the beautification,
restoration, and maintenance for the City of Niota.
Order online at or complete this
form and send it with a check payable to Niota Commemorative Walkway.
Mail to City of Niota. P.O. Bx 515, Niota, TN 37826.
Your credit card information is secure on our website.