
Pathways to the Future

MCA Tax I.D. # 68-0039616


Eric F. Gonzales, Sponsorships


The Mundy Community Association (MCA) wanted to provide our students, families and local businesses an opportunity to permanently demonstrate their ongoing generous support for Nelda Mundy Elementary by sponsoring Pathways to the Future, engraved memorial bricks proudly displayed on our school’s campus!  

Event Purpose

The funds raised from Pathways to the Future will be allocated towards Technology & Student Enrichment throughout the school year.

Sponsorship Levels & Benefits

$500 GOLD

8” x 8” Brick

(up to 5 lines of engraving and up to 18 characters per line)


8” x 8” Brick

(up to 4 lines of engraving and up to 18 characters per line)


4” x 8” Brick

(up to 3 lines of engraving and up to 18 characters per line)


4” x 8” Brick

(up to 3 lines of engraving and up to 18 characters per line)

Nelda Mundy Elementary

Your Contact Information

Select Your Brick


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

An exact duplicate of the brick that you are purchasing from your organization, with the addition of felt backing.
Mundy Family - 4 x 8 Brick $25; Mundy Family Brick w. logo $25; Bronze - 4 x 8 Brick $25; Bronze Brick w. logo $25; Silver - 8 x 8 Brick $50; Silver Brick w. logo $50; Gold - 8 x 8 Brick $50; Gold Brick w. logo $50

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Donation Total