Fundraising is a complicated matter – of both the heart and the mind. In matters of the heart, you desire to help someone or to bolster a worthy cause. In matters of the intellect, you’re not sure how to proceed and you have so many questions. But there are a couple of ways that you can make your fundraiser a success!
Fundraising in essence is asking someone to give you their money for the sake of some good purpose. At the core, you have to open your heart to express the need and, at the same time, access your intellect to persuade them to open their wallets.
The hard questions: How do you do this? How do you make your fundraiser a success? We at Bricks R Us are here to help and guide you to success.
Here are three ways – from – to create a winning fundraiser:
Fundraising Secrets: Looking Good
Build a fantastic webpage. This demonstrates to potential donors that you’re serious about your cause. The page should include a good, tear-jerking story that touches for the heart. Think sentimental. Remember: add details, details, more details. Don’t leave anything out. Discuss the role of your organization: Is it a nonprofit or is it raising money on behalf of another organization?
Describe how the money will be used: All of it will go to help children at the hospital; 90 percent will be used to help victims at the shelter; half will go to buy playground equipment and the other half to buy new school cafeteria ovens.
Put photos on your page – lots of them. People love to see to whom they’re giving. Images tug at the heart. A video would be a nice touch on your site. Nothing fancy. Just something short, sweet and to the point: 1 to 3 minutes.
For brick fundraising, Bricks R Us can help you design your own Donor Site for free so your donors have the ability to order online. If your organization already has a website, just place the link for ordering.
Fundraising Secrets: Push It, Just Push It
This is the most obvious – and sometimes the most neglected – step. It’s promotion. Once the foundation has been laid, it’s time to talk it up. Point people to your website. Talk about your cause. And then again: Point people to your website. Talk about your cause. Should we say it again?
To get the fundraising ball rolling, use email, pick up the telephone, employ social networking (like Twitter and Facebook) and text message. Do it like your hair is on fire. In other words, be passionate. Start with family and friends and keep pushing the circle wider and wider.
Fundraising Secrets: Ain’t No Stopping Me Now
The second step is inexplicably linked to the third step. Persistence. Your mindset: You will not stop, ever, until you make this fundraiser a success. This step reveals the condition of your heart. If you truly believe in your cause, this will come naturally.
During difficult, stressful or desperate times, rehearse this in your mind: Why am I doing this? Who am I doing this for? How will this help? Motivate yourself. Inspire yourself. Get yourself excited.
Did you find these steps helpful? Do you have steps of your own? Let us know. We’d love to hear from you.