First United Methodist Church Prayer Garden

Our Memory Walk Buy-a-Brick Fund Raiser is designed to fund the Prayer Garden project and includes all the following visions: build the brick Memory Walk in and around the garden, add benches, lighting, irrigation, fencing, and landscaping. Our goal is to build an area for solitary meditation in a peaceful prayer atmosphere; and beautiful enough to be a photo-opportunity spot in our community. The prayer garden will be built in the grassy courtyard area between the sanctuary and the family life center. It will be designed to add beauty and focus to the outside wall where the existing stained glass windows are. There are two ways you can help make the Prayer Garden complete!

They are available in two sizes (4” x 8” and 8“x 8”) and the engraving will all be in capital letters:

4” x 8” Option - these bricks are $100.00 each and you have the option to include up to 3 lines, up to 18 characters (including spaces) per line.

8" x 8" Option - these bricks are $250.00 each and you have the option of writing up to 6 lines, up to 18 characters (including spaces) per line.

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