What Makes Bricks R Us Unique

March 1, 2020


There are literally tons of ways of going about fund-raising, and these will invariably be met by greater or lesser success, depending on a number of factors.  One aspect of fund-raising which consistently produces results is to offer something significant to donors, so as to encourage greater participation in the campaign, and to help the donor feel good about having contributed to your cause.  Our company specializes in making high-quality bricks which can be engraved with a donor’s name and given to them in appreciation for their contribution.

When a donor sees their own memorial brick positioned in a public structure like a building or a walkway, it can be a powerful influence toward becoming involved in a fund-raising campaign.  However, our Bricks R Us company doesn’t just make the bricks to be used in such campaigns – we offer a number of other services as well, which will help to increase the success of your campaign, and make it easier to conduct the campaign with as few hassles as possible.

Our unique services

We create brochures which will help raise awareness for your campaign, and this is one of the most important things you can do to get your fund-raising efforts off the ground.  When everyone in the community knows about your efforts, you’ll undoubtedly have greater participation, and we can provide you with attractive and informative brochures to distribute, and help inform your entire community.  As your partners in fund-raising, we want you to be as successful as possible, because that contributes to our own success, so we’re more than happy to provide whatever assistance we can.  We can also provide video presentations which will inform and attract more donors.

We will help you to setup donor sites online to help your fund-raising efforts, because it will make the whole process of donating very quick and easy.  You might find other fund-raising companies like ours which are also willing to help you setup donor sites, but we provide a great many more options for contributing than most other companies.  We provide considerably more information on our donor sites, so that contributors can understand what they’re involved with, and so they will actually want to become a participant.  In short, we go out of our way to help you organize your approach to fund-raising, and to sell more memorial bricks to your contributors.

Contact us 

If you’re interested in finding out some of the many ways we can help you with your fund-raising efforts, contact us at Bricks R Us and let one of our friendly representatives explain it all to you.  Remember, we don’t just sell you these memorial bricks, but we will actually become your partner in the effort to raise money for your cause, and we’ll help you in any way we can to organize your efforts, and to reach as many people as possible.  We know you’ll have lots of choices for potential partners in your fund-raising campaign, but once you’ve worked with us, we feel confident that you won’t want to choose any other partner.

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