Galveston Elks Lodge #126 BRICKS PROJECTGalveston Elks Lodge #126 BRICKS PROJECT

Galveston Elks Lodge is the Oldest continuously active lodge in Texas and our lodge was the 126th Elks Lodge to be established in the Nation way back 1889. We are a fraternal organization with the cardinal principles of Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity. We have been supporting the community all these many years with special emphasis on our Special Needs children of Texas and our beloved Veterans. We have fundraisers, benefits, special events and host various community activities at our lodge. Our membership is just over 500 people who work, buy, support families and live in our local area. This fundraising event is to assist in the remodeling of the flooring and other repairs at our lodge. These repairs will allow us to host weddings, memorials, benefits, arts and craft shows, regular lodge meetings and many other types of activities. Replacing the wood flooring with concrete will eliminate issues with occasional flooding and termites and provide an enduring beautiful floor for years to come. This fundraising project is intended to provide funds for these repairs and provide lasting keepsake memorial bricks within our lodge to commemorate a special person, occasion, pet, event will allow future generations to know YOU WERE HERE!!

Galveston Elks Lodge #126 BRICKS PROJECTGalveston Elks Lodge #126 BRICKS PROJECT

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