Howell Township Education
Since 2005, the Howell
Township Education Foundation (HTEF), a non-profit organization,
has awarded grants to Howell’s teachers.
As a result of the Foundation’s commitment to excellence
in education, instructional programs, which enhance and enrich
students’ learning experiences, have been made possible. The
numerous grants have had a positive impact in building our
children’s future.
At this time, the HTEF
will give you the opportunity to purchase a brick to be placed
at the middle school of your choice.
The bricks can be
personalized to celebrate special events in a child’s life, to
honor someone, or memorialize a loved one. These are just a few
suggestions for personalization of the bricks, which will form a
long-lasting memorial at the middle schools. Through your
support, the dedication to Howell’s children will continue and