The Wolf Creek Elementary PTA invites you to purchase an
engraved brick so you
can cement your legacy at Wolf Creek Elementary forever!
The proceeds from the sale of
each brick will go towards the purchase of The
Accelerated Reading and Math Software and The Leader in
Me Program.
Our fundraising GOAL is $47,000!!
Make your contribution TODAY! This amazing opportunity
to contribute to Wolf Creek Elementary will end
Thursday, March 25, 2017.
Accelerated Reading and Math Software
The Leader in Me Program
Currently, bricks are planned to be placed in the front
of the building as a border around the sidewalk at the
front entrance.
Our beautiful brick border will be revealed at
the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year (date TBD).
Commemorate your days at the Wolf Creek ES with a
personalized brick!
Honor someone special
Join with classmates for a class brick
Cement your business as a Wolf Creek ES stakeholder
Set your name in stone for decades to come
The Wolf
Creek ES PTA invites you to purchase an engraved brick
to commemorate the first year! The bricks will be laid
as a decorative border to the front entrance walkways,
on display full display as a permanent testament of your
ongoing support to Wolf Creek ES. Proceeds from the sale
of each brick will go towards providing academic and
leadership support programs.
Our fundraising goal is
$10,000, or 100 bricks.
can be purchased for yourself, your business or
community organization, or in honor of others.
Cement your legacy at Wolf Creek
ES and purchase your brick today! Our beautiful brick
border will be unveiled during the 2017-2018 school
If you would like to honor someone with your engraved
brick donation, please put their name and address in the
comment section. An Acknowledgement Certificate will be
sent to them.