Flora Main Street invites YOU to become part of the Flora Depot Restoration
Project with your tax deductible contribution. This project restores the
historic Flora Depot on a site across the tracks from its original location in
downtown Flora. Once completed the depot will serve as a local history museum
and railroad transportation education center, as well as be available for public
and private gatherings. It is the key piece in Flora Main Street’s plans to
revitalize the downtown business district by bringing visitors to Flora as part
of Carroll County’s thriving tourism efforts.
Engraved 4” x 8” bricks will become part of the sidewalk system surrounding the
depot. Bricks will be placed in dedicated sections. Bricks have been reserved
for organizations, businesses, individuals and family members, and for loved
ones in memoriam. A trio of sisters who grew up in town ( today there is one on
each coast and one in the middle) requested their bricks be placed next to each
other so they would always be together in Flora. In addition to raising money
for the depot project, these engraved bricks celebrate family, community, and
our rich rural heritage.