So you’re starting an engraved brick fundraiser project and you want to get the word out. You want to let everyone know about it to help ensure it’s success.
We know just how to help. As an engraved brick company, we at Bricks R Us have been helping clients just like you launch successful fundraising brick projects for more than 25 years. Here are four tips for getting the word out about your engraved brick fundraiser.
Share Via Email Blast
If you have email addresses of those you’re targeting, an e-blast is a great way to generate awareness and support for your project. Send an email outlining the project, its goals, a timeline and how they can participate. Be sure to include a photo of what the project may look like if possible. We can help you with photos.
Post On Social Media
Use your social media page to let your community know about this great project. This can help build excitement, create awareness and grow your following, too. You can list details about your project along with upcoming deadline reminders. Encourage others to share your posts. Ask questions and seek input from your social followers, too. This can be an effective way to get your community plugged into your project.
Create Videos
Videos are another great way of introducing people to a brick fundraising project. You’ll want to express how easy it is to be involved in this project. Also, list how much each bricks costs and how the funds raised will be used. Knowing the end result can help more people get involved with your efforts. Share your videos via your email blast or on social media.
Use Customized Website and Brochures
At Bricks R Us we help our clients by providing free customized websites, brochures and order forms for their engraved brick projects. The customized donor website adds credibility to your project and makes ordering bricks easy. And brochures can be placed throughout the community, including the library, community centers, government buildings and maybe even schools.
What do you think about these publicity tips for your engraved brick fundraiser? Do you have more to share? Comment below.
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Check out these tips to help promote your engraved brick #fundraiser!
— Bricks R Us (@bricksrus) March 11, 2016