Please join the Courtland Community Center (CCC) and Historic Rosenwald School as we celebrate the history of our facility, and commemorate the contributions of those who have passed through our doors as students, educators and community leaders by aiding us in the construction of the CCC Memorial Garden. Our newest instillation will include a bricked and landscaped courtyard, at whose center will stand a custom memorial bench in honor of former Courtland Rosenwald student, and CCC President - the late Maxine D. Nowlin. It is our plan to unveil the memorial during a Juneteenth celebration in June 2025.
Each of you may personally contribute to this endeavor by donating a customized brick for the construction of this memorial. Your custom brick my bare the name of one or more individuals whom you wish to honor or memorialize, and simply bear your name as a supporter of the center. Bricks are available in two sizes and price points: 4x8 inches for $75, and 8x8 inches for $150. Inscription limits and details may be found on the donation website. Thank you in advance for your support.