Key West Art & Historical Society


Leave a Legacy


The Key West Art & Historical Society invites you to leave your legacy in Key West!


Join KWAHS in their ongoing effort to preserve the history of Key West and the Florida Keys by purchasing a brick today. Your brick will be located along the well-traveled waterfront walkway just steps from the iconic Custom House building, home to the Key West Museum of Art & History.


Your donation of $130 or more will ensure that your name is set in stone for generations to come. Leave your legacy, or give a gift that keeps on giving:


·         Honor loved ones, family and friends.

·         Memorialize a pet for posterity.

·         Recognize a graduation or other special occasion.

·         Show your support of an organization.

·         Advertise your business.


Buying a Key West Art & Historical Society brick is a simple way to support our preservation efforts. All funds raised will go to the education of our local community and visiting public by preserving, interpreting, and exhibiting the art, architecture, and history of the Florida Keys.


Claim your brick, support the Key West Museum of Art & History, and leave tomorrow’s legacy today!

Commemorative bricks can be embellished with a decorative symbol for an additional $25.00 each with 10 symbols to choose from. Order your brick today by completing the information below and making payment.

Thank you for supporting the Key West Art & Historical Society.


Key West Art & Historical Society is a registered 501(c)(3) organization under IRS guidelines and contributions may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for more details.


*The Key West Art & Historical Society, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any proposed inscription containing language that is obscene, lewd, defamatory, infringes on the proprietary rights of any third party, or is otherwise inappropriate.

Key West Art & Historical SocietyKey West Art & Historical Society

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