The average person these days is literally bombarded on all sides with information, and it has gotten to the point where most people don’t even take the time to sift through all that data – they just ignore most of it. While it’s certainly easy enough to get your message in front of vast numbers of people these days, it’s not nearly as easy to have them consume it or act on it. So how do you reach potential donors to your fundraising campaign, and still make use of all the digital channels available to you?
Online surveys
One of the best ways of reaching donors is to disseminate online surveys accompanied by videos, so that you can find out where a potential donor’s true interests lie. By soliciting their opinion on various aspects of your campaign, you’ll make them feel more connected to it, and give them a vested interest in seeing it succeed. While the videos can help tell your story and why your cause is so important, the survey will draw them in, and make them feel like a part of your initiative.
Make use of YouTube
You have undoubtedly heard all the impressive statistics about how many people watch YouTube videos, and how many hours in a given week the average person spends watching videos. That in itself doesn’t really help you, but what does help tremendously is when you can develop a video storytelling strategy which showcases your organization, and features all the great work which is accomplished by donations from contributors. If you can develop the skills necessary to become a good storyteller, it will go a long way toward convincing a great many YouTube viewers. Then you can just sit back and watch how word of mouth can operate in your favor.
Making use of the latest technologies available online can enhance your fundraising efforts significantly. For one thing, your potential donors will be fascinated by having the chance to make use of the technology themselves during your campaign, and for another, your usage of augmented reality techniques and artificial intelligence will position your organization as a progressive one which everyone should be involved with. Using these new technologies will also allow your organization to better understand your donors, to empathize with them, and to see the world from their viewpoint.
Understand your donors
There is no doubt that you will earn more consistent donations, and larger contributions per donor, if you understand your donors better, and you know just what it is that motivates them to give. While it would be difficult to make any kind of generalization about donors, it is very possible to find out on an individual basis just what moves someone to make a sizable donation to a cause. You should find any avenue you can make use of to learn more about potential donors, so you’ll have this greater understanding about them, and you’ll have a better chance of appealing to their personal preferences.
Bricks R Us
One thing that virtually all donors appreciate is the chance to have their name memorialized in one part of a new building or sidewalk constructed by a non-profit organization. When you work with Bricks R Us, you’ll be associating with a company that has nearly three decades of experience helping clients with fundraising, and with a company that guarantees the best pricing for donor bricks in the country. Contact Bricks R Us, and let them help you with free fundraising services that will kick your campaign into high gear.