Divine Mercy Support Network of Sacramento Divine Mercy Shrine

Shrine to Divine Mercy
Diocese of Sacramento
Divine Mercy Parish

Help us to create an enduring legacy to The Divine Mercy by purchasing a brick.
The bricks will surround 14 life size crosses that play audio of the stations of the cross in 10 different languages!

Jesus said "There is more merit to one hour of meditation on My sorrowful Passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation..."(Diary 369).

Also, from the Manual of Indulgences: a plenary indulgence is granted to the faithful who visit, and there devoutly recite an our Father and the Creed, an international, national or diocesan shrine established by competent authority.

Your name or sentiments for loved ones will be permanently laser engraved into the following sized bricks:

St. Faustina level (1) 4" x 8" brick - $125
Bl. Fr. Sopocko level (1) 8" x 8" brick - $250
St. John Paul II level (4) 8" x 8" brick array - $1000 (only 14 opportunities at this level)

This project will be 100% financed by your donations through the Divine Mercy Support Network of Sacramento

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Select Your Brick


Select commemorative products as keepsakes for yourself.

Laser-printed certificate on heavy ivory paper showing your inscription on red-colored brick. $10

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