Donate to a Good Cause with Memorial Bricks

Bricks R Us has worked with various organizations that use memorial bricks to raise funds for their cause.  Whether you are looking to give back to the community or donate to a worthy cause, memorial bricks are an excellent way to contribute.

Your contribution to a brick fundraiser will benefit many organizations in need.  Not only are brick fundraisers a simple and successful method of raising funds, but they will also create beautiful projects such as new brick sidewalks or walls.  Donors, on the other hand, will have the satisfaction of making the fundraiser a success and receive everlasting appreciation from the organization by having their names memorialized in each engraved brick.

Bricks R Us appreciates your contribution to a good cause through the purchase of memorial bricks.  The following is a list of organizations for which we have created Secure Donor Sites.  We invite you to browse through the list to find a cause to which you’d like to contribute.  If you do not see the organization that you wish to donate to in the list below, please ask that organization to contact us by filling out the contact form in our contact page, calling us at 888-MY-BRICK or by clicking the live chat button.

*Note: All the information found below is private and cannot be used for any type of solicitation.  The organizations have permitted the access of their Donor Site with this page for donation purposes.  If it is used for any other intention, Bricks R Us, Inc.  will use the full extent of the law against the misuse by any person(s), company(s), or organization(s).

Donor Name Website
Lyman high school athletic parent association.  lymanboosters
Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue Foundation Inc.vfd
13th COSCOM Association13cca
19 Carter19carter
1909 H.M.  King School Rehabilitation Projectkhhf
230th BSB North Carolina National Guardwhitememorial
2d Cavalry Associationtoujourspret
31st Street SDA Church31legacy
321 Raise The Woofraisethewoof
4th Ave Gym Athletic Fundyumaathletics
600 Firetower Groupkirkwoodschool
773 Scouter's Association773scoutersassociation
8 Flags Playscapes8flagsplayscapes
94th BSB94thbsb
A P Delsandro Veterans Memorialapdmemorial
A Precious Childapreciouschild
A Stone's Throw Awayrelaced
A.J.  Whittenberg PTAajw
A.O.H.  Division 23aoh23
Aaron's Playgroundaaronsplayground
Abbeville High Schoolabbevillehigh
ABC Heart of America Chapterabcksmo
Aberdeen Ridgeaberdeenridge
Abington Dog Parkabingtondogpark
Ablaze Christian Academyablaze
AC Reynolds High Schoolacrboosters
Academy of Our Lady Of Mercy, Lauralton Halllauraltonbricks
Academy of Whole Learningawol
Acadiana Veteran Allianceacadianaveterans
Access Churchaccesschurch
ACLD School and Learning Centeracld
ACP Scholarship Fundacpsf
Acres of Hopeacresofhope
Ada Merritt K-8 Centeradamerrittk8
Adath Emanueladathemanuel
Addenbrooke Classical Foundationaca
Adelaide Shores RV Resortadelaideshores
Adrian Burnett Elementaryabes
Adventure Time Playful Learning Centeradventuretime
AFGSC Booster Clubafgscbooster
AGUILA Youth Leadership Institute aguilayouth
Aidan Healy's Eagle Scout Projecthealyeagleproject
AIDS Helpaidshelp
Aiken Polo Clubaikenpoloclub
Air Commando Associationaircommando
Airline High Schoolairlinebrickorder
Alabama Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Staraloes
Alaqua Animal Refugealaqua
Alcoholism Center For Womenacw
Alcott School Foundationasf
Aldie Elementary PTAaldiepta
Aledo Veterans Plazahonorbricks
ALES PTOsavannahsounds
Alex Call: Eagle Scout Projecteagleproject
Alex Putman Troop 512ciboloparkeagleproject
Alexandria High School Honor Societyhonorsociety
Alice King Community School Foundationaliceking
Alief Independent School District Kerr HSkhs
Aliso Viejo Christian Schoolavcslegacybricks
Aliveness Projectaliveness
All God's Children Christian Schoolallgodschildren
All Hope Internationalallhope
All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Churchallsaints
All4Paws Rescuewoof
Allen Memorial Baptist Churchambcgarden
Alliance For The Future Of Israelaffi
Allina Hospice Foundationwedumhospice
Alma Easom Elementary Schoolalmaeasom
Alpena Community Collge Foundationalpenacc
Alpha Beta Chapter of TriKappatrikappa
Alpha Chi Omega Phi Chapter House Corporation Boardaxophi
Alpha Delta Pi, Tau Chapterkuadpi
Alpha Epsilon Pi, Kappa Uspilon Chapterkuaepi
Alpha Gamma Sigmamizzouags
Alpha Genesis CDCharrietsjourneyhome
Alpha Lambda Epsilon Alumni Councilalphae
Alpha Omega Academyalphaomega
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.  Delta Deltaapa1948
Alpha Rho Chiapx
Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Psiolemissato
Alpha Xi Delta-Theta Sigma at UCFaxducf
Alpha-Omega Miracle Homeaomh
Alpharetta Post 201, The American Legionmemorial201
Alpine Cowboys Baseball Teamalpinecowboys
Alpine Public Libraryalpinepublibrary
Alternative Houseahbuyabrick
Altitude Elementary Schoolaltitude
Altus Airman Leadership Schoolalals
Alzheimer's Group of Carroll County, Inc.alzgroupofcc
American Home Furnishings Hall of Famehalloffame
American Legion Auxiliary John Prince Unit 15alauunit
American Legion Canal Post 25canal25
American Legion Fresno Federal Post 509post509
American Legion Post 1001alpost1001
American Legion Post 245 - Poulsbo, Washingtonamericanlegionpark
American Legion Post 248americanlegionpost248
American Legion post 365 OF Corry PA.  legion365
American Legion Post 682 Altoonaaltoonaamericanlegionbricks
American Legion Post 94americanlegionpost94
American Legion Riders Chapter 7alrchapter7
American Legion Riders Chapter 75alrhonor
American Legion Riders Post 328rileylegion
American Legion Wayne County Post 11americanlegioneleven
American Legion: Post 106kennedyhallathleticcomplex
American Little League @ North Parkamericanlittleleague
American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundationaprhf
American Rosie the Riveter Association - Fort Worth Chapterrosievfm
American Ukrainian Youth Associationauya
American-Italian Federationsugarcaneharvester
Amherst Land Trustjoshuaspark
Amherst Mediaamherstmedia
Amoterra University of Restorative and Healing Arts (AURHA)aurha
Anderson Animal Shelteranderson
Anderson Baptist Church Foundation and Anderson Baptist Churchandersonbaptistbrick
Andersoun Union High School Footballbigblue
Anglers Club of Clairtonanglersclub
Animal Assisted Happinessaah
Animal Friends of Barbour County West Virginiaafobcwv
Animal Friends of Westmorelandafw
Animal Lovers Assistance League, Inc.alalforpets
Animal Rescue, Inc.animalrescueinc
Ansley Golf Clubansleygc
Antelope Hills Elementary School PTAahespta
Antioch Baptist Churchantiochbc
Antioch Elementary PTOgatorthon2024
AOH Division 1 Bristol Pabristolaoh
Apopka Baseball Booster Clubabbc
Appalachian Wesley Foundationappwesley
Apperson PTAappersonpta
Ar-Rahman Islamic Centerarrahman
Arbor View Elementary Schoolarborview
Archbishop Coleman F Carrollcarroll
Archbishop Hannan High Schoolhannan
Archbishop Riordan High Schoolriordan
Archbishop Stepinac Crusader Parents' Associationstepinacladycrusaders
Archimedean Schoolsarchimedean
Ardrey Kell High Schoolakbricks
Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children avastreehouse
Arizona Hemophilia Association, Inc.hemophiliaz
Arizona Heroes Memorialarizonaheroesmemorialinc
Arlington Church of the Nazarenearnaz
Arlington Life Shelterlifeshelter
Arlington Middle Schoolarlingtonms
Armenian Church Western Diocese Summer Campchurchcamp
Armenian Presbyterian Churchapc
Armour Dance Theatrearmourdance
Arms That Kare Ministry Incarmsthatkare
Arthur & Polly Mays Conservatory of the Artsmays
Arthurs Acres Animal Sanctuaryaaas
Arundel Athletic Boostersarundel
Asante Children's Theatreact
Ascend Leadership Academy ALA
ASH Ministries, Inc.ashministries
Asher Universityasheruniversity
Ashland Youth Baseball & Softballaybs
Asociacion Borinquena de la Florida Central abfc
Asociación de Padres, Madres y Tutores del Saint George Schoolapmsgs
Association for Chinese American Enrichmentdaousa
Assyrian Church of the EastMarYosip
Atascocita High School Cheerahs
Atascocita United Methodist Church Youth Groupaumcyouth
ATC PTSCatcptsc2024
ATG Learning Academyatg
Athenian AcademyathenianacademyPI
Athens City Schools Foundationahslegacybrickproject
Athens Drive Jag Clubathensdrivebricks
Athens Elementary Schoolathenses
Athletic Department eastorangepride
Atholton Swim Clubasc
Atlanta Area Council, BSAaacstaff
Atlanta Police Foundationpromisemetro
Atlantic Cape Community College Foundationacccfoundation
Atlantic Highlands Elementary Schoolahes
Atlee Little League, Incatlee
Au Petit Marche Grocery & Garden marche
Auburn Moms' Clubauburnmomsclub
Audubon Greenwichaudubonpathway
Augusta Christian Baseball Programacsbaseball
Augusta Now Band Shell Projectaugustanowbandshell
AUMC Weekday Learning Centerwlc
Austin Children's Shelter GuildACSG
Austin Delta Foundationadf
Austin Dog AllianceAustinDogAlliance
Austin Radio Control Associationarca
Austin Sports Arenaasa
Avalon Park Garden Clubapcommunitygarden
Avon Grove Charter School agcharter
Avon Lake Baseball and Softballavonlake
Avon Lake Youth Baseball Federation, Inc.alybf
Ayers Ryal Side Elementary Schoolayersplayground
AYSO Region 1557ayso1557
Babson Park Woman's Clubbpwomansclub
Babylon Athletic Booster Clubbabylon
Back Bay Missionbackbaymission
Baileys Harbor Community AssociationKendallPark
Baldwin Touchdown Clubbaldwinboosters
Ballard FH/Girls LAX Projectballardfhlax
Baltimore (MD) Alumni Chapter Of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.backappas
Baltimore Yacht Clubbaltimoreyachtclub
Bambi Lake Retreat & Conference Centerbambi
Banner PTObannerpto
Baptist Bible Churchbaptistbiblechurch
Baptist University of the Americasbua
Barber-Scotia Collegebscbricks
Barden Family Orchardbardenlegacy
Bare Cove Fire Museumbarco
Barefoot Republic Camps barefoot
Barnegat Jr.  Bengals jrbengals
Barron Collier High Schoolbchs
Barry University School of Lawbarrylaw
Barton Volunteer Fire Departmentbartonvfdbrickfundraiser
Barton Woods Assisted Livingbartonwoods
Bartow Dixie Baseball, Inc.bdb
Base Camp Lindseybasecamp
Bass Middle Schoolbassmiddleschool
Bastrop United Pentecostal Church - Impact Student Ministriesbupc
Bates Elementary Schoolbates
Bath High School Preservationbath
Baucom Elementary PTAbaucom
Bay City Public Schoolsbccwolves
Bay Haven Charter Academybhca
Bay Haven PTObayhaven
Bay High Stepperssteppers
Bay Point Garden Clubbpgc
Bayard Rustin Elementary Schoolbayardrustines
Baylis PTAbaylisbricks
Bayside Homeowners Associationbaysidehoa
BB Chapter of ADPi House Corporationadpibetabeta
BB International Schoolbbi
Beachland Elementary PTAbeachlandpta
Beachside Montessori Villagebeachsidemontessorivillage
Bear Island Brewing Cobearisland
Beasley Elementarybeasley
Beatrice Garden Clubbeatricegardenclub
Beaufort County Animal Campus bcac
Beautifying Ministry of Olivet Missionary Baptist Churchombc
Beaver Creek Preservation and Historical Societybeavercreek
Beaver Lake Estatesbeaverlake
Beavercreek Fastptich Association beavercreekfastpitch
Bedford Public Library Foundationbedfordlibtx
Bee City USA - Garden Citypollinatorhabitat
Bee County Habitat for Humanitybeecountyhabitat
Beit David Highland Lakes Shulbdhls
Bellaire Little Leaguebll
Belle Isle Enterprise Middle Schoolbiems
Belleville East Baseballeastbaseball
Belleville East High School SOFTBALLbvillesodtball
Bellmawr Park Dragons PTOpathwaytolearning
Belton Education Foundationbeltonbricks
Belvidere Lions Clubbelviderelions
Bemis Elementary Schoolbemisprojectroot
Ben Avery Mounted Shooting Facility DevelopmentBENAVERY
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Golden Lodgegoldenelks
Benicia High School PTSAbeniciahigh
Benjamin Franklin Educational Foundationbfccps
Bennington Athletic Leaguebal
Bensalem Education Foundation/Bensalem Alumni Associationbhs
Bentleyville Public Librarybentworthcenter
Benton Park Dog Parkfpcra
Berkshire County Kids' Placebckp
Berlin Little Leagueberlinllmd
Bermudian Springs School Districtbermudiansprings
Berryhill Education Foundationbef
Beside the Badge besidethebadge
Bessemer Academybessemeracademy
Beta Epsilon Alumni Networkbeplot
Beta Tetarton of Phi Sigma Kappapskbetatet
Beta Theta of Kappa Alpha Thetabetatheta
Beth El Hebrew Congregationbehc
Bethel AME Church North Charlestonbethamech
Bethlehem Preschool Centerbethlehempreschool
Betsy Morris Cottage at Solace Farmbetsymorris
Betty and Jacob Friedmanriceholisticgarden
Beverly Farms Elemetary School PTAbeverlyfarms
Beverly Farms Improvement Societybfis
Beverly Vista Elementary Schoolbv
BHS Memorial Scholarship Fundbhms
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Sierrabbbsns
Big Canoe Chapelbcchapel
Big Creek Elementary Schoolbigcreek
Big Life Community ChurchBigLifeCC
Big Prairie Township Parksbptb
BIG Red School House & Community Centerbigred
Big Sky Ranch/CATNIP Foundationbigskyranch
Big Ugly Brewing Companybiguglybrewing
BigBoosterKing, LLCbigboosterking
Billingsley High Schoolbhsbears
Bimini Youth Development Foundationbricks4bimini
Birth Sanctuary Gainesvillebirthsanctuary
Biscayne Park Foundationbpfoundation
Bishop Moore Catholic High Schoollegacyfund
Bishop Seabury Anglican Churchbishopseabury
Bishop Street Bootcamp Ranchbishopstreet
Bishop UNION High School Football buhsfootball
Bishop White Schoolbishopwhite
Bitterroot Health Foundationbitterroothealth
Bixby Spartan Nature Centerspartannature
Black Belt Community Foundationbbcf
BlackHills Free Methodist Church Campblackhillscampwv
Blanche Ely High Alumni & Friends Association, INC.blancheelyaaf
Blawnox Centennialblawnoxcentennial
Blessed Trinity Catholic Churchbtmemorialgarden
Blind Brook PTAridgestplayground
Blue Earth County Historical Societybechs
Blue Heron Pines Veterans Club, LLCbhpvets
Bluegrass Community and Technical Collegebctc
Bluegrass Swim Team, Inc.bluegrass
Boardman Arts Park Inc.artspark
Bob Graham Education Centerbgec
Bobtown United Methodist Churchbobtownmethodist
BocaDelray 171 bocadelray171
Bodie's Place, Inc.bodiesplace
Boggestow Ski Clubboggestow
Boiling Springs United Methodist Churchboilingspringsumc
Boise City Recreation Foundationbcrecfoundation
Boley Legacy Consortiumboleyrodeo
Bolton 5K Rallybolton5krally
Bolton Town Commonourcommoncause
Bomb Technician Memorial Foundation (BTMF) btmf
Bon View Elementary-Ontario Montclair School Districtseedlingstoscholars
Bond County Humane Societybondcountyhumanesociety
Bonner Elementary PTObonner
Bonnet Springs Parkbonnetspringspark
Bonnifield Cabin Old Settlers Park Restoration Projectjeffersonchpc
Boone Women Connecting to Womenbwcw
Bornblum Jewish Community Schoolbornblum
Borough of Belmar belmarpiano
Borough of Harvey CedarsHarveyCedars
Borough of Hatborogoldstargarden
Borough of Wallington, NJwallington911memorial
Bosque County Veterans Memorialbcvm
Botelle PTObotelle
Bowbells Hotel Associationrebuildingbowbells
Bowles Elementary PTObowlespto
Boy Scout Troop 161 - Tom Cutinella Memorialbsatroop161
Boy Scout Troop 218salsign
Boy Scout Troop 263ong263
Boy Scout Troop 499gageellis
Boy Scout Troop 50adrian
Boy Scouts of Americablackswampbsa
Boy Scouts of America Troop 155eagleproject
Boy Scouts Of America; Eagle Scout ProjectBSAESP
Boyce Elementary PTOboycepto
Boyd Davison Park Board Glencoe, Oklahomafriendsofpark
Boyden PACboydenpac
Boyertown Area High School FBLABoyertownVetsMemorial
Boyne Area Skate Parkbasp
Boys & Girls Club of Cathedral Citybgcccity
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Texasgf25_bgctx
Boys & Girls Clubs of Volusia/Flagler Countiesalthearosschaversteencenter
Boys and Girls Club of Chesterboysgirlsclubofchester
Boys Scouts of America, National Capital Area Councilncac
Bradford Health Servicesbradfordalumni
Bradley Hills Education Foundationbhef
Bradshaw Christian Schoolbradshawchristian
Brainerd Memorial Librarybml
Branch to Hope Community Center bthccaledo
Branchburg Baseball Clubbbc
Brandon High School - Brandon Educational Scholastic Teambhsbest
Brass Knuckle Pin Ups Rescue & Hands To Paws Rescuerescue
Brea Olinda High School Softballbohssoftball
Brehm Preparatory School FoundationBrehm
Briar Woods PTSObwhsptso
Briaroaks Fire Departmentbriaroaksfd
Briarwood Academybriarwoodacademy
Briceland Volunteer Fire Departmentbvfd
Brick Campaigngino
Bricks Across Americabricksacrossamerica
Bricks For Balluffballuff
Bridges Academybridgesacademy
Bridges of Faithbridgesoffaith
Bridgeville Public Librarybridgevillepubliclibrary
Bridgeway Christian Academybridgeway
Bright Beginnings Centerbbc2019
Bring Resources And Navigating Community Helpbranch
Bristol Mountain Freestyle Team Bristolmountainfreestyle
Broadway High Schoolbroadway
Brockway Recreational Revitalization Groupbrrg
Broken Leaf Transitional Housingbrokenleaf
Bromley East Charter Schoolbecs
Brooks Family YMCAbrooksfamilyymca
Brooks Rehabilitationbrooksrehab
Brookside History Museumbrooksidehistorymuseum
Broomfield Swim & Tennis Clubbstc
Broward Police Memorial Associationbpma
Brownsboro High Schoolbrownsborohs
Brunswick County Animal Protective Servicesbcaps
Bryans Road Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squadbrvfd
BSA Bronxville, Troop 1troop1
BSA Troop 111 - Historic Odessa Foundationhof
BSA Troop 233 Leon Springs Texasseascyomemorial
BSA Troop 277troutmaneagle
BSA Troop 80 - SR Eagle Projectsreagle
Buckeye Valley Foundationbvfoundation
Buckingham Pond Conservancybuckinghampond
Buckingham Townshipbuckinghamtownship
Budding Hope Ministriesbuddinghope
Buena Boro Recreation Commissionbbrec
Buffalo C.A.R.E.S.  Animal Rescuebuffalocares
Buffalo High School Football Stadiumbisonbricks
Building Blocks Community Initiative bbci
Building Blocks Preschoolbuildingblocks
Building Bulldogs Brick by Brickbulldogbricks
Bulldog Athletic Boosters of Ravennababr
Burgettsttown Areabaysa
Burke Youth Baseball & Softballburkeball
Burnt Hickory Youth Associationbhya
Burnt Store Marina HOA Dog Parkbsmdogpark
Bustleton Bengalsbustletonbengals
Butler Bear BackersBears
Butler Elementary Outdoor Classroombutler
Butler Elementary PTA & Dad's Clubbutlerelementary
Butterfly Worldbutterflyworld
Butterflywings Children's Home, Inc.bwch
C-Roots (Community Roots Collaborative)croots
C.A.  Snow School PTAcasnow
Cabin Branch Elementary Schoolcabinbranch
Cactus Shadows Alumni Associationcactusshadows
Caddo Parish School Board - University Elementaryuniversityelementary
Cainsville Community Betterment Committeebetterment
Caldwell Parish Librarycplmemorials
Calhoun Community Centercalhouncommunity
California Gamma Foundationinthebonds
California Knights of Columbus Emilio B.  Moure Museum AssociationMcGivney
California School for the Deaf, Riversidecsdr
Callanwolde Fine Arts Centercallanwolde
Calvary Churchcalvarychurch
Calverton Swim Clubcscswim
Camas Montessori School Associationcamasmontessori
Cambridge Middle Schoolcmsgreenhouse
CAMC Foundation camcfoundation
Camden Wyoming Little League (CWLL)cwll
Camelback Desert School Parent Organization cdspobricks
Cammies & Canines Sanctuarycammiesandcaninessanctuary
Camp Claire, Inc.campclaire
Camp Echo Scholarship Fundcampecho
Camp Henrycamphenry
Camp Hero Kentuckycampheroky
Camp Joy NCcampjoync
Camp Koreycampkorey
Camp Mak-A-Dreamjlcalum
Camp Ramah in the Berkshirescrbgym
Camp Rock Creekrockcreek
Camp Sentinelsentinel
Camp Walden, Incwaldenmich
Camp Wingmannwingmann
Camp Yavnehcampyavneh
Camp Young Judaeacampyoungjudaea
Camp Young Judaea Sprout Lakecyjsl
Campbell Middle School Foundationcmsquad
Campolindo Baseballcampobaseball
Canaryville Little Leaguecanaryvillelittleleague
Cannon Street YMCAcanebayymca
Canterbury Woods Swim Clubcwsc
Canton High School Baseballchiefsbball
Cantwell Sacred Heart of Mary H.S.cshm
Canyon Rim Elementary PTAcanyonrimpta
Captian Isaac Paine Elementary School - Foster PTOcipplays
Caravel Academy Alumni Associationcaravel
Carden Arbor View Schoolcardenarborviewschool
Care Alliance Health Centerlegacycampaign
Carlin C.  Coppin Parent Teacher Clubcccptc
Carlisle County Museum and Libraryccml
Carlstadt Public Schoolcps
Carmel Elementary PTOce
Carmel Rams Booster Clubcrams
Carolina Bible Campcbcamp
Carolina Elite Soccer Academycesa
CarolinaEast Health Systemcarolinaeasthonorsveterans
Caroline's Memorial Gardencarolinesgarden
Carriage Crossing Homeowners Associationcarriagecrossingbrokenarrow
Carriage Town Ministries' Memorial Garden Pathway ctm
Carrollton Veterans Memorialcarvetmem
CASA Child Advocates of Montgomery Countycasa
Casa Grande High Schoolcasatrack
Cascade Locks Volunteer Emergency Services Associationcascadelocks
Cashell PTAcashell
Cass County Horse Programcchp
Castle of Dreams Animal Rescuecodar
CATA Band Boosterscata
Catholic Charities Community Services of Rocklandcccsr
Catholic Church of the Most Blessed Sacramentmbschurch
Catholic Student Center at Texas Techraiderpromise
Catskill Mountain Little Leaguecmll
Catskills Visitor Centercatskillcenter
Catz Meow Sanctuarycatzmeowsanctuary
Cavalier Athletic Clublbcac
Cave Creek Montessoricavecreekmontessori
Cawley Outdoor Classroomcmsoutdoorclassroom
CCAA Sunrise Beach Village TXccaa
CCPC Afterschool Programccpcasp
CCPC Nursery Schoolccpc
CCUMC Preschoolccumc
Cedar Cliff HS Footballcoltsfootball
Cedar Cliff Weight Roomccweightroom
Cedar Creek Baptist Churchccbc
Cedar Falls Lutheran Home, dba NewAldaya Lifescapesnewaldaya
Cedar Lake community club cedarlake
Cedar Lakes Foundationcedarlakes
Celebration Christian Academycelebration
Centaurus Warriors Booster Clubchswarriors
Centennial Boosterschseagles
Centennial Olympic Parkcentennialpark
Center Day Camp Pathway to Play Campaigncenterdaycamp
Center for Hope and Safetyhopeandsafetynj
Center Ice Foundation of Central Ohiocenterice
Centerville High School Softball Dugout Clubelkssoftball
Central Baptist Churchnewlife
Central Baptist Churchcentral
Central Carolina Technical College Foundationcctcfoundation
Central City Boxing & Barbellcentralcity
Central Community School Systemccssbricks
Central Florida Fair, Inccfflivestock
Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Service, Inc.centralnassau
Central UNION Churchcups
Central Valley Elementary Schoolmwcentralvalleycares
Centreville High Schoolcvhswall
Century Athletic Boosterscenturyhs
CGSA Booster Club, Inc.globalstudies
Chabad of Sarasotachabad
Chain of Lakes Collegiate High SchoolCOL
Chamberlain High School Band Boosterschsband
Changing lives ...  one child at a time310SiblingHome
Charleston Animal Societycharlestonanimalsociety
Charlestown Early Learning Centercelc
Charm's Placecloverleaf
Chattanooga Central Alumni and Supporters Associationchattanoogacentral
Chelsea Yacht Clubchelseayacht
Cherokee Bend Elementary Schoolcbs
Cherokee Trail High School PTCOcths
Cheshire Dog Park, Inc.cheshiredogpark
Chester County Animal Care & Controlccacc
Chestnut Ridge Christian Churchcrcc
Chestnut Run Poolchestnutrunpool
Chi Omega Association of Los Angeles chiomegaassociationofla
Chi Omega Sorority, Chi Zeta Chapterchizeta
Chico High Foundationchicohighalumni
Chico High Sports Boosterschsportsboosters
Chicopee Country Clubchicopeecountryclub
Childhelp The Bridgethebridge
Children First: A Montessori Community - Parent Associationcfmc
Children of Promise Stable, Inc.  cops
Children's Advocacy Center of Parker Countycacpc
Children's Cancer Connectionchildrenscancerconnection
Children's House of Durangochdurango
Chimney Rock Village Community Development Associationcrvpathpavers
Chipley Historical Center of Pine Mountainchc
Chris Conway Baseball Clubccbc
Christ Episcopal Schoolchristepiscopal
Christ the Redeemer Churchctredeemer
Christ United Methodist Preschoolcump
Christian Academy of Louisvillecalalumni
Christian Activities, Incweekiwacheechristiancamp
Christian Beretschristianberets
Christian Brothers Academycbalincroft
Christian Children's Home of Ohioccho
Christian Journey Fellowship Churchedenbrickproject
Christopher Columbus High Schoolccchs
Church of Broken Piecesbrokenpieces
Church of God of Prophecycamphickoryhills
Church of the Harvestcoth
Church of the Holy Crossholycross
Church of the Nativitynativityfh
Churchill Boosters Clubchurchillboostersclub
Churchville Nature Centercnc
Cindy Miles Adaptive Fundcindymilesfund
Cinema Flixcinemaflix
Citizens for the Old Lutz Schoololdlutzschool
Citrus Heights Community Marching Bandchstage
City of Ansonanson
City of BellflowerBellflowerHonors
City of Buckhannon-Dog Parkbuckhannondogpark
City of Cave City, Arkansascavecity
City of Columbia Citywhitleycountyveterans
City of Danburydanburyshelterhouse
City of Dardanelle, Arkansasdardanelle
City of Dothan Westgate Softball Complexwscsoftball
City of Galenagalenabricks
City of Hawaiian Gardens hgcity
City of Henderson Animal ShelterHendersonAnimalShelter
City of Hope Outreachhopevillage
City of Jonesboroebccdogpark
City of La Vergneveteranswall
City of Miami Gardenscmgbrickpaver
City of Munroe Fallsmfply
City of Niotaniotawalkway
City of Northfield - Veterans Parkveteranspark
City of Perrisgreencityfarm
City of Tallahasseeartalley
City of West Libertykimberlyplayground
Claiborne County Historical & Genealogy Societycchgs
Clarence Schock Memorial Park At Governor Dickgovernordick
Clark High Schoolclarkhs
Class of 1972 EESmith, LLCwalkoffame
Claws and Paws Resaleclawsandpaws
Clayton County Fire & Emergency Servicesclaytoncountyfire
Clayton Valley Charter High Schoolcvchs
Clearwater Academy, Internationalcai
Clearwater Sanctuaryclearwater
Clegern Elementary School PTAclegernpta
Clermont Arts & Recreation Ctrcommunitygardenclermont
Clinton Christian Academyccawarriors
Clinton County Regional Airporti66airport
Clintonville Academyca
Clippard Elementary PTOclippardelementary
Club Duck Keycdk
Clymer-French Creek-Mina Veteran's Honor Rollcfmvetshonorroll
CMCD Foundationcmcdfoundation
Coal Mountain Elementary Schoolcoalmountain
Coal River Mountain Watchcoalriver
Coard Foundation Inc.coard
Coastal Carolina Universityccu
Coastal Cats and Critters Inccoastalcatsanctuary
Cohasset Sailing Clubcsc
Colchester Dog Park Committeecolchesterdogpark
Cold Spring Harbor Seahawks Booster Clubcshseahawks
Colegio de Ingenieros & Agrimernsores de PRciaprponce
Coleman County Medical Center Foundationccmcfoundation
Colleton Preparatory Academycpa
Collins Hill High School Music DepartmentCHHSBand
Collins Lane Elementary PTOclepto
Collinsville Raiders Football/Cheerleadingraiderpaver
Colonial Capital Humane Societycchs
Colonial Heights Education Foundationchef23
Colorado Fallen Firefighters Foundationcfff
Colorado Freedom Memorial Foundationcfmcenter
Colorado West Christian Schoolcwcs
Colorado Youth Baseballgoldenbaseball
Columbia High Schoolcolumbia2024
Columbia Sigmascolumbiasigmas
Columbus Sailing Associationbarcos
Colvin Run Elementary Schoolcres
Combat Veterans For Christ Inc.cvfc
Commemorative Air Force Museum, Southern California Wingcafsocal
Community Butterfly Gardenbutterflygarden
Community Catalysts Development Companyccdevco
Community Consciencecommunityconscience
Community Ecology Institutecei
Community Foundation of Acadianacfacadiana
Community Health of South Florida, Inc.CHIBricks
Community Montessori Schoolcms
Community Partners with CK8, INCck8bricks
Congregation Adat Reyimadatreyim
Congregation Adat Reyimcongregationadatreyim
Congregation Adath Jeshurun Early Learning Centerajelc
Congregation B'nai Israelconbi
Congregation B'nai Tikvahcbtbricks
Congregation Beth Israel of Greater New Orleansbethisrael
Congregation Beth Shalomcbs
Congregation Har Shalomharshalom
Congregation Sons Of Israelcsoi
Conneaut SPARCbrick
Connecticut Trees of Honor Memorial, Inc.trees
Conner High Schoolfundthefield
Conroe Service Leagueconroeserviceleague
Copper's Cat Communecccbrick
Copperopolis 150th Anniversarycopper150
Coral Foundation for Excellence in Educationcccs
Cordell Public Librarycordell
Cordova Park Elementary PTAcordovapark
Corey Academy PTAcoreypta
Corinth Baptist Churchcorinthbc
Corinth Playground Committeecorinthcastlepark
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rocklandccerockland
Cornerstone Foundation of Hopecornerstone
Cornerstone Hospice Foundationmemorialpavers
Cornerstone Montessori Schoolcornerstonemontessori
Cornville Historical Society, Inc.postoffice
Corporation for Findlay Marketfmbrick
Corpus Christi Bell Tower Foundationccbelltower
Corrales International Schoolcis
Cortland Police & Fire Departmentscortland911memorial
Cortona Park at Brookdale Senior Livingcortonapark
Cory Lidle Foundationcorylidle
Cosumnes Legacy Foundationegveterans
Cottage Hill Elementary Schoolcottagehill
Cottonwood Center for the Artscottonwood
Couch Middle SchoolCOUCHMS
Country Club of Winter Havenccwinterhaven
Countryside Academy PTOcountrysideacademy
Courtland Community Centercccmemorialgarden
Courtland Town Associationcta
Cove Animal Rescue Sheltercoveanimalrescue
Cox Mill High School Boosters Clubcoxmillchargersbricks
Coyote Springs Elementary Schoolcoyotesprings
CPAFL & Galin2 Art Studiocpafl
Craig Springs Camp & Retreat Centercraigsprings
Cranbury Public Library Foundationcranburylibrary
Craven Community Collegecravencommunitycollege
Created With Purpose Learning Centercreatedwithpurpose
Creeks Baseball Clubcreeksbaseballclub
Cresswind Peachtree City Community Donor Paver Programcresswindptc
Crestview Swim & Tennis Club crestview
Crismon Elementary Schoolcrismon
Crockett First Assembly cfa
Crosby Community Centercrosbyclubrestore
Cross and Crown Lutheran Schoolccls
Cross Road Missionary Baptist Churchcrossroadmbc
Crossroads Assembly of Godcrossroadsag
Crossroads Brick Fundraisercrossroadsamechurch
Crossroads Churchcrossroads
Crossroads Civic Leaguenorthsidebarkpark
Crossroads for Her Ministrycrossroads4her
Crummer Graduate School of Businesscrummer
Crystal Lake Montessori Schoolclms
Crystal Lake South High School Booster Clubclslegacybrick
Crystal Tower Women's and Children's Sheltercrystaltower
CT Breast Health Initiative, Inc.ctbhi
CTX Ability Sportsctxas
Cub Scout Pack 198rcscourtyard
Culpeper United Methodist Churchcumc
Culpepper’s Cardiac Foundation culpepper
Cumberland Softballcumberlandsoftball
Cuthbertson Middle School PTSOcbms
Cypress Assistance Ministriescam
Cypress Bay High School JROTCcbhsjrotc
Cypress Ridge Discovery Science Centerdsc
Daffron Elementary Schooldaffron
Dakota Ridge High School Girls Softballdrhs
Dale County Warrior Footballdcwarriors
Dallas Christian Woman's Job Corpsdallascwjc
Daly HSA incdalyschool
Dance Industry Performing Arts Centerdipac
Daniel High Schooldaniel
Daniel Island School PTAdispta
Danville Elementary School PTAdanvillepta
Danville Pittsylvania County Habitat for Humanitydanvillehabitat
Darien Youth Clubdyc
David & Margaret Youth and Family Servicesdm
David's United Church of Christdavidsuccmemorial
Davis Bilingual Elementarydavis
Davis Blue Devils Athletic Boostersdbdab
Davis Christian Fellowshipgloryhouse
Daystar Life Center, Incdaystar
dba Beacon Institute: Veteran Pathways Homeveteranpathwayshome
DCHS Tiger Dugout Clubdchstigers
De Anza College Tennis/FHDA Foundationdamns10s
Debry Fire Departmentderby911
Deer Park Elementary PTAdeerpark
DeKalb High School Softball Boosterstigerettes
Delaware County Fallen Firefighters and EMS Memorialdcff
Delta Beta Chapter of Omega psiphi fraternity inc.deltabetaopp
Delta Chi Fraternity - The Oregon State Chapterdchiosu
Delta Chi Fraternity on the University of Kansasdxku
Delta Community Service Foundation, Inc.deltacommunity
Delta Delta Delta Sororitythetabetaddd
Delta Sigma of ADPi House Corporation deltasigma
Delta Tau Delta - Epsilon Alpha - House Corporationepsilonalpha
DeSales High School Foundationdesales
Desert Mountain Baseball Boostersdmbaseball
Desert Oasis High School diamondbacks
Desmares Garden Committedesmaresgc
DeSoto County Veternans Councildesoto
Destin History and Fishing Museumdestinhistoryandfishing
Destiny Life Church.Tvpanamamissions
Devon Bark Park, Inc.devonbarkpark
Diocese of Madison - Cemeteries and Rachel's Vineyardcemeterystatue
Dirt City Sanctuarydirtcity
Discover Lansdalediscoverlansdale
Discovery Place Preschooldiscoveryplace
Divine Mercy Support Network of Sacramentodivinemercysacramento
Divine Mirrors Recovery Campdivinemirrors
Divine Redeemer Catholic Churchdrch
Division for Student Affairs - Southern Universitysujags
Dixie High School Foundation and Athletic Booster Clubdixie
Dixon High School PTOdhspto
Doc's Friends, Inc.docsfriends
Dog Pack of Pompano Beach,Incdogpack
Dog Park Companionsdogpark
Dogwood Animal Shelterdogwood
Dolton Park Districtdoltonpark
Donte's Den Animal Sanctuary dontesden
Douglas High School Celebration Graduationdhsseniorwalkway
Douglas Jamerson Elementaryjamerson
Dowellmore Estatesdowellmoreestates
Down Syndrome Association of Memphis & the Mid-Southdsamemphis
Dr Kiran C Patel High Schoolpatelhs
Dr Pepper Museumdrpeppermuseum
Dragon Football Clubdragonfootball
Dream Playground Foundationpadreamplayground
Dress for Success Atlantadfsa
DTOM 22/0 Foundationdtom
Dublin Jerome PTOdublinjerome
Dunbar International Alumni Associationdunbar
Duncanville Parent Teacher Student Associationduncanvillehsptsa
Durango School District 9-Rdurangosbhc
Durham Kennel Clubdurhamkennel
Dutch Fork Elementary Schooldfes
DWN Association of Veterans and Supporters, Incdwnavs
Dyersburg Dog Parkdyersburgdogpark
Dyersburg High Schooldyersburghs
E.  Rivers Education Foundationerivers
Eagles Nest Fundeaglesnest
Earlimart Rotary Clubearlimartrotary
Early Childhood Centerecc
East Alabama Medical Centereamc
East Butler Foundationebfoundation
East Central PTOeastcentral
East End Foundationeastendfoundation
East High Athletic Campuseastwaterloo
East Northport Jewish Centerenjc
East Palo Alto Phoenix Academyepapa
East Ridge Alumni and Supporters Assocationeralumni
Eastern Elmore County Recreation Districtbilliedee
Eastern Oklahoma Veterans Memorialveteransmemorial
Eastern Oregon Trade and Event Centereotec
Eastern Shore Public Library Foundationesplfoundation
Eastham Historical Societyeasthamhistoricalsociety
Eastman Community Associationeca
Eastover Elementary Schooleastover
Eastside Brotherhoodeastsidebrotherhood
Eastside High School All Sports Booster Clubeaglewall
Eatonville Cultural and Heritage Foundation veteransgarden
Ebenezer Baptist Churchhistoricebenezer
Ebenezer Baptist Churchembc
Ebenezer I.P.C.  Youtheipc
ECHO World Resort, LLC.echoworldresort
Eden's Gardenedensgarden
Edenton Historical Commissionbarkerhouse
Edgemont PTSAedgemont
Edgemont School Foundationesf
Edgewater Crewedgewatercrew
Edgewater Foundationehs
Edison Park Elementary Schooledisonpark
Edisto Shrine Clubedistoshrine
Edmond North Baseball Clubenbc
Edmonds Historical Societyedmondsmuseum
edmundite Missionsedmunditemissions
Educational Solutions with Dr.  Tammy Walker educationalsolutions
Edwards Memorial Gardenwildcatwalk
Edwardsburg Athletic Booster Clubeddiesbricks
Eel River Beach Cluberbc
Eighth Street Missionary Baptist Churchesmbc
EJV Football and Cheerejv
El Dorado Dog Owners Guildeddog
El Faro de los Animales,Inc.faro
El Paso Playhouseelpasoplayhouse
El Toro Girls Socceretgirlssoccer
El Toro High Schooletboyslacrosse
El Toro High School Royal Blue Regimentethsrbr
El Toro HS Track and Cross Countryeltcc
Elevate Columbiareconciliation
Elgin Fire Departmentevfdwalkway
Eliza Rizley Stacey Chapter of DARdotar
Elizabeth High School Cardinal Clubcardinalclub
Elk City Softball Boostersecsoftball
Elkhart Northside Nazarenenscon
Elmer United Methodist Churcheumc
Elmhurst-Roaring Brook Volunteer Fire Coerbvfc
Elmira Gymnastics Club & Fitness Center Incegcefc
Embry-Riddle Chapter of the Delta Chi Fraternityeraudchi
Emerson Junior class parents ehsjrclass
Emory Raines5starproject
Enchanted Forest enchantedforest
Endeavor Elementary PTAendeavor
Endicott Eagle Scout Projectendicotteaglescoutproject
Endometriosis Associationendoassn
Enfield Dog Park Action Committeeenfielddogpark
Enfield Outing Clubeoc
Ennis Baseball Booster Clubennisbaseball
Environmental Charter School at Frick Parkecs
Epsilon Phi Chapter (Kappa Sigma Fraternity)epsilonphi
Erdman PreschoolErdman
Escambia Academyea
Escondido Creek Conservancyescondidocreek
Esencia K-8 esenciak8
Estill County Public Libraryestilllibrary
ET Boon Elementary PTAboon24
ET Football Boostersetfootball
Eta Beta House Corporation Boardetabetahcb
Ethos Farm to Healthcfrl
ETHS Cheer and Dance Boostersetcheeranddance
Evans Center, Inc.evanscenter
Evans Playground Committteeevansplaygroundcommittee
Evening Star Lodge NO.  6.  eveningstarlodgeno6
Ever After Equine @ Carlson's Quarterseaequine
Evergreen Aviation & Space Museumevergreenmuseum
Evergreen Baseball Boosters ehsbb
Evergreen memorial gardenevergreen
EWB USAewbusa
Excel Alumni Associationexcelschool
Excelsior Classical Academyeca2
Excelsior Springs Park & Rec Foundationparkfoundation
Exceptional Equestrians of the Missouri Valley, Inc.  eemv
Exceptional Equestrians Unlimitedeeu
Exeter High School Alumni Associationehsa
Exeter Woman’s Clubewc
Explore Knowledge Foundationekfoundation
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Memorial Foundationeodmf
Ezra Household of Faithehof
Fahrney Keedyfahrneykeedy
Fairbanks United Methodist Churchfairbanksumc
Fairborn Music Club/Skyhawk Athletic Club fairbornschoolsbrickfundraiser
Fairfax High School Athletic Boostersfhsathleticboosters
Fairfield Chamber of Commercefairfieldct
Fairfield Elementaryfairfield
Fairhope High School Girls Service Clubgscfhs
Fairmont Area Dog Parkfairmontdogpark
Fairmont Elementary SchoolFairmont
Fairport Crew Clubfairportcrew
Faith Academy of Montessorifaith
Faith and Love Fellowshipflfellowship
Faith Family Education Foundationffefcircleofhonor
Faith Outreach Center DM Ministryfaithoutreachcenterministries
Faith Presbyterian Churchfaithpresbyterian
Faith Temple Church of God In ChristFaithTemple
Fallen Veterans monument Replacement Committeemonumentreplacement
Falls Elementary Schoolfallsplayground
Family Association of Northfieldfan
Family Focus Auroaffaydp
Family Matters2 Transition Centerfamilymatters2
Family Resource Center familyresourcecenter
Fanwood-Scotch Plains YMCAfspymca
farm friends farm
Farmhouse Animal & Nature Sanctuaryfarmhouse
Farmington R7 Class 2017fhssr
Farmland Elementary Schoolfarmland
Farnsworth Middle Schoolfmsms
Farr West Cityfwcparks
Farragut High School Education Foundationfhsef
Fayetteville High School Tennis Booster Clubfhstennis
Felix A.  Williams Elementaryfawe
Fellowship Baptist Churchfellowshipbaptist
FETCH Dog Parkfetchpark
FHS Class of '66fhs66
FHS Football Booster Clubfhs
Field of Dreams NHfieldofdreamsnh
Firefighters With PTSDfirefighterswithptsd
First AME Church of Palm Coastfame
First Baptist Church - Corpus Christifbcccbelltower
First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardensfbclg
First Baptist Church of Melrosefbcmelrose
First Baptist of Wixomfbcwixom
First Baptist Preschoolfbpreschool
First Baptist School of Charlestonfbs
First Christian ChurchFCC
First CME Churchfirstcme
First Congregational Preschool of Western Springsfirstcongregationalpreschool
First Impressions Academyfia
First Ozark Christian Learning Center firstozarkclc
First Parish Dorchesterfirstparish
First Presbyterian Church Johnson City, TNgenerations
First Presbyterian Church of Howard Ctyfirstpreshc
First Presbyterian Church Smithvillefpcs
First Stepfirststep
First United Methodist Churchgarden
First United Methodist Church Early Care Centerearlycare
First United Methodist Church of Beggsfumcbeggs
First United Methodist Cooperative Nursery Schoolfumcn
First UU Church of New Orleansfuuno
Fish & Wildlife Foundation of Floridafishwildlifefoundation
Fisher's Landing Elementary PTOflpto
Flags Over Maine Streetsawalktoremember
Flagstaff High Schoolflageagles
FlavaFitness Studioflavawalkoffame
Fletcher Cemetery Associationfletchercemetery
Flora Main Streetfloramain
Flora Memorial Gardenfloramemorial
Florence Sawyer School Playground Committeeflorencesawyerschool
Florida A&M Universityfamusoahs
Florida Beta Students Aid Fundufbeta
Florida Citrus Sportscwscb
Florida Keys SPCAfkspca
Florida Theatre Performing Arts Centerfloridatheatre
Floris Park Improvement Projectflorisparkimp
Floyd County Emergency & Rescue Squad, Inc.fcers
FLUFF Animal Rescue, Incfluffanimalrescue
Fluvanna County High Schoolfchsboosters
Fluvanna SPCAfspca
FM Conference Groundsfmconferencegrounds
Food and Shelter, Inc.foodandshelter
Foothill Baseball Boostersbaseball
Foothill Elementary Schoolfoothill
Foothills Elementary PTAfoothills
Foothills Food Bank & Resource Centerfoothillsfoodbank
For His Gloryfhgcminc
For His Glory Ministries, INCforhisglory
Forest Brook Elementary Schoolforestbrook
Forest High School Softball Boosterfhsladycatsoftball
Forest Hills Swim Clubfhsc
Forest Lake Elementary Schoolfieldofdreams
Forest Park Conference and Retreat Centerforestpark
Foresthill High Schoolforesthill
Foret Parkforetpark
Forever Young Kellyforeveryoungkelly
Forks of Coal Foundationforksofcoal
Forrest Memorial Gardens - Petalforrestmemorialgardens
Forreston High Schoolforreston
Fort Daniel 20th Anniversaryfortdaniel
Fort Johnson Baptist Churchfjbc
Fort Lauderdale High SchoolFLHS100YRS
Fort Magruderfortmagruder
Fort Mill High School Athletic Booster Clubfmhsabc
Fort Pierce Woman's Clubfpwc
Fort Smith Regional Art Museumram
Fort Totten Little Theatreftlt
Foundation for Senior Careseniorcare
Foundation of James Madison High School, Inc.madison
Foundations Schoolfoundations
Four Seasons Lakesites POA, Inc.fourseasonspoa
Four Wheelerball Leaguefwl
Fox Hill Playground (Denville PAL)foxhillplayground
Framingham State University Office of Development and Alumni Relationsfsualumnibrick
Frances Halbrook Hensley Animal Shelter INC.franceshalbrookshelter
Frank Love Elementary PTAfranklovepta
Franklin Academyfranklin
Franklin Academy Charter Schoolgraduationproject
Franklin City Public Schoolsfcps
Franklin County Board of CommissionersFranklinCoPublicSafety
Franklin County High Schoolfceagles
Franklin County Library Systemcoyle
Franklin Elementary School PTC franklinplayground
Franklin Evening Lions Clubsensorygarden
Franklin School Parents Clubfranklinschool
Franklin Sherman Elementary Schoolfranklinsherman
Franklin Simpson Quarterback Clubfsquarterbackclub
Franklin Square Historical Societyfshs
Franklin VNA & Hospicefranklinvna
Fred T.  Foard Baseballfoardbaseball
Fred Wells Tennis & Education Centerfredwells
Fredericksburg Masonic Lodge #4fxbg4
Freedom Housefreedomhouseil
Freedom Lodge #112freedomlodge
Freedom Pavilion Projectfreedompavilion
Freedom's Path at Hines hines
Fremont Hills Baptist Churchfhbc
Fresno Adventist Academyfaabrickcampaign
Friendly House, Inc.friendlyhouse
Friends for Animals Sanctuaryffas
Friends for Life Animal Rescuefriends4life
Friends of Audubonaudubon
Friends of Austin Nature & Science Centerfriendsofansc
Friends of Bellaire Athleticscravenpark
Friends of Berkeley Animal Centerfobac
Friends of Bocce USA Incfriendsofbocceusa
Friends of Boy Scouts Troop 224troop224bricks
Friends of Camarillo Dog Parksfocdp
Friends of Crease Street Gardencreasestreetgarden
Friends of Fred Heutte Foundationfhc
Friends of Ft DeSotofofd
Friends of General Coffee State Parkgcsp
Friends of Hairston Parkfriendsofhairstonpark
Friends of HOPSfriendsofhops
Friends of Joe W.  Brown Parkfreindsofjwbrown
Friends of Kenna, Inc.friendsofkenna
Friends of Lapeer County Animal Control friendsoflcac
Friends of LaSalle Language Academyfol
Friends of Little Nancy Creek Parklncp
Friends of Mississippi Gulf Coast Veterans Memorial Parkmgcvmp
Friends of New Buffalo Township Librarynbf
Friends of Oak Grove, Inc.foogi
Friends of Oakhurst Parkfoop
Friends of Pappas Recreation Complexfriendsofprc
Friends of Payson Parks and Recreationfriendsofpaysonparksandrec
Friends of Penngrove PTApenngrove
Friends Of Pound Ridgefriendsofpoundridge
Friends of Pritzkerfop
Friends of Rose Parkfriendsofrosepark
Friends of Rutherford Poolforp
Friends of SCICONfriendsofscicon
Friends of South Pointe Elementaryfospe
Friends of St.  Nicholasfosn
Friends of Sullivan's Island Elementary Schoolsies
Friends of Tampa Union Stationtampaunionstation
Friends of Tattnall Square Parkfriendsoftattnall
Friends of Texas Wildlifefotw
Friends of the Amagansett Libraryamagansett
Friends of the Animal Shelter - Aikenfotasaiken
Friends of the Coltrane Home in Dix Hillscoltranehome
Friends of the Delmar Public Librarydelmarpl
Friends of the Egg Harbor Township Dog Parkeggharbordogpark
Friends of the Hayfork Parkfriendsofhfkpk
Friends of the Historic Biddeford Mill Clock Towerbiddefordclock
Friends of the Issaquah Salmon HatcheryFISH
Friends of the Jefferson Libraryjeffersonlibrarybricks
Friends of the Kit Joneskitjones
Friends of the Labyrinth at Peace Parklabyrinth
Friends of the Library in Oxfordfolio
Friends of the Library Rourk Branchrourkbranchlibrary
Friends of the Moses Lake Dog Parkmldogpark
Friends of the Oakley Libraryfotol
Friends of the Otisville Schoolfotosbrick
Friends of the Sandhill Children's Gardenchildrensgarden
Friends of the UNION County Carnegie LibraryUCCL
Friends of the Van Alstyne Public Libraryfotlva
Friends of the Vergennes Opera Houseallaccess
Friends of the Walker City Parkfopwalker
Friends of the West Newbury Librarywestnewbury
Friends of the Yuba Sutter Fairfoysf
Friends of Toymakers of Eastlakefriendsoftoymakersofeastlake
Friendship Park Re-Buildfp
Frisco VFW Post 8273vetbrick
Frog Song Farm Sanctuaryfsfs
FSHF - Clayton Houseclaytonhouse
Full Gospel Family Outreach Ministriesfullgospeltulsa
Full Moon Farm, Inc.fullmoonfarm
Fullerton UNION High Schoolfuhsgardenproject
fulton Science Academy Private Schoolfultonscienceacademy
Funny Farm Rescuefunnyfarm
Furball Farm Cat Sanctuaryfurballfarm
Gabby's Laddergabbys
Gail S.  Halvorsen Aviation Education Foundationthecandybomber
Gallatin Community Churchgccwarsawky
Gallatin High School Boostersraptors
Galveston Elks Lodge #126elks126
Galveston ISD Education Foundationgef
Galveston Sculpture Orggalvestonsculpturehope
Galveston Urban Ministries gum
Gamma Mu Alumni Associationgammamu75th
Gamma Theta Gamma, Inc.thetagamma
Garfield Park Academygpa
Garfield Ridge Chamber of Commercegrcc
Garrett Park Swimming Pool Associationgppoolbathhouse
Gateway Christian Schoolgatewaybaptist
Gateway Fellowshipmygateway
Gateway House of Peacegatewayhouseofpeace
Gateway Industries INC.minigolf
Gather Place gatherplace
Gators Fun Factorygators
General John Nixon PTOnixonpto
Generations Cultural Community Centergenerations
Genesee County Fish & Game Protective Association, Inc.godfreys
Geneseo Country Clubgeneseocountryclub
Geneva Elementary PTAGenevaPTA
George J.  Maxfield, Post No.  1772, VFWvfwPost1772
George Washington Carvergwcms
Georgetown Community Schoolgcs
Georgia Canine Rescue and Rehabilitation, INCgcrr
Germania Hose Companygermania
GFWC Coral Gables Woman's Clubcgwc
GHS PTROghsbricklegacy
Giant Paw Prints Rescuegppr
Gigi's House, Inc.gigishouse
Gillett Youth Football Inc.gillettfootball
Gilly's House, Inc.gillyshouse
Gilman Old Boys & Girls Association gilmanoldboys
Girl Scout Troop 46280 girlscoutgarden
Girl Scouts of Citrusgscitrus
Girl Scouts of Southeastern New EnglandGSSNE
Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coastgsccc
Girl Scouts Troop 4981gscm4981
Glass Hollowglasshollow
Glen Haven Baptist Churchghbc
Glenn A.  Kiser Hospice Housekiserhospice
Glenoaks Elementary Schoolglenoakselementary
Global Leadership Academy Charter Schoolglacs
Gloucester Stagegloucesterstage
Golden Crescent Habitat for Humanityhabitat
Golden Isles Veterans Village Inc.givv
Gonzales Chamber of Commerce & Agriculturegonzaleschamber
Good Mews Animal Foundationgoodmews
Good Shepherd Medical Center - Marshallgsmcgarden
Good Shepherd's Little Lambslittlelambs
Goodhope Baptist Churchgbcbrick
Goodman Betterment Clubgoodman
Goodpasture Christian School PTOsmallbutmightygcspto
Goodrich Area Schoolsgoodrichas
Gordon Lee High School Athletic Booster Associationtrojanclub
Gordonsville Little Leaguegordonsvillell
Goshen Little League, Inc.goshenlittleleague
Gospel Spreading Churchgsc
Governor's School for the Arts Foundationgovie
Grace Church of Evergreengrace
Grace Church Preschoolgracepreschool
Grace Pointe Community Church of the Nazarenegpccn
Grace United Methodist Churchcorninggumc
Gracie's House Charitiesgraciehouse
Grady Schoolgradyschoolmonument
Grand Isle Volunteer Fire Departmentgivfd
Grand Rising Community Gardenrising
Granite Falls Education Foundationtigerstadiummemorial
Grant D.  Morse PTAmorse
Grass Valley Little Leaguegvll
Grateful Heart Animal Sanctuaryghasi
Grateful Hearts Storehousegrateful
Gratitude Training On Behalf Of AVDAgratitude
Grayvik Animal Care Centergrayvikcenter
Great Falls Animal Sheltergreatfallsanimalshelter
Greater Bethel AME Churchgbovertown
Greater Flemington Soccer Clubgfsc
Greater Framingham Community Churchgfccbuildingrenovation
Greater Harrington Historical Societyghhsociety
GREATER HARVEST AMEZ Churchgreaterharvest
Greater Liberty Baptist Churchgreaterlibertybaptistchurch
Greater Limestone Countyglcchamber
Greater Magnolia Baptist Churchgmbc
Greater Second MB Church (Chatt)g2mbc
Greater Shepherd MB Churchgreatershepindy
Greater Springfield Volunteer Fire Dept.gsvfd
Greater Washignton County Food Bankwashingtonfoodbank
Greater Washingtonville Lions Clubwashingtonvillelions
Green County Humane Societygchs
Green Elementary Foundationkeepgreenontrack
Green Local Schoolsbobcatnation
Green Valley Gardenersgardeners
Greenbrier East High Schoolgehs
Greenhills Parent Teacher Clubgreenhills
Greenland Parent Organizationgpo
Greenup First United Methodist Churchgreenupfirstumc
Greenwood School District 52gwd52
Gregory School PTAgregory
Gresham Middle School Foundationgresham
Greyhound Angels Adoption of New Jerseygreyhoundangels
Griffith Centersgriffithcenters
Grimes County Animal RescueGCAR
Grogan’s Bluff Homeowners Association gbhoa
Grosse Ile Athletic Boostersgilegacy
Group Living, Inc.groupliving
Groveton Elementary PTOgespto
GTC Gives Backgtcgivesback
Guadalupe Centersgci100years
Guin First United Methodistguinfumc
Gulf Breeze Elementary PTAgbe
Gulf Coast Bridgegulfsouthbridge
Gulf Harbor Neighborhood Park Organizationghnparkorg
Gulfport Senior Center Foundationgulfportfoundation
Gunston Day School, Inc.gunston
GWC Brown Legacy Education Fundgwcbrowneducation
Gwynedd Mercy Academygma
H.A.V.E.N.  Family Resource Center, Inc.  havencenter
Haas Park Advisory Councilsofiasgarden
Habitat for Humanity of Brevard County Inc.brevardhabitat
Habitat for Humanity of Hernando County Inc.hfhhc
Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County, Pa.  habitatmontco
Hagel's House of Horrors Communityhagelspookhouse
Half Hollow Hills HS West Art Departmenthhhwestart
Halifax Rowing Associationhra
Halifax Urban Ministrieshalifaxurbanministries
Halls HS Baseballhallsbaseball
Hamburg United Methodist Church and Little Lamb Preschoolcindysdream
Hamden Alumni Associationhaa
Hampton Veterans Memorial Fund,Inc.hamptonvmf
Hamzah Islamic Centerhamzah
Hannah's Home of South Floridahannahshomesf
Hanover Hills Elementary School PTAhhespta
Hanover Master Gardeners Associationhmga
Happily Ever After Animal Sanctuary Inchea
Happily Hammonddmhappilyhammond
Happy Trails Pre-Schoolhappytrails
Harbor Child Care Glen CoveGCpavetheway
Harbor Child Care RXR Plazahccplaza
Harbor Light Foundationharborlight
Hardee Athletic Foundationhardeeathfound
Hardin Valley Academyhva
Harlandale Independent School Districtharlandaleisd
Harmony Elementary PTAharmonyes
Harmony Elementary PTAharmony
Harmony Foundation, Inc.harmonyfoundation
Harmony School Of Excellence PTOhsepto
Harris Early Learning Centerhelc
Harrison Househarrisonhouse
Hart County High Schoolhchs
Harts Bluff Education Foundationhbef
Hartsel Community Centerhcc
Hartsville Soccerhartsvillesoccer
Harvest Rain Church Internationalharvestrain
Hastings Community Educationhastingscommunityed
Havana Main Street, Inc.HavanaMainStreet
Havre de Grace High School Athletic Boostershdgathleticboosters
Hawaii Preparatory AcademyHPAprojectinspiration
Hawes Chapel Missionary Baptist church haweschapel
Hawk Walk playground fundraisergreenacresschool
Hawthorne Country Club Gatorshawthornecountryclubgators
Haycock Elementary Schoolhaycockes
Hayti Central School - Parent Chapterhayticentralschool
Hazel School PTAhazelplayground
HCHS Quarterback Clubhchsdawgs
Healing Temple Churcharthurlockhartlegacy
Hearn Elementary PTAHearnElementaryPTA
Heart of Alohaheart
Heart of Headlandheartofheadland
Heartland Lab Rescueheartlandlabrescue
Hearts Alive Village Las VegasHAVLV
Hebrew Academy of Greater Hartford PTOhagh
Heights Foundation, The Heights Foundationheights
Heirage High Schoolnhsheritage
HeLa Boosters Clubhelahigh
Hellertown Enhancement Projecthep
HELP of Beauforthelpbft
helping hand cemetery clubhelpinghandcemetery
Helping Hand for Animals hha
Helping Strays, Humane Society of Monroe Countryhelpingstrays
Henderson Collegiatehcpride
Henniker PTAhenniker
Henry Sheldon Museumhsm
Herbert Hoover High School Project Graduation herberthoover
Heres'e Help Inc.hereshelp
Heritage Baptist Churchheritagepavilion
Heritage Baptist Churchhbcopelika
Heritage Christian Academyhcapearland
Heritage Christian Academyheritage
Heritage High Schoolheritage
Hernando Dog Parkhernandodogpark
Hernando High Schoolhhs
Heron Heights Elementary PTOhhepto
Hibiscus by the Bay Condo AssociationHibiscus
Hico Education Foundationhicoeducationfoundation
Hidden Valley Elementary PFChvpfc
High Valley Country Clubhvcc
Highland Adult Athletic Booster Clubhabc
Highland Community Libraryhighland
Highland Lakeshighlandlakes
Highland Prephighlandprep
Highland Sports Associationhsa
Highland Tennissupportacourt
HighMark Charter Schoolhighmark
Hightower Elementary Schoolhightower
Hightower Trail Middle Schoolhightowertrail
Hillcrest Elementary School Fundherofund
Hillcrest High Schoolhillcresths
Hillsboro United Methodist Churchcommunitylabyrinth
Hillside Education Foundationhillsideef
HILLYARD VFW Post 1474vfw1474
His Hands Extended Sanctuaryhishandsextendedsanctuary
Historic Bethel AMECbethelmemorygarden
Historic Church Restorationhistoricchurchrestoration
Historic Highlandlake, Inchighlandlake
Historic Jersulem Mill Villagejerusalemmillvillage
Historic St.  James AME Churchhsjamec
Historic Uptown Susanville AssociationHUSA
Historic Virginia Land ConservancyHVLC
Historical Society of Cheshire Countyhistoricalsocietyofcheshirecounty
Hitchcock ISD Education Foundationhisdef
HITS Theatrehits
HM Music LTD.musicinthewoods
Hofmann Stagesocalfair
Hoke County High School Athleticshokehigh
Holbrook Public Schoolsholbrook
Holcomb Elementary Schoolholcomb
Holdenville Key Clubhhskeyclub
Hollie's BenchHolliesBench
Hollis Hand PTOhollishand
Hollis Montessori Schoolhollismontessori
Hollis Parks Projecthpp
Holmes Center for the Artshca
Holmes County Agricultural Societyhcohfair
Holmeville Missionary Baptist Churchholmevillembc
Holy Cross Lutheran Churchhclc
Holy Family Cathedralprojectseed
Holy Family Catholic Churchholyfamily
Holy Land Waterbury USA Inc.holylandwaterbury
Holy Redeemer Catholic Schoolhrcatholicschool
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Churchholytrinity
Holy Trinity Orthodox Churchhtoc
Home Health and Hospice of Dickinson County dkhospic
Homeless Military Veteranshomelessmilitaryveterans
Homesteads for Hopehomesteadsforhope
Honoring Moms, Inc.friendsatmp
Hood Chapel A.M.E.  Zion ChurchHoodchapelamezion
Hooper Academy AgriScience Departmenthooper
Hoover Parent Foundationhoover
Hooves of Hope Equestrian Center, Inc.hoovesofhope
Hope Animal Rescueshoperescues
Hope Box Performing Artshopebox
Hope Christain Fellowshiphcf
HOPE Clinichopechc
HOPE Community of Shalomhopeshalom
Hope Creek Charitable Foundationhopecreekcf
Hope for Horseshope
Hope Haven of East Texashopehaven
Hope Hospicehopehospice
Hope Househopehouseaugusta
Hope House Maternity Homeanchorpointhopehouse
HOPE Projecthopeproject
Hope Women's Resource Clinichopeclinic
Hopewell Playground Projecthopewellplayground
Horace Mann PTO - Project Playgroundhmplayground
Horizon High Schoolhorizon
Hospeace House Inc.hhi
Hospice of humboldthospice
Hospice of Lansinghospiceoflansing
Hospice of Palm Beach County Foundationhpbcf
Hospice of South Texashostcenter
Hospice of Southwest Oklahomahospiceofswok
HospiceCare of the Piedmont, Inc.hospicepiedmont
Houlton Elementary Playground CampaignHoultonPlayground
Housatonic Lodge No.  61housatonic61
House Of Prayer Lutheran Churchhopecenter
Housing Support, Inc.dorothylafrancepathwaytohome
Houston Christian Universityheritagewalk
Houston County High Athletic Boostershchslions
Houston-Love Memorial Libraryhlml
Houts International Ministries houtsministries
Howard B Brunner PTAbrunnergarden
Howards Grove Center for the Artshgcenterforthearts
Howell Township Education Foundationhtef
Howland Community Stadium Foundation Inc.  howlandstadium
Hudson City School - Class of 2019hudhs
Hudson Pickleball & Tennis Courts Lighting Projecthudsonoh
Hudson River Mill Museumhudsonrivermill
Hudson River Music Hall Productions, Incstrandhf
Hudson Valley Humane Societyhvhs
Hueytown High School Softball Booster Clubgophersoftball
Hugh B.  Bain Middle Schoolbainmiddle
Hughson Arboretum & Gardenshughsonarborh
Humane Society Clarksville-Montgomery Countyspayneuterclarksville
Humane Society Napleshsnaples
Humane Society of Calvert Countycalverthumanesociety
Humane Society of Cedar Creek Lakehsccl
Humane Society of Central TexasHSCT
Humane Society of Charles Countyhscc
Humane Society of Morgan County WVhsmc
Humane Society of Southeast Missourihssemo
Humane Society of UNION Countyhsunioncounty
Humane Society of York CountyHSYC
Humble ISD Veteran Honor Gardenhumbleisdveteranspark
Hungary Creek Recreation Association (HCRA)hcra
Hunt Regional Foundationhrf
HUNTER B.  ANDREWS hunterbandrews
Hunter's Creek Elementaryhces
Huntington Harbour Yacht Clubhhyc
Huntington High School Alumni Associationhhsaa
Huntsville Hospital Foundationhhf
Hurley High School FBLA & Jr.  Class hurleyhighschool
Huron Education Fundraising Committeemccormick
Husky Partnership Fundhuskypartnership
Hutchinson Kennel Clubhkc
Hyles-Anderson Collegehylesanderson
Hytop Holiness Churchhytopholiness
Ian DeLorenzo's Eagle Projectbceagleproj
Ice House Museum & Cultural Center, Inc.icehouse
ICEF Public Schoolsvppkm
Iglesia de Cristo Camino de Satidadidecc
Iglesia de La Sagrada Familia (Episcopal)lasagradafamiliaedec
Iglesia La Roca de Hollywoodlaroca
Ilan Ramon Day Schoolshveelilan
Illahee Elementary Schoolillahee
Illinois Ability Sportssplashpadpark
Illinois Beta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternityilbeta
Imagine Wesley International AcademyImagineWesley
Immaculata-La Salle High Schoolils
Immaculate Conception Catholic Schoolimmaculate
Immaculate Conception Churchicgrottobrickfundraiser
Immaculate Heart High School & Middle Schoolimmaculateheart
Immaculate Heart of Maryihm
Immanuel Lutheran Church WELCAilcwelca
Immanuel Lutheran Schoolimmanuellutheran
Immanuel United Church of Christimmanuelhistoricalwalk
Imperial Elementary School PTAimperialpta
Imperial Golf Clubimperialgc
In Memory of Danielinmemoryofdaniel
In Our Own Voices, Inc.ioov
Inc Alumni of Vermont Beta of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity, Inc.vermontbetapiphi
Independence Elementary PTAindependence
Independence High School Footballihs
Indian Lake Elementary PTOilepto
Indian Springs Holiness Campmeetingishc
Indiana Members Foundation, Incmembers
Infusion Solutions, LLCinfusion
Ingham County Medical Care Facility Foundationicmcf
INK!  (Investing in Kids) ink!
Inland Leaders Foundationilcs
Innovation Academy Charter Schooliacsbricks
Institute for the Redesign of Learning/Westmoreland Academywestmoreland
International Hearing Dog, Inc.hearingdog
International Mermaid Museummermaidmuseum
International Monster Truck Museum and Hall of Famemonstermuseum
Iowa State Delta Chi Fraternityisudx
Iron City Ladies Clubironcityladiesclub
Isaiah 117 House at Chambliss Center for Childrenisaiah117housechamblisscenter
ISKCON Columbusiskcon
Israelite Baptist Churchisraelitebaptistchurch
It Is Writtenitiswritten
Its About You, AFHitsaboutyou
J.A.M.  @ Faith fcumc
J.P.  Taravella High Schooljpths
J.W.  Killam PTOkillam
Jacen's Eagle Scout Projectjacenseagle
Jackson Academyjaeagles
Jackson Conway Foundationjacksonswish
Jackson Heights Middle School PTSAjacksonheightsptsa
Jackson Museum Performing Arts Centerjacksonmuseum
Jackson Parish Libraryjacksonparishlib
Jackson Township Recreation Parkrecreationpark
Jacksonville Beach Baseball Associationjbba
Jake's Eagle Projectjakeseagleproject
Jamaican Museum and Cultural Centerjmccatl
James Sprunt Community Collegejamessprunt
Jamestown Presbyterian Churchjpc
Japanese Institute of Sawtellejpnis
Jason's Getawayjasonsgetaway
JCS Kosher Food Bankjcskfb
Jean Ribault High Schoolbaultbricks
Jeffers Hill Elementary School PTAjhespta
Jefferson Academy Foundationfoundationforja
Jefferson Davis Community College Foundationjdccfoundation
Jefferson Elementary School PTA - JES PTAJESPTA
Jefferson Middle School PTOjmspto
Jekyll Island Rotary Clubjekyllrotary
Jenkins County Board of Educationjcss
Jenni's Rescue Ranchjrescueranch
Jensen Beach High School PTSAjbhsptsa
Jericho Educational Foundationjef
Jerusalem Family Praise Centerjfpc
Jessie Trice Community Health Foundation, INCjessietrice
Jesus the Divine Worddivineword
Jewish Community Alliancejcacapital
JFK Booster Clubjfkmchs
Jim Ned Volunteer Fire Department jnvfd
JLHs Sports Booster Clubjlhsbooster
Joan Nicole Prince Home/Schenectady Community Homejnphome
Joe Louis Memorial Parkringsideseating
John Brown Francis PTA readinggarden
John Champe High School PTSAjohnchampeptsa
John Drew Smith Tennis Centerjdstennis
John R.  Smith Eagle Scout Project, Troop 100 Mt.Washington,KyKoreanwar
John Rex Charter Schooljohnrex
John T.  Maxey Incjohntmaxeyinc
john w garvy schoolgarvy
John W.  North Alumni Associationnorthalumni
Johnsburg Central Schooljcs
Johnson Elementary Student Counciljohnsonelementarymesa
Johnston Health Foundationjhf
Joip - Nkrumah Institutejoip-nkrumah
Joplin Area Catholic Schoolsjacsbricks
Jordan Glen School & Summer Campjordanglen
Joshua Recovery Ministries Inc.joshlife
JOURNEYS The Road Homejourneystheroadhome
Joy Centers Healing Associationjoycenters
Joyful Horse Projectrestorationranch
JR Tucker Veterans and 1st Responders Memorial jrtveterans
JRC Foundation, Inc.  jrcfoundation
Jubilee Center of South Broward, Inc.jubilee
Jubilee Park & Community Centerjubileecenter
Judy Jacobs-Parkway Elementaryjjp
Julia Day Nurseryjuliaday
Julie Billiart Schooljbs
Julie's Jungle@Lime Kiln Park, Inc.juliesjungle
Julius Chambers Women's Basketballjcchamberswbb
Junior AchievementJA
Junior League of Fort Worthjlfw
Junior League of Greenwichgreenwichpool
Junior League of Greenwichgreenwichpoolgc
Junior Woman's Club of Fort Worthjwc
Jupiter High School (JHS)jhspcohenwetlandslab
Justin Thomas Memorial Park justinspark
K9 Kampusk9kampus
Kalamazoo Animal Rescuekar
Kamas Valley American Legion Auxiliarykvamlegaux
Kappa Chi Chapter aoiikx
Kappa Delta Sororitykdkitchen
Kappa Iota Lambda Chapterkil1906
Kappa Psi - Beta Xi Chapterkappapsi
Karen Slattery Educational Research Center for Child Developmentslatterycenter
Karis Communitykaris
Karnes County Youth Show, Inc.kcys
Karns Baseball Clubkarnsbaseball
Katonah Elementary School PTO/katonahelementaryschool
Katy Bengal Brigade & Cheerleaderskbbc
Katy Heritage Societykatyheritagesociety
Kautzer Recreational Plazakautzerpark
Kazim Shrinerskazim
KBBA legacywalk
KCHS-CBDHS Alumni Associationkchscbdhsalumniassoc
Kearny Community Foundationkearny
Keep Byram Beautifulkbb
Keep Shady Shores Beautifulkssb
Kenai River Brewing Companykenairiverbrewing
Kendyl and Friends Foundation, Inc.kendylandfriendsfoundation
Kennedy High School Baseball Parent Support Groupkennedybaseball
Kenneth Young Centerkycrecovery
Kent Island high School Legacy Brick Fundraiserkihs2020
Key Biscayne Presbyterian Church Preschoolkbpcpreschool
Key West High School BandKWHSBand
Kicklighter Resource Center, Inc.krcacademy
Kinderplatz of Fine Artskinderplatz
King City High School kchs
King of Glory Schoolkogschool
Kingdom Vision International Churchkvic
Kingman Area Chamber of Commercekacc
Kingsman Barkkingsmandogpark
Kingwood Park All Sports Booster ClubKPHS panthers
KIPP Miamikippmiami
Kirkwood School District Foundationkirkwood
Kish Bank Field at Donald M.  Chapman III Stadiumchapmanstadium
Kittery Art Associationkitteryarta
Kiwanis Club of Grantville-Allied Gardensgagkiwanis
Kiwanis Club of Mattoonkiwanis
Kiwanis Club of Warsawwarsawplayground
Kiwanis Club of Waynesvillekwaync
Klemmer & Associatesklemmer
Knights of Columbusknights
Knights of Columbus #9852seasbricks
Knights of Columbus Council #11324 at Saint Thomas Aquinas University Parishkofcsta
Knights of Columbus Council 6895salemknights
Knights of Columbus St.  Joseph Council Milton Lalifewalk
Knob Noster Park and Reccpljohnwelch
Knox High Schoolknoxhighschool
Knox Presbyterian Churchknoxpresbyterianbaltimore
Knoxville Central High Schoolknoxvillecentralhighschool
Kris Landers Foundation, Inc.LandersFund
KU Rugby Clubkurugby
Kurtz PTAkurtzpta
L.  E.  Smoot Memorial Librarysmoot
L.D.  Bell Baseball bellbaseball
L.E.G.S.  Booster Clublegs
L.P.  Vaughn Elementary SchoolLPVAUGHN
La Grange Art Leaguelgal
La Junta Jr/Sr High Schoolljjrsrhigh
La Pietra - Hawaii School for Girlslapietra
La Tienditalatiendita
LaBelle Youth Athleticslabelleyouth
Lacey United Methodist Churchlumc
Ladywood Estates HOA Incladywoodhoa
Lafayette Square Restoration Committeebrickprogram
Lagniappe Auto Titlelat
LaGrange County Public Librarylagrangelibrary
Lake Braddock Turf Field Projectlbssturf
Lake Champlain Memorial Garden & Angel of Hopelakechamplainmemorialgarden
Lake City Playhouse Theatersavelcp
Lake Como Elementary PTAfarewelllakecomo
Lake County Animal Shelterlcas
Lake Eola Heights Community Gardenlakeeolagarden
Lake Forest Park Preschoolbfcp
Lake Nona High School PTSAlnhsptsa
Lake Nona High School PTSAlnhsptsabus
Lake Norman Charterlncharter
Lake Ramseylakeramsey
Lake Region Youth Ministrieslrcym
Lake Royale Community Gardenlrcg
Lake Silver Elementarylse70
Lake Silver PTAlsepta
Lake Stockholm Scholarship Committeelsscholarship
Lake Wildwood Association Inc.lakewildwood
Lake Winnebago Lions Clublwlions
Lakeview Fellowshiplakeview
Lakewood Residents Clublakewoodrc
Lamar Community Center, Inc.lamar
Lamb of God Lutheran Churchlamgo
Lancaster SPCAlspca
Lancer PTOmbe
Landmark Christian Schoollcsbricks
Landrum Middle School PTOlmsbricks
Lane Collegelanecollege
LAPD Devonshire PALSdevpals
LARAS Houselarashouse
Larne Elementary Schoollarne
Latham Lassies Softballlassies
Laurel Plains PTAlaurelplains
Laurel Woods Elementary Schoollwes
Laurens American Legion Post 1688legionpost1688
Laurens County Humane Societylaurenshumane
Lawrence Carter Scholarship Fundcarter
Lawrenceville Elementary School PTOlespto
Lawton/Ft.  Sill Chapter of The Compassionate Friendslawtontcf
Leadership Academy Martial Artsleadershipacademy
Leadership Lexington Countyllccmtr
Learning Express Academyleacademy
Learning Zone Preschoollearningzone
LEASH Animal Rescueleash
Lebanon High School Alumni Association lhsaa
Lee County High School Athletic Booster Clublchsyellowjackets
Lee Middle School STEAM Teamleesteam
Lee Road Baptist Churchlrbccle
Leechburg Area Pool Inc.lapool
Leesport Recreationleesportstage
Leewood Golf Clubleewood
Legacy Funeral Homelegacyfuneralhome
Lehi Pioneers Softballlehisoftball
Lemont Bromberek School District 113 Albsd113a
Leo Catholic High Schoolleohighschool
Lester Community Playgroundlesterplay
Let's Grow KIletsgrowki
Lexington County Law Enforcement Officers Memoriallexcopolicememorial
Lexington Dixie Baseballdixiews
Lexington Eagles Class of 2024lexclassof2024
Lexington Montessori Schoollexms
Lexington Park Volunteer Rescue Squad Inc.lpvrs
Liberty Bell Stableslibertybellstables
Liberty Christian Academylcarichlands
Liberty Universityliberty
Life Christian Academylcabricks
LifeSpring Academylifespring
Lifestyle Creators Foundation lcf
Light Of The World Christian Fellowshipthelight
Lightridge Athletic Booster Clublightridgehs
Lightway Recovery Wellness Center for Womenlightway
Lily Pad Learning Centerlplc
LINC - Leading Into New Communitieslinc
Lincoln Elementary School PTOlincolnschool
Lincoln Memorial University College of Veterinary Medicine lmucvm2018
Lincoln Northeast High Schoolnortheastrockets
Lincoln Trail State Parkfoltsp
Lincoln University Foundationlincoln
Lincroft Elementary Schoollincroft
Lincroft Little Leaguelll
Lindale American Legionlindale
Linton Hall Schoollhs2018
Linton Stockton Athletic FundraiserLinton
Lisa J.  Mails Elementarylmes
Lisbon Athletic Boosterslisbon
Little Angelslittleangels
Little Beaver Historical Societylittlebeaver
Little Buckets Farm Sanctuarylittlebuckets
Little Cypress Mauriceville Education Foundationlcmeducationfoundation
Little Growers Inc.littlegrowersinc
Little Guatemalalittleguatemala
Little Lakers Learning Centerlittlelakers
Little Miami High School Baseballpanthers
Little Rascals Cat Sanctuary, Inc.littlerascals
Little Silverlittlesilver
Live River Baptist Churchliveriver
Living Waters Ministrieslwmchurch
Lockhart Elementary Schoollockhartpavethelegacy
Lockwood PTA Lion's Lair 2.0lionslair
Lodi Police Foundationlpf
Lodi Woman's Club Public Librarylodilibrary
Lofton AME Churchloftoname
Logan Sikder, BSA Troop 102lseagleproject
Lois P.  Rockwell Elementary School PTA rockwellespta
Lone Jack Historical Societylonejack
Long Branch Swim & Racquet Clublbsrc
Longview Farm Elementary PTAlfepta
Longview PAWSlongviewpaws
Loreauville Acadian Odyssey Monument Park Foundationlaompf
Loris Historical SocietyLorisHistoricalSociety
Los Amigos High Schoollahslobos
Los CompadresLosCompadres
Lost Creek Townshiplostcreek
Lost Dog & Cat Rescue Foundationldcrf
Loudoun Valley Athletic Boostersloudounvalley
Louisiana Delta Community College Foundationldcc
Lourdes Catholic Schoollcsnogales
Love Chapel Lodge #558lovechapel558
Love The Tree of Life Cliniclife
Lower Atchafalaya Cultural moreypark
Lower Poudre Canyon Associationlpca
Lower Waterford Congregational Churchlowew
Lucky Orphans Horse Rescuelohr
Lucky's Cat Houseluckyscathouse
Ludlow High School Athletics Facility Improvement Teamlhsfit
Luis A.  Ramos Elementary Schoolramosplayground
Lukos Connor's Eagle Scout Project lukoseagleproject
Lulbegrud Creek Distilling Company, LLClulbegrudcreek
Luray High School SCAluraysca
Lutheran Campus Ministry - University of Kansaslcmku
Lycoming County Veterans Memorial Parklycoveteranspark
Lydia Patterson Institutelpicaminodelrecuerdo
Lynnfield Youth Soccer Clublysc
Lyon Collegelyoncollege
Lyons Farm PTAlyonsfarm
M.  Cherry Street Elementary Schoolmcherrystreet
M.M.  Pierce Elementary School PTOmmpierce
Macon East Academymaconeast
Madinah Community Center Projectmccp
Madison (WI) West High SchoolMadisonWest
Madison County Veterans Memorial Park Associationmcvmpa
Magical Acres Rescue and Sanctuarymarsinc
Magnet Cove Music Departmentmagnetcovemusic
Magnolia Montessori Academymmabuilding
Magnolia West Project Prommwhstiles
Magnolia Youth Football Associationmyfa
Main Street United Methodist Churchmainstreet
Main Street Wauchulamainstreetwauchula
Main Twp Vol.  Fire Companymaintwpfire
Maine State GrangeJunior Grange
Mainely Pets Foundationmainelypets
Major David Brodeur Memorial Foundationbrodeurfoundation
Make-A-Wish Connecticutmakeawishct
Malcom Bridge Elementary Schoolmbes
Mallard Creek High School Athletic Booster Club, Inc.  creekboosterclub
Mallards’ Landing Associationmla
Malvern High Schoolmalvernhighschool
Manasseh Lodge No.  182, A.F.  & A.M.manasseh182
Manette Park Improvement Projectmanettepark
Manna Soup Kitchenmanna
Mannsdale Upper Elementary PTOmannsdaleupperpto
Mansfield High School All-Sports Boostersmhsboosters
Mansfield High School All-Sports Boostersmhsbbusiness
Mansfield Youth SoccerMYSbricks
MAP HDC LLCreachout
Maple Road Schoolmapleroad50
Mapleton Local Schoolsmapleton
Maplewood High School thewood
Marian Center in Joy Valleymariancenter
Mariana Bracetti Academy Charter Schoolmarianabracetti
Mariaville Civic Associationmariavillewall
Marin Museum of Bicycling & Mountain Bike Hall of Famemmb-mbhof
Marine Corps Community Servicescherrypoint
Marine Mammal Conservancy, Inc.marinemammalconservancy
Marion County QB Clubmcqbclub
Mariposa Montessori Schoolmariposamontessori
Maroon and Gray Booster Clubalbertusmagnus
Marquette Parents Organizationmarquette
Mars Hill University Baseballmhubaseball
Marshall Student Centermsc
Martin Luther King, Jr.  Community Churchmlkjrcc
Martin Visual Arts Parent Booster Clubmvalegacybricks
Martyrs of La Florida Missions, Inc.martyrs
Mary Bethel Missionary Baptist Churchmarybethel
Mary Christian Burleson Foundationmcbelgin
Mary, Mother of Mercy Parishunbornmemorial
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothersmaryknollfb
Maryland University of Integrative Healthmuih
Mason NH School Clubmasonnh
Masonic Temple Association of Lebanon, PAlebmta
Masonic Temple Improvement Association of Phoenix phxtemple
Mastro Montessori Academymastro
Mater Lakes Academymaterlakes
Mattamuskeet Earlymechslakers
Maureen Joy Charter Schoolmjcs
Maverick Baseball Academydukesbaseball
Mavericks Baseballmbhydrationstation
Max Hill Eagle Scout Projecthilleagleproject
Mayfield Central Presbyterian Churchmcpc
Mayview MO Foundation mmfveteransmemorial
McAllister Elementary School PTSOmes
Mchenry Moose Lodge 691msldg691
MCHS Hall of Famemchshalloffame
McIntosh County MLK Jr.  Parade Committee mcintoshmlk
McKinley Schoolmckinley
McKownville United Methodist Churchmckownvillechurch
Meade Canine Rescuemeade
Meadowbrook Parents Associationmpa
Meadowlark PTAmeadowlark
Meals on Wheels of Bouldermowboulder
Medfield Straw Hat Park / The Medfield Foundation, Inc.strawhatpark
Medina Soccer Associationthehive
Mellen Brownstone Center MBC
Memorial Hospital Foundationhancockvillage
Memorial Lutheran Churchonesheepatatime
Memory Lane Park Project-Metter,GAmemorylaneparkmetter
Menlo Park-Atherton Education FoundationMPAEF
Mepkin Abbeymepkin
Merakey Allegheny Valley Schoolmerakeyalleghenyvalleyschool
Merakey Foundationmerakey
Mercy Centermercycenter
Mercy High Schoolmercyhighschoolct
Merrimac School PTAmerrimacpta
Mesquite Lutheran Child Care Centermlcc
Mesquite Sunrise Rotarymss
Messiah Lutheran Churchmessiahlutheran
Messiah Moravian Preschoolmmp
Metamo4ic Math Centermathcenter
Methuen Athletic Improvement Committeemaic
Metroport Chambermetroportchamber
MH Bomber Boosters Foundationmhbombers
MHS Band Boosters, Inc.mhsband
Miami Beach CDCvillamaria
Miami Beach JCCmbjcc
Miami Dade College - North Campuscreatealegacy
Miami Learning Experience Schoolmle
Miami Regional Universitymrufundraiser
Micanopy Area Cooperative Schoolmacschool
Mid City Nutrition midcity
Mid South Veterans League and Foundationmvli
Middle Georgia State University Foundation, Inc.mgafoundation
Middlesex County 4-HMiddlesex4H
Middleton Rail Trail Alliancemiddletonrailtrail
Middletown WTC Memorial Gardens Fundmiddletownwtcmemorial
Milestown Community Improvement, Inc.mci2
Milford Cooperative PreschoolMCP
Military Affairs Councilmac
Milken Community High Schoolmilken
Mill Creek Hunt Club MillCreekHunt
Miller County High Schoolmillercountyhs
Millhopper Montessori SchoolMMS
Mills Community House Associationmillshouse
Milltown Education Foundationmilltowneducationfoundation
Minnesota Greyhound Rescuemngr
Minot-Sleeper Librarymsl
Minquas Fire Company Ladies Auxiliaryminquasbricks
Mira Catalina Elementarymiracat
Mira Mesa High School Foundationmmhsf
Miracle League of Northampton Township, Pa.miracleleaguenhpa
Miracle League of San Diegomiracleleague
Miracle on Craig Streetmiracle
Mission of Divine Mercy, Inc.mdm
Mission San Diego de Alcalamissionsandiego
Mississippi Animal Rescue League (MARL)marl
Mississippi Armed Forces Museum FoundationMAFM
Missouri Fox Trotting Horse Breed Associationmfthba
Mitchell's Point Marinahuddlestonvmc
ML36 Leadership Team Legacy Projectlegacyserenitygarden
Mobile Care Ministry Incmobilecareministry
Mockingbird Elementary PTAmockingbirdpta
Modale Veteran Memorial Parkmodaleveterans
Modern Free Floridaaltonmasonichall
Mohall Park Districtimprovements
Moharimet Elementary Schoolmoharimet
Mohave High School Senior Classmohavehighschool
Mojave Desert Heritage & Cultural Associationmdhca
Monaca Firemonacafire
Moncks Corner Playgroundmonckscornerplayground
Moncus Parkmoncuspark
Moncus Parkmoncusparkdogs
Moncus Parkmoncusparkbricks
Monmouth Rugby Football Clubmrfc
Monmouth Worship Centermwc
Monroe Congregational Churchmccucc
Monroe County Junior Fairboardmcjfb
Monroe Rotarymonroerotary
Monroe-Woodbury Middle Schoolmwmscares
Monsignor Edward Pace High Schoolpacehs
Montclair Elementary Schoolmontclairelementary
Monterey County Fair Heritage Foundationmcfheritage
Montessori Center of Jacksonmcoj
Montessori Children's School of Key Westmcslorenabakerpeacewalk
Montessori School of Franklinmsf
Montessori School of Washington (Preschool)msw
Montessori School of Waukesha, Inc.saturn
Montevallo High Schoolmhsvets
Montford Point Marine Associationmpmamemorial
Montgomery Blair High School Alumni Associationblairalumni
Montgomery County Schoolsmceagles
Montgomery Nursery Schoolmns
Montville Pet Parentsmpp
Moore Elementary PTOmoore
Moore Haven High School Scholarship Organization, Inc.moorehavenbricks
Moravia Community Bettermentmoraviabetterment
Moravia Historical Societymoraviahistorical
Morgan County High Schoolonemorgan
Morgan Horse Pavilion at Kentucky Horse Parkmorganhorsepavilion
Morganton Day School morgantondayschool
Morland Community Foundationmorlandveterans
MorningStar Renewal Centermorningstar
Morris Central Schoolmorris
Moses Lake Christian Academymlcagym
Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Texasmwphglotx
Mother Teresa Academymta
Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnatimcc
Moultonborough Historical Societymoultonboroughs
Mound Bayou Saving Our Legacymoundbayousol
Moundsville Skatepark Initiativemoundsvilleskatepark
Mount Baker Council, BSAfmscplaza
Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Churchmountmoriahdallas
Mount Pleasant Baptist Churchmountpleasant
Mount Pleasant Elementary Schoolmtp
Mount Vernon ISD Education Foundation mvisdef
Mount Vernon Stadium Fundmtvernon
Mountain View High School PTSOmvptso
Mountain Vista Elementary Schoolmve
Mountain's Edge Master Associationmema
Mr.  Dilliot Memorial Comitteedilliottbrickmemorial
MST Magnet Elementary schoolmst
Mt.  Ararat High Schoolmtaeagles
Mt.  Calvary Baptist Churchmtcalvary
Mt.  Carmel Baptist Churchmtcarmel
Mt.  Carmel Education Foundationmcef
Mt.  Pisgah AME Churchmtpisgahamechurch
Mt.  Pleasant Animal Sheltermpas
Mt.  Pleasant Christian Schoolmpcs
Mt.  Sinai Gospel Tabernacle Churchmtsinai
Mt.  Tabor Trail tabortrail
Mt.  Tabor United Methodist Churchmttabormd
Mulberry Senior High Schoolmulberryhigh
Mulready School Parent Associationmulreadyschool
Multi-Lakes Conservation Assn.mlcaveteransmemorial
Munday Volunteer Fire Departmentmfvd
Munger Hill PTOMungerHill
Murphysboro Athletic Booster Associationreddevils
Murrieta Mesa High Schoollegacydiamond
Musem of Vanning and Hall of Fame Inc.vans
Museum of Discovery and Sciencesteppingstones
Mustang Post 353, American Legion Department of OklahomaMustangPost353
MVCIC Friends of the Parkmvfriendsofpark
MW Boostersmwboosters
My Dog House Rescue Inc.mydoghouse
Nansemond River Band Booster Associationnrbandbooster
Napa Valley Community Housingnvch
Naples High Schoolnhsjrs
Narragansett Community Athletic Complexgansettcac
Narragansett High Schoolnarragansett
NASCAR Hall of Fame Foundationnhoff
Nashoba Athletics Booster Clubnashobaboosters
Nassau County Junior Firefighters Associationncjfa
Nation Ford High SchoolNationFord
National Association of Educational Office Professionals (NAEOP) Foundation, Inc.NAEOP
National Association of University Women (NAUW)nauw
National Children's CenterNCC
National Children's Museumncm
National Coal Heritage Area Authoritycoalheritage
National Iota Foundationipt
National Kappa Kappa Iotankki
National Mounted Warfare Foundationnmwfoundation
National Museum of Mexican Artnmma
National Pine Forge Academy Alumni Associationpineforge
National Ski Patrolnspco
Nations Alliancechurchtylerperrystudio
Nativity of Mary Island Projectnatofmary
Nativity of The Theotokos Greek Orthodox Churchntgoc
Nauset Warriors Booster Clubnausetturf
Nautical Watch Beach Resortnauticalwatchbeachresort
Navesink PTAnavesink
Navy League of the U.S., Fort Lauderdale Council, Inc.SeaCadets
Navy Special Operations Foundationnsomemorial
Nazareth Academynazareth
NCI ARTworkspavethepromenade
Nease NJROTCneasenjrotc
Nebraska Cancer Specialists HOPE Foundationncshopefoundation
Nebraska Humane Societynhsbricks
Negley Elementary Schoolnegley
Neighbors Involved In Community, Inc.  (501c3)niicinc
Neighbors of Hopenohbricks
Nelda Mundy Elementaryneldamundy
NEMCC Wesley Foundationnortheastwesley
Nettleton Education Foundationnettleton
NeuroFit Floridaneurofit
New Bern Area Chamber of Commercenbchamber
New Bern Firemen's Museumnewbern
New Bern Firemen's Museumnbfm
New Bern Yacht Club (NBYC)nbyc
New Covenant Community Church of Godncccfamily
New Creation Christian Centernewcreationchristiancenter
New Creation SDA Churchncsda
New Creations Studiostudio
New Directionsnewdirections
New England Humane Societynehs
New Freedom Heritage, Inc.newfreedomheritage
New Hampton Dollars For Scholarsnhdfs
New Hope Church of God in Christ440Restoration
New Horizon Humane Society Incnewhorizon
New Horizons Service Dogs Inc.  nhsdi
New Leaf Foundationnewleaf
New Life Alliance Churchnewlifealliance
New Life CDAmarvinwilliams
New Life Churchnewlifechurch
New Life Churchnewlifechurchsa
New London Harbour Towersnlht
New Orleans African American Museumnoaam
New Town Elementary PTAnewtown
New Vision Ministriesnvm
New Vision Center for Spiritual Livingnewvision
New Wine Outreach Church, Inc.newwineoutreach
New World United Methodist Churchnwumc
New York Alumni Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Incorporatedkappakastle
New York Equestrian Centernyec
Newberry High Schoolnewberryhs
Newbury Park High Schoolnphsbaseball
Newbury PTAnewburypta
Newcastle Education Foundationnefbricks
Newmanstown Community Associationnewmanstownca
Newton County Veterans Memorial Parkncveteranpark
Newtown Park and Barkparkbark
NextDoor Center for the Artsnextdoor
NFCA Athletic Center Fund Raisernfcalegacy
Nichols Improvement Associationniatrumbull
Nile Shrinersnileshriners
Nisswa Elementary School PTOnisswapto
NKHS PTSOnkhsbricks
NL Aquatic Centernlaquaticcenter
Noah Webster Schoolsnoahwebster
Noah's Ark Animal Rehabilitation Center, Incnoahsark
Noah's Ark of Central Floridanoahsarkofcentralflorida
Noah's Wishnoahswish
NOLA Artist Incubatorgalvezgarden
Nonnewaug Tennis nonnewaug
Norcross Footballnorcrossfootball
Norland Vikings Alumni Assocaitionnorland
Normal Park Museum Magnetnormalpark
Norman A.  Mordue Memorial and Scholarship Fundnormanammemorialsf
Norman Lodge #38 normanlodge
North Bay Haven Baseballnbhbaseball
North Bay Haven Softballnbhsoftball
North Branch Area Schoolsnbbroncos
North Delta Schoolnds
North Edgecombe Alumni Associationnehsaa
North Liberty Youth Baseball and Softballnlybs
North Louisiana Civil Rights Coalition nlcrc
North Main Elementary Schoolmwnorthmaincares
North Middlesex Patriot Boosters nmboosters
North Myrtle Beach Area Historical Museumnmbmuseum
North Paulding Wolfpack Baseballnphswolfpack
North Penn Commonsnorthpenncommons
North Sanpete High Musicnsmusic
North Severna Park Communitynsp
North Shore Country Clubnorthshore
North Shore Gymnastics Associationnorthshoregym
North Shore Librarynorthshorelibrary
North Side Alumni Associationnsalumniwalk
North Springs Charter High School - FONSnschs
North Wales Home & Schoolnorthwaleshsa
Northeast Care Center necare
Northeast Louisiana Economic Alliancenelea
Northern Anne Arundel County Chamber of Commercenaaccc
Northern High Schoolnhsknights
Northern Home for Childrennorthern
Northlake Christian Schoolnorthlake
Northlake Hills Elementarynorthlakehills
Northminster Presbyterian Churchnorthminster
Northridge High School Utahnorthridgeunited
Northside Elementary SchoolNorthside
Northside Learning Centernlc
Northwest 45 Little LeagueNW45
Northwest High School PTSAnwhsptsa
Norwalk Cal Ripken norwalkcrb
Nova Titan Baseballnovatitans
Novak Elementarynovak
Nu Psi Chapternupsiplot
Nu Sigma Chinusigmachi
Nu Zeta of Lambda Chi Alphanuzetabricks
NuHealth Foundationnuhealth
Nyack Collegenyack
Nyack Tower Fundnyack
Oak Grove High School Baseballogbaseball
Oak Knoll School of the Holy Childoakknoll
Oak Lawn VFW Post 5220vfwoaklawn
Oak Park Education Foundation opef
Oak Ridge Village HOAorv
Oakcreek Elementary PTOoakcreekpto
Oakcrest Family Church, Inc.oakcrest
Oakhurst Christmas Box Angeloakhurstangel
Oakland Booster Cluboaklandboosters
Oakland First Aid Squadofasbricks
Oakland Park MainstreetILoveJaco
Oakland Terrace Elementary School PTAptaotes
Oakleaf Sports Associationoakleafsportsassociation
Oaks Dads' Club - ODC (Houston)odc
Oakton Elementary PTAoaktonelementary
Oakview Elementary School PTAoakview
Oakwood University Advancement & Developmentoakwood
Ocean Bay Park Association obpa
Ocean City Beach Citizens Counciloceancitync
Ocean City Fire Department ocfd
Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Departmentopvfd
Ocean State Submarine Veterans Foundationossvf
Ocean View High Schoolseahawks
Ocean View High School Foundationovhsfoundation
Oceanside High School Foundation & Alumni Associationohsfoundation
Oconee Military Museum at Patriots Halloconeemilitarymuseum
Odenton Elementary Schoolodentones
Odyssey Charter School OCS PTO IncOCSPTO
Oglethorpe Pointopes
Ohana Instituteohana
Ohev Shalom of Bucks Countyohev
Ohio Hispanic Veterans Memorialohvm
Oklahoma City Universityocu
Old Bridge High School Class of 2021obhs
Old Famr Pool and Paddle Tennis cluboldfarmbricks
Old Farmers Road School PTOofrspto
Old Firehall Brewingoldfirehallbrewing
Old Greenwich Schoologs
Old No.  9 Garden Cluboldno9
Old North Knoxville Inc.onk
Old Orchard Swim Cluboosc
Old Path Miracle Cathedral COGIColdpathmiracle
Old Town Elk Grove Foundationotegfoundation
Old Town Hot Springsoths
Olde Providence Elementary School Foundationop
Olentangy Liberty Athletic Boostersolabfacility
On Stage Vacavilleonstagevacaville
On Your Mark, Inc.onyourmark
Opa-Locka Community Development Corpolcdc
Open Arms Foundation, Inc.  OpenArms
Open Handopenhand
Operation Playgroundoperationplayground
Operation Red Wings Foundationlsfnc
Operation Red Wings Foundationlsf
Operation Spay Bayspaybay
Operation Whiteknact Playgroundwhiteknactplayground
Ophir Schoolophir
Orange Chamber of Commerceorangechamberbricks
Orangeburg County Fair Association orangeburgfair
Orangevale Fair Oaks Food Bankovfofoodbank
Orchard Park Elementaryope
Original Florida Highwaymen Museumflhighwaymen
Orlando Regional REALTOR® Foundationorlandorealtors
Orphans of the Storm, Incorphans
Osceola County School for the Artsocsa
Otterbein United Methodist Churchotterbeinumc
Our Lady of Fatima olfcaqueens
Our Lady of Lourdes Academylourdesacademy
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church OLOL
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Churcholol
Our Lady of Mt.  Carmelolmcapnj
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Churcholph
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Churcholr
Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Churcholrbricks
Our Mother of Consolation Parish Schoolomcps
Overton Park 9op9
Overton Park Elementary School PTAope
Overtown Youth Center Capital Campaignoyccapital
Owensboro Community & Technical College Foundation, Inc.octcfoundation
Oxford Area Recreation Authorityoaradogpark
Oxford Christian Churchocc
Oxford Prep PTOoxfordprep
P T Opcepto
PA History Society - North Carolina Academy of PAspahxvetgarden
Pahrump Valley Rotary Clubpahrumprotary
Paint By A Girlpaintbyagirl
Pajarito Environmental Education Centerpeec
Palisades Charter High Schoolpchs
Palisades Episcopal Schoolpescharlotte
palm beach county mounted possePosse
Palm Harbor Libraryphl
Palmer Ridge High School Foundationpalmerridgehs
Palmer Trinity Schoolpts
Palms of Terra Ceia Bay CDDptcbgazebo
Palmyra Volunteer Fire Departmentpvfd
Palouse Astronomical Societypalouseastro
Panhandle Butterfly House and Nature Centerpbhnc
Panther Baseball Club phs2022
Panther Creek Softballpanthercreeksoftball
Pappas Rehabilitation Hospital for Childrenprhc
Pardes Jewish Day Schoolpardes
Parents U-Knight Footballhigleyfootball
Paris Mountain Baptist Churchpmbc
Park Hill Children's Centerparkhillchildrenscenter
Park Hills Central Project Graduationprojectgrad
Parker County Gold Star Familiespcgsf
Parkersburg South Crew and South Parkersburg Rowingpshscrew
Parkview Family YMCAplayscape
Parkway Christian Preschoolpcps
Parsons Area Merchants Associationpama
Parsons Area Splash Padpksplashpad
Partin Elementary PTApartin
Partners for Pets, Incorporatedpartnersforpetsmarianna
Pasadena Elementary PTAPES
Pasco-Hernando State College Foundation, Inc.phsc
PASQUALE & MARIA CAMPUTARO Memorial Fieldcamputaro
Pathway to Recoverypwtr
Patriot Baseball Boostersphsbaseball
Patty's Parrot Palacepattysparrotpalace
Paul Laurence Middle School Fine Arts Associationpldmsfaa
Pave the Patiotgp
Paw Paw Lake Yacht Clubpplyc
Pawling Community Foundationpawlinggreen
Paws Crossed Animal Rescue Inc.pawscrossed
Paws for the Cause of Duplin/Duplin County Animal Shelterpawsbricks
Paws of Southwestpawsofsouthwest
Paws Place Dog Rescuepawsplace
PAWS Shelter of Central Texaspawsshelter
Pawtastic Friendspawtasticfriends
Paxico Community Foundation paxicoks
Paxton Key Clubpaxtonbobcats
Paxton Little Leaguepaxtonll
PCHS Education Foundationisupportpchs
PCHS Education Foundationisupportpchs
PDHS Grad Committeepdhs
PDL Tigers, Inc.pdltigers
Peace of Hope, Inc.peaceofhope
Pearl Burney Alumni Museum, INCpearlburney
Pearl River County 4-H Jr.  Master Gardenersprc4hjmg
Peaster Youth Associationpeasterlegacy
Peggy Malonepatsgolf
Pelham Memorial Parkpmp
Pelham Memorial School pelhamproud
Pelican Harbor Seabird Stationphss
Penacook Village Assoc - Friends of Poulin Parkpoulinpark
Penick Village Foundationpenick
Peninsula Regional Animal Shelterpras
Peninsula SPCApspca
Penn Valley Athletic Clubpvac50
Pensacola Catholic High Schoolchs
Peopleplace Cooperative Preschoolpeopleplacecoop
Perkasie Dog Owners Group, Inc.perkasiedog
Perpetual Development LLCbuyabrickbuildahouse
Perry Hill School PTOperryhillpto
Pershing Rifles Military Fraternity, Oscar-4oscarfour
Pet Placement Centerppc
Pet Rescuepetrescue
Petersburg Area Art Leaguepaal
Petersburg Library Foundationplf
Peterson Elementary PTApetersonelementarybricks
PetFix Northeast Ohiopetfix
Petra Community Housingpetra
Pets Fur Peoplepfp
Pets without Parents Shelter, Incpwps
PHI BETA SIGMA Beta Delta 4Everbetadelta
Phi Delta Theta Texas Eta Chapterpdt
Phi Gamma Deltafijibr
Phi Kappa Pi Alumnae Associationphik
Phi Sigma Kappaphisigmakappa
Phi Sigma KappaPSK
Philadelphia Dragons Sports Associationphillydragons
Philadelphia Youth Basketballphillyyouthbasketball
Philip Simmons Elementary/ Middle Schoolsphilipsimmons
Philip Simmons High School PTApsh
Philip Simmons Middle School philipsimmonsmiddleptsa
Phillis Wheatley Community Centerpwcc
Philmont Scout Ranchphilmont
Phoebe Sumter Foundation, Inc.  psmcfoundation
Pi Kappa Alphazetaxi
Pi Kappa Alpha - Alpha Gamma chapterlsupikes
Pi Kappa Alpha Foundationpikebrick
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity Epsilon Upsilon Chapter Gannon University Erie, PAgannonpikes
Pi Kappa Phibetaeta
Pi Kappa Phithetaepsilon
Pi Kappa Phi at Georgia Collegegcsupikapp
Pi Lambda Phi Fraternity, Inc.pittpilam
Pi Sigma Epsilonpsenefbuildingcampaign
Piedmont International Universitypiedmont
Piedmont Players Theatreppt
Pierce Park Elementarypierceparkpanthers
Pigeon Forge High Schoolpfhs
Piggy Sue Rescuepiggysuerescue
Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundationppobrodeo
Pilgrim Chapelpilgrimchapel
Pillars of the Community pillars
Pine Castle Christian Academypcca
Pine Ridge Baptist Churchprbc
Pine Township Engine Companystation85
Pine Tree Elementary Schoolmwpinetreecares
Pine View Elementary School PTApves
Pinecrest Athletic Clubpinecrestpac
Pinecrest Elementary School PTApespta
Pines Bridge Monument Committeepinesbridge
Pinewood Educational Foundationpinewood
Pioneer Committeemlkbust
Pioneers Memorial Parkpmempark
Pitt Greenville Soccer Associationpgsa
Platte River Academypralegacy
Play 4 All Park Vacavilleplayforallparkvv
Playtime Matters Projectplaytime
Pleasant Chapel AME Churchpcamec
Pleasant Lawnpleasantlawn
Pleasant Union UMCpleasantunionumc
Plymouth-Ann Arbor Elks Lodge 325plyaa325
PM USA Manufacturing Centerpmusamfgctr
Pocomoke Little LeaguePocomokell
Poe Baltimore/ The Edgar Allan Poe House & Museumpoebaltimore
Point Arena Boys Basketball Teampahshoops
Polk County Fair Foundationpolkcofairfoundation
Pomperaug Woods Inc.pomperaug
Ponderosa High School Foundationpondopathway
Pontiac Kappa Foundationpontiackappafoundation
Pope John XXIII High Schoolpopejohninkaty
Poquoson Education Foundation, Inc.poquosoneducationfoundation
Port Colden United Methodist Church portcoldenumc
Port Orford Public Library Foundationpoplf
Portageville Softball Teamphssoftball
Porter High Project Graduation 20162016phspg
Portland Dog Park c/o Last Chance Rescue Incportlandtxdogpark
Portofino Harbour Yacht Clubphyc
Pound Ridge Community Church Playschoolplayschoolplayground
Pound Ridge Montessori Schoolprms2020
Poway High School Baseball Boosterphsbaseballboosters
Pregnancy Assistance Center Northpacn
PRES PTAprespta
Presentation of the BVM Parish & Schoolpresentation
Preserve the Pridemhs
Preserving A Legacyaaahalloffame
Preston Castle Foundationpcf
Preston Road Church of Christ125troopprchurchofchrist
Pride of Taft Memorial Park Paver Projecttaftpaverproject
Primrose Hill School phs10
Prince William Soccer Inc.pwcourage
Princess Anne Green Run Little Leaguepagrll
Princeton Elementaryprinceton
Professional Tennis ManagementPTM
Project Centuryprojectcentury
Project Hope Househopehouse
Project Playground 2.0 denvilleplays
Project PRIDEpride
Project Soul Childylr
Project We Hope Dream and Believe pwhdab
Promised Land Dachshund Sanctuaryplds
Prospect Hill's Outdoor Classroomphoutdoorclassroom
Providence Christian Academypca
Providence High School Athletic Booster Clubphsabc
Providence Master HOAprovidence
Provo High Schoolphs
PRS PTOprsplayground
Psalms 35:2epdfundraiser
Pulaski Heights Middle Schoolphms
Pumpkin Shell Schoolpumpkinshell
Purple Heart Homesphh
Purple Heart Integration Projectphiproject
Purple Monkey Projectpurplemonkeyproject
Purradise Gardenspurradise
Purvis High School Field House Restoration Fundtornadoalley
Putnam Dog Park Donation Fundputnamdogpark
Putnam Heights Parent Teacher Organizationputnamheights
Pygkids Inc.Pygkids
Quaker Haven Campquakerhaven
Queen's Grant Community School PTIqgcsgarden
Quest Swimmingquestswimming
Quince Orchard High Schoolqo
Quitman High Schoolqhs
R.B.  Wright Elementary School PTOrbwes
R.E.  Thalberg Elementry School PTOtesplayground
RAD Corkscrew Wineryradcorkscrew
Radiant Promisesradiantpromises
Ramona Skatepark Championsramonaskatepark
Rancho Alamitos High Schoolrancho
Rancho Buena Vista High Schoolrbvsoftball
Randolph Engine Co.  #5shongumfire
Rapoport Academy Public Schoolravencourt
Rappahannock Aviation Outreachrao
Rappahannock Regional Ciminal Justice Foundationrrcjf
Rappahannock United Wayunitedway
Ravenna Public Libraryrpl
Ravenwood High School Red Zone Clubravenwoodhighschool
Raymertown Volunteer Fire Companyrfdmemorial
Reading Technology and Education Foundation, Inc.rtef
Rebel QB Clubrebelqbclub
Rebuild Pisgahpisgah
Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Churchrmcc
Red Bank Volunteer Fire Departmentrbvfd
Red Springs Historical Museumrshm
Redbird Ridge Retreatsredbirdridge
Redeemer Christian Schoolredeemerlions
Redeemer Presbyterian Churchredeemer
Redemptive Life Christian Fellowshipredemptivelife
Redland Middle School PTOredlandmiddle
Reed High School Baseballreedbaseball
Reed High School Softballreedsoftball
Reformed Church of Cortlandtownrcc
Reformed Episcopal Seminaryreseminary
Refuge Ministries, Inc.refuge
Regis Jesuit High Schoolregisjesuit
Regrow the Pumpkin Patchpumpkinpatch
Reins From Above Therapeutic Riding CenterReinsFrom Above
REINS Therapeutic Horsemanship Programreins
Reliant Development Group, Inc.Citygrene
ReNewed Hope KCrenewedhopekc
Reno Housing Authorityhawkviewgarden
Rensselaer Little LeagueRensselaerLL
Rescue Mission of El Pasormelp
Rescuing Ocala Wildlife (ROW)row
Restoration Weldonweldoninaction
Restore Fort Myers Beach Archeswalkthearches
Restoring Bronte Foundationrbf
Revitalizing Waterburyalleyproject
Revival Wheeler Mansionrevival
RezQ Dogsrezqdogs
Rhodes Foundationrhodes
RHS Athletic Boostersrhsab
RHS Community Foundationrhs
RHSA Video Productionrhsavideoproduction
Rich May Foundationrichmayfoundation
Richmond Heights Middle Schoolrichmondhgtsmdl
Richmond Little Leaguebaseballmemorial
Ride With Me Adventuresrwma
Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge #1506rpelkvet
Ridgeline Academy ridgeline
Ridgeline High School Lacrosse Teamrhsboyslax
Ridgewood High School Alumni Associationrhsaa
Ringling Community Foundationringling
Rio Del Oro Elementary P.T.O.riodeloro
Rio Vista & Isleton Clubrvic
Ripon Police Officers Associationpolicememorial
Rising Phoenix Development Grouprpdg
Rising Sun Baptist Churchrisingsun
Rising Sun Masonic Lodge #13risingsun
Ritchie County Humane Society, Inc.ritchiehumane
River Bend Middle Schoolrbms
River Forest Family Garden Sundialrfgardensundial
Riverside Country Clubrccpavers
Riverside Dog Parkriversidedogpark
Riverside RV Resort & Campgroundrrvrbutterflygarden
RiverStone Health Foundationriverstonehealth
Riverton Elementary Schoolrivertonelementary
Riverview Charter Schoolrcs
Riverview High School Boostersrvhssharks
Riverview High School Foundationrhsf
Riverwood Athletic Associationraiderbaseballlegacy
Roane Aquaticsroaneaquatics
Roanoke Dog ParkRoanokeDogPark
Robbinsdale Women's Centerrwc
Robert H.  Jackson Centerrhjacksoncenter
Robert Toombs Christian Academyrtca
Rochelle Heights Racquet Clubrhrc
Rochester Parents of Music Studentsrpms
Rock Hall Yacht Clubrhyc
Rock Ridge Community Clubrockridgelake
Rockledge High Baseball Boostersrhsbaseball
Rocklin High School Parent Clubrhs
Rockmart First United Methodist Churchplayground
Rocky Hill Little Leaguerhll
Rocky Mountain Baseballrckylobos
Rocky River Churchrockyriver
Rocky River High Schoolrrhs
Rogers Youth Ranchrogersyouthranch
Roland Park Baseball Leaguesrpbl
Rome / Floyd County Fire Departmentrfdmemorial
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Augustarmhcaugusta
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern WVrmhcwv
Ronald McDonald House of Galvestonrmhg
Roosevelt School Pennie for the Playgroundrosie2013
Rosa Fort High Schoolrosafortfb
Rosaryville Spirit Life Centerchapel
Rose Island Lighthouse Foundationrilf
Roseheart Community Butterfly Gardenroseheart
Rosemeade Elementary - Eagle Scout Project - Troop 876bsatx
Rosemoor Community Association, Inc.mlkrca
Roseville High School Baseballrosevillebaseball
Rotary Club of Annapolisannapolisrotary
Rotary Club of Barboursvillerotaryclubofbarboursville
Rotary Club of Franklinfranklinrotary
Rotary Club of Galvestonrotaryclubgalveston
Rotary Club of Lockportlockportrotary
Rotary Club of Mariannarotaryclubofmarianna
Rotary Club of Morristownmorristownrotary
Rotary Club of North Fultonrotaryclubnorthfulton
Rotary Club of Westerly Foundationrotaryclubofwesterly
Roudenbush Community Centerforeveratfrost
Rountree Elementaryrountree100
Route 66 Fetch & Stretch Dog Parkchenoadogpark
Route 66 Inland Empire Californiaroute66ieca
Routt County Fair Centennial Brick Committeercfair
Royal Palm Christian Churchroyalpalmcc
RSM Cares/Bell Tower Foundationrsmcares
Ruby Slipper Goat Rescuerubyslippergoatrescue
Ruckel Middel School Niceville Highschooleagleramtenniscourts
Rugby Jayceesrugbyjaycees
Russell Child Development Centerrcdc4kids
Russell Dugout Clubdugoutclub
Russell Elementary School PTArussell
Russell High Schoolrussellhigh
Ruston-Point Defiance Business Districtrpdbd
Rutherford Area Swim Clubrfdswimclub
Rutland County Humane Societyrchs
S&S Class of 2016sssh
Saber PTO Incmastsaber
Sabrina Cohen Foundationscf
Sachse Unity Spiritual Centersachseunity
Sacramento Portuguese Holy Spirit Societysphss
Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Churchsacredheart
SafARI T.A.I.L.S.safaritails
Safe Haven No-Kill Animal Sanctuarysafehaven
SafeHomes of Augustasafehomes
Sagewood Middle Schoolsgms
Saginaw Valley Naval Ship Museumsvnsm
Sailor’s Snug Harbor Little Leaguesnugharbor
Saint Agnes Schoolstagnesschool
Saint Andrew Parishsaintandrew
Saint Andrews UMC.FTW.standrewsftw
Saint Francis by the Sea Episcopal Churchstfrancisbts
Saint Francis Wolf Sanctuarysfws
Saint Gregory the Great Catholic Churchsgtg
Saint Henry District High Schoolshdhs
Saint John School Wellesleysjspavetheway
Saint Joseph Catholic Church and Schoolstjosephwh
Saint Joseph CME Churchsaintjoseph
Saint Margaret Parishgivealift
Saint Mark's Episcopal Churchstmarks
Saint Nicholas Dog Runsaintnicholasdogrun
Saint Olaf Catholic Churchstolaf
Saint Paraskevi Societykattaviansociety
Saint Peter Schoolsps
Saint PJssaintpj
Saint Rose of Limastroseoflimautah
Salado Youth Baseball and Softball Leaguesybsl
Salem Art Gallerysalem
Salem Botanical Garden, Inc.sbg
Salisbury Skatepark Committee Inc.salisburysk8park
Sally Stretch Keen Memorial Librarysskml
Sally Wetherbee Adoption Centerfencethelove
Salvation Army salvationarmysuffolk
Sam Houston High School Field House Pavers Campaignshhsbroncos
Samaria Masonic Lodge #438milodge
San Angelo Area FoundationSAAF
San Diego Elks Lodge # 168elks168
San Diego Public Library Foundationsylibrary
San Isidro Catholic Churchsanisidro
San Joaquin County Fallen Peace Officer Foundationsjcfpof
San Jose Montessori Schoolsjms
San Juan Historical Societysjhistoricalsociety
San Juan Soccer Clubsanjuansoccer
San Tan Boosters PTOscorpions
Sanctuary Horsessh
sanctuary villagesanctuaryvillage
Sanders Memorial Elementary Schoolsmespta
Sandpiper Resort Co-opsandpiper
Sandusky Bay Rowing Associationsbra
Sandy Beach Associationsandybeach
Sandy Creek HS Football Booster Clubsandycreek
Sanford Schoolsanfordschool
Sanilac County Historical Museumschs
Santa Cruz County Shining AZsccshiningaz
Santa Fe Children's Museumscfm
Santa Fe Highschoolsantafefootball
Santee Summer Ministry ssm
Sapphire Elementary Schoolmwsapphirecares
Sarah Hull Hallock Free Librarymiltonlibrary
Sarah's Path - SESsarahspath
Sarasota African American Arts & Culture History Centersaacc
Sarasota Manatee Association for Riding Therapysmart
Sarasota School of Arts and Sciences, PTSSssas
Saratoga Central Catholic Schoolsaratogacentralcatholic
Satellite High Touchdown Clubscorps
Savannah Lakes Village & Golf Clubssavannahlakes
Save A Dog, Inc.saveadog
Save Downtown Stockton Foundationsdsf
Save the Acworth Depotdepot
Save The Fountainfountain
Saving Hope Rescuesavinghoperescue
Sawnee Elementarysawnee
SAY Soccersaysoccer
Scandinavian Heritage Associationsha
Scenic Sumter Heritage Bywaysumterbyway
School #42 PTCObfhe
School Within Schoolsws
Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital Healing Garden Projecthealinggarden
SCHS Football Boostershawks
Scotland County Recreation Foundation, Inc.walkinthepark
Scottish Corners PTOscepto
Scotts Ridge Elementarysre
Scottsdale Sound Sanctuarysoundsanctuary
Scouts and the Community Paving the Way for Our Youtheaglescoutproject
scrumptious schoolyards/ cardiff dog parkcardiff
Sea Cliff PCAScpca
Seaford Baseball Boostersseafordbaseball
Seashore Charter Schoolsslc
Seattle HumaneSeattleHumane
Sebring Chamber of Commercesebringchamber
Second Baptist Church of Olathesbc150anniv
Second Calvary Baptist Churchsecondcalvarybaptistnj
Second Chance Animal Centerscac
Second District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue SquadSDVFDRS
Section 8 Hobbies and Gaming hobbyshopbricks
Sedgwick County Organized Recreation,
Sedona Red Rock High School Booster Clubrrhsboosters
Sellers Revitalization Committeesellers
Selvidge PTOselvidge
Seneca Fire Auxiliarysenecafireauxiliary
Senior Services of Southeastern Virginiasssevahayden
Senn Park Advisory Councilsennpark
Sequoia Elementarysequoiael
Serenity Farms Equine Therapeutic Centerserenityfarms
Serenity for Womenserenityforwomen
Serenity HospiceCareserenityhospicecare
Serenity House of Libertyvilleserenityhouseoflibertyville
Serenity Infant Care Homes-Tori's Townserenity
Sergeant Stubby Salutessergeantstubbysalutes
Service Dogs By Warren Retrieverssdwr
Seven Springs Middle School leadthepack
Severn Schoolsevernschool
Sevier County Senior Center seviercountyseniors
Shannon's House shannon
SHARE Atlantashare
Sharon Presbyterian Weekday Schoolspws
Shelby County High School AthleticsRockets
Shelton Elementary Schoolsheltongarden
Shelton Park Church of Godsheltonpark
Shelton State Alumni Associationssccalumni
Shepherd of the HillsSOH
Shepherd Youth Ranchsyr
Sheraton Vistana Resortsvr
Sheridan County34Chamber
Sheriffs' Summer Camp Program daveshermanboathousewalkway
Sherman College of Chiropracticsherman
Sherrill Kenwood Park ProjectKenwoodPark
Shiawassee Humane Societyshiawasseehumane
Shiloh Baptist Church shilohbol
Shiloh Falls Garden Clubshilohfallsgardenclub
Shinnecock Presbyterian Churchspch
Shore Line Trolley Museumsltm
Shoshone County Fire Protection District #1districtone
Showers of Blessing Deliverance Templesbdt
Showing Love Ranchshowingloveranch
Shreveport Bossier Lionslionslegacyproject
Shrine of St.  Jude stjuderockville
Shriners Children's Shreveport shrinersshreveport
SHS Beta Clubshsbeta
SHS Lady Ramsladyrams
Sickles High School Band Boosterswallofsound
Sidney Fenn Elementary PTOsidneyfenn
Sierra Baptist Churchsierrabaptist
Sierra Vista Veterans Memorial Improvement Foundationsvvmif
SIFAT (Servants in Faith and Technology)sifat
SigEp Bucknell - Penn Kappa Chaptersigep
Sigma Alpha Epsilonsae
Sigma Alpha Epsilon- Fl Betasaeflbeta
Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity Incorporated - Kappa Rhokapparhosai
Sigma Alpha Mu - Sigma Theta Alumni Chaptersigmatheta
Sigma Chizetalambda
Sigma Chi - Iota Lambdauoflsigmachi
Sigma Chi - Zeta Nu Chaptersigmachizetanu
Sigma Chi Kappa Theta Chapterkappatheta
Sigma Kappa- Theta Phi Corporation Boardskthetaphibricks
Sigma Nu Fraternity at the University of Floridasigmanu
Sigma Phi Epsilonsigepfundraiser
SIGMA ZETA FOUNDATION, INC.sigmazetafoundation
Signal Hill Education Foundationshef
Siloam-Hope First Presbyterian Churchshfpc
Simple Sparrow Care Farmsimplesparrowfarm
Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Centersmpacbricks
Singer High Schoolsingerhornets
Sinton Chamber of Commercejacksonsquare
Sister Lakes Corridor Improvement Authoritysisterlakestrailhead
Sisters Of Sobrietysos
Siwanoy Schoolsiwanoy
Skyhawk Fall Field Sportsscotthigh
Skyline High Schoolskyline
Slater Hall Citizen's Committeeslaterhallsc
SMILE Masssmilemasscommunity
Smile Mass Acton Playgroundactonplayground
Smith Clove Elementary Schoolmwsccares
Smith Preschoolsmithpreschool
Smithtown Historical Societysmithtownhistorical
Smoke Rise Elementary PTOsmokerise
Smoky Mountain Rainbow Bridgerainbowsmhs
Snake River Animal Sheltersras
SoccerZone South Austinsouthaustin
Society of the United Helpers maplewoodtiles
Society of Vermont Artists and Craftsmen Inc.pathforward
Socrates Academysocrates
Solid Rock Fellowship Out Westsrf
Somers CT Booster Clubsomersboosterclub
Somerset Academysomersetacademyptso
Somerset Academy Aliantealiante
Somerset Canyons Academysomersetcanyons
Somerset County Library Foundationnewcrisfield
Somerset Parkland Academysomersetparkland
Sons of American Legion Squad #641badensalbrick
Sons of the American Legion - Squadron 293sal293
Sope Creek Elementarysopecreek
SOS Pets of Ouachitasospets
South Dade High School PTSAsdhs
South Elgin High Schoolsouthelginhighschool
South Florida SPCAsfspca
South Haven Baptist Churchshbc
South Hero Librarysouthherolibrary
South Lake All Sports Boosters, Inc.slboosters
South Lake Animal Leagueslal
South Plainfieldspcovidmemorial
South Platte Memorial Post 7356, VFWvfwpost7356
South Pontotoc High Schoolspbasketball
South Range Schools Foundationsouthrange
South View High Schoolsvhs
Southampton Academysouthamptonacademy
Southbridge Dog Park Donation Fundsouthbridgedogpark
Southdown Museumsouthdownmuseum
Southeastern Virginia Training Centersoutheastern
Southern Friends Animal Societysfass
Southern High Schoolshsbulldogbricks
Southern Jackson County Community Foundationgreenecenter
Southern Nash High School Athleticssnhsathletics
Southern Pines Homeownerssouthernpines
Southern University Alumni Federationsuaf
Southern University at New Orleanssunocbabricks
Southern Wake Academyswa
Southern Wasco County Librarysowalibrary
Southern Wayne High Schoolswhs
Southern Yacht Clubsyc
Southfield Kappa FoundationTheSKF
Southold School Educational Foundationssef
Southside Baptist Churchsouthsidememorialgarden
Southside Behavioral Healthsbhbricks
Southwest Licking Youth Football and Cheer swlyfc
Southwestern Universitysouthwestern
Southwestern Youth Association (SYA Sports)syasports
Space Coast High School Football Boostersscvipersfootball
Spanish Colonial Arts Societyscas
Spanish Cove Retirement Villagespanishcove
Spartanburg Day Schoolspartanburgdayschool
SPCA of East Texasspcaeasttx
SPCA Tampa Bayspcatampabay
Speak Rescue and Sanctuaryspeakrescue
Special Event Entertainment Televisionseetv
Special Forces Association Chapter 7 sfa7
Special Liberty ProjectSpecialLibertyProject
Spirit Horse at Better Times Farm, Incspirithorse
Spirit Ride Therapeutic Riding Centerspiritride
SpiritSong Churchcohss
Spiritual Living Center of Charlotteslcc
Spoiled Rotten Pet Boutique & Suppliesspoiledrottenmemorial
Spread The Word Church Ministriesstwcm
Spring Branch Memorial Sports Associationsbmsa
Spring City Utah Splash Padscusplashpad
Spring Valley Farms Community Associationspringvalley
Springfield Historical Society NHhistoricalspringfieldnh
Springlake Swim Clubspringlakeswim
Spud's Family Fun Center, LLCspudsffc
SRB Community Spirit Gardencommunityspiritgarden
SS Dixon Primary PTOssdpbricks
SSG Michael A.  Dickinson, II American Legion Post 257post257
St Barnabas Churchstbarnabastemp
St Catherine of Siena School scs
St Edward Catholic Preparatory Academystedprep
St Francis in the Fieldssfitf
St James Episcopal Churcheaglezach
St John UCCstjohnnail
St Joseph Parish—Colbertstjosephcolbert
St Lucie Sheriff's PALstluciesheriffpal
St Mark's Episcopal Churchstmarksleominster
St Michael's Catholic Schoolreachtoteach
St Nicholas Albanian Orthodox Churchstnicks
St Nicholas Parishstnicholasparish
St Paul Catholic Newman Centernewmancenter
St Paul's Episcopal Churchstpaulskw
St Regis Post 322 Veterans Parkamlgn
St ROSE of Lima Catholic Parish and Schoolstrose
St Thomas More Schoolstmschool
St.  Albert the Great Schoolstalbert
St.  Aloysius Orphanagestalsorphanage
St.  Ambrose Catholic Church - Helping Handsstambrose
St.  Andrew Parish Schoolandrew
St.  Andrew's Lutheran Churchstandrews
St.  Andrews Presbyterian Collegesapc
St.  Ann's Churchstanns
St.  Anne Catholic Community Tomballstannetomball
St.  Anthony High Schoolstanthonyhighschool
St.  Anthony Hospital Foundationsahfoundation
St.  Benedict Schoolstbenedictschool
St.  Catherine of Siena Schoolscsmartinez
St.  Charles Humane Societyschumane
St.  Columba Schoolstcs
St.  Edmond's Home for Childrenstedmondshome
St.  Edward Catholic Churchstedwardpines
St.  Edward Parishsted
St.  Francis Animal SanctuarySFAS
St.  Francis de Sales Schoolsfdslions
St.  Francis Garden's of Upper Townshipsfgardens
St.  Francis Hospitalstfrancishospital
St.  Francis Neighborhood Centersfnc
St.  Francis School Centennial Gardensfscentennial
St.  Francis Xavier Catholic Churchsfx
St.  Francis Xavier Elementaryfrancis
St.  Gabriel the Archangel Parish stgabe
St.  Isaac Jogues Men's Clubsijpaver
St.  James AME Churchstjames
St.  James Lodge No.71stjameslodge71
St.  James Memorial Episcopal Churchstj150
St.  James-Smithtown Little Leaguesjsll
St.  John Bosco Catholic Schoolsjb
St.  John Lutheran Church and Schoolstjohn
St.  John XXIII Churchpraygarden
St.  John's Academysja
St.  John's Missionary Baptist Church Lawtonsjmbclawton
St.  Johns County Sheriff's Office Memorialsjsomemorial
St.  Joseph Churchstjosephroundlake
St.  Joseph the Worker Catholic Churchsjtwpdx
St.  Joseph's AcademyStJoe
St.  Joseph's Hospitals Foundationsjhfdn
St.  Juliana Parish Mothers' Clubstjuliana
St.  Junipero Serra Parishsjs
St.  Katharine Drexel Catholic Churchskd
St.  Laurence Catholic Schoolstlaurence
St.  Leo's Schoolstleos
St.  Leonard Elementaryslessign
St.  Louis Catholic Church and Schoolslcs
St.  Louis Catholic Community stlouis
St.  Luke Lutheran Preschool & Kindergartenstlukelutheran
St.  Luke The Evangelist Catholic Churchslte
St.  Luke's Episcopal Churchstlukes
St.  Luke's Episcopal Churchstlukesdsm
St.  Mark Patio Eagle Scout Projectstmark
St.  Marks Armenian Catholic Churcharmcathphil
St.  Mary's Catholic Schoolstmaryspinecity
St.  Matthew Catholic Churchsmcc
St.  Matthew Catholic Church & Schoolstmatthew
St.  Matthew Parishstmattgrotto
St.  Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Churchstmaxkolbe
St.  Michael's High schoolhorsemenpatio
St.  Patrick Catholic Schoolstpatrickcatholicschool
St.  Paul African Methodist Episcopal Churchstpaulame
St.  Paul Schoolspsbricks
St.  Paul's Monasteryspm
St.  Paul’s Lutheran Church Maumee prayerpath
St.  Peter Claver Churchstpeterclaver
St.  Peter's by-the-Sea Episcopal Churchspeters
St.  Peter's Episcopal Churchstpeters
St.  Philip Benizi Catholic Churchmyspbbrick
St.  Philip's Episcopal Churchstphilips
St.  Raphael Parish / St.  Margaret Shrinestraphaelbpt
St.  Stephen Catholic Communitystspavers
St.  Stephen's Cathedral Church of God in Christsscathedral
St.  Stephen's Epscopal Schoolsses
St.  Theresa Catholic Schoolstscg
St.  Thomas Episcopal Churchstec
St.  Thomas Morestm
St.  Thomas More Churchstmpath
St.  Thomas Schoolsaintthomas
St.  Thomas' Episcopal Churchstthomasepiscopalchurch
St.  Victoria Parish Familystvprayergarden
St.Patrick's Catholic Churchstpatrickschurch
Stafford Bark Park Incbarkpark
Stamford American Little Leaguesall
Statham Lodge #634stathamlodge
Staunton High School Alumni Associationshsaa
Steamship Historical Society of Americasshsa
Steele Cooperative Preschoolsteelepreschool
Steele Home Run Boosterssteele
Stempien Post 8821vfwauxiliary8821
Step by Step Performing Arts Academysbspaa
Step Higher- Nella's PlaceNellasplace
Stephen Knolls Schoolstephenknolls
Stephen, MN Parks and Recreation Committeestephenmn
Stephenville Historical House Museumstephenvillemuseum
Steuben County Council on Aging, Inc.steubencoa
Stewartville Fire Departmentsfdmemorial
Stillwater Blockhousestillwaterblockhouse
Stone Bridge Booster Clubturfsb
Stone Bridge Booster Clubsbteachers
Stone Farm Estatesstonefarm
Stone Valley Middle Schoolstonevalleypridewalk
Stow Athletic & Recreation SupportersSTARS
STRACT HQstracthq
Stranahan High School Bandgodragons
Stratfield School PTAstratfield
Stratford Animal Rescue Societystratford
Stratford Little Leaguestratfordlittleleague
Strawberry Crest High School Band Boostersschschargers
Strawberry Hill School PTOstrawberryhillschool
Stray Haven Humane Society & SPCAstrayhaven
Striar Hebrew Academyshas
Strikeout Baseballstrikeout
Stroudsburg Little Bethel Historical Associationstroudsburglittlebethel
Sts.  Peter & Paul Catholic STEM SchoolSPPS
Sts.  Peter and Paul Catholic Churchsppdumas
Studio 299 - Center for the Artscenterforthearts
Stukey Elementarystukey
Sturgis Soccer Association sturgissoccer
Suburban Access, Inc.suburbanaccess
Sullivan Park Public Art Committeesullivanbricks
Sultana Historical Preservation Societysultana
Summit Community Development Foundation scdf
summit questa montessori school ptosummit
SunFlower Private School sunflowerschool
Sunlake High School Cheerleadingsunlakecheer
Sunnybrook Swim Clubsunnybrook
Sunnyvale Alumni AssociationSunnyvaleRaiders
Sunset Montessori Schoolsms
Sunshine Center Incsunshinecenter
Super Museum Historic Foundationsupermuseum
Susannah's Housesusannahshouse
Susquehanna Service Dogsssd
Suzuki School of Newtonsuzukinewton
Swampscott High Schoolshsoutdoorclass
Swannanoa Valley Museumsvm
Sweet Dreams Memorial Gardenssweetdreamsmemorialgardens
Sweet Home High School PTSAshhsptsa
Sweet Soil Community Garden at the Potter's House Church of Denversweetsoil
Sweet Water Athletics Booster Clubswhsboosterclub
Swiss Farmsswissfarms
Switchpoint Tooele Community Resource Centerswitchpointtooele
Sycamore High School FFAshsffa
Sycamore Springs Whitetail Ranchsswr
Sylva-Bay Academy, LLC.sylvabay
Synagogue Emanu-Elemanuel
T.  L.  Hanna Tennis Teamtlhannatennis
T.R.  Miller Quarterback Clubtrmtigers
Tabernacle Baptist Churchtabbaptist
Taft Elementary Schooltaft
Talcott Mountain Science Center and Academytalcottmountain
Tamina Cemetery & Community Project CDCtaminacdc
Tampa Marketing Companytmc
Tanque Verde Elementary School Parent-Teacher Grouptvesptg
Tastee Grubz tasteegrubz
Tau Beta Pi, Florida Gammatbpflg
Taylor Masonic Lodge, #23taylor23
Tchefuncte Middle School PTAtmspta
Team Up For Turfteamupforturf
Tecumseh High SchoolTecumseh High School
Temecula Football Clubtemeculafcstadium
Temple Baptist Churchtemplejonesboro
Temple Beth Abrahamtba
Temple Beth AmiTBAmi
Temple Beth Shalom of the West Valleytbsbricks
Temple Beth Torahtbtli
Temple Beth-El of Great Necktbegn
Temple Chayai Shalomtcs
Temple Israelticolumbus
Temple Israel of Northern Westchestertinw
Temple Or Rishontor
Temple Rodef Shalom Early Childhood Centertrsecc
Temple Sinaitemplesinaibrickwalkway
Temple Sinaitsinai
Ten Mile Chapeltenmilechapel
TERI Incteri
Texas Alcoholism Foundationtexashouse
Texas Confederate Museum Collection Board of Trusteestcmcbot
Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veteranstexasdivscv
Texas Girls' Choirtexasgirlschoir
Thames Aquatic Club LLCthevat
The 300 Clubthe300club
The American Fallen Soldiers Projectafsproject
The American Legion, William M.  Randolph, Post 593 Texasconversetxlegion
The Arc Nature Coast, Inc.thearc
The Arc Nature Coast, Inc.nefflake
The Association of Pelican Pointpelicanpoint
The Atheist Community of Austinacaustin
The Augusta Playersaugustaplayers
The Awakening Power Of God's Word MinistriesAwakening
The Banff Schoolbanffschool
The Beacon Theatre Hopewell Virginiabeaconhopewell
The Beechwood HOmebeechwood
The Biltmore Schoolthebiltmoreschool
The Birch Beautification Committeebirchelementaryschool
The Black Achievement Fundblackachievementfund
The Blaine County Senior Connectiontheconnection
The Boys & Girls Club of North Georgiaboysandgirls
The Bridge to Recoverythebridgetorecovery
The Brook Church thebrook
The Broome County Humane Societybroomehumanesociety
The Campaign for Shrewsbury Athletic Fieldsturf4shrewsbury
THe Cecilton Lions Clubceciltonlions
The Centerthecenterinasburypark
The Center for Animal Health and Welfarethecenter
The Chapel of Four Chaplainsfourchaplains
The Children's Museum of Idahocmidaho
The Children's Workshopchildrensworkshop
The Church of God of the UNION Assembly of Newporttcoguanewport
The Church of the Living Godthelovecorner
The City of Shelton - Dog Parksheltondogpark
The City of St.  Judecampsite4
The Civic League of Invernessinverness
The Clay Studiotcspavers
The Clay Studiopavers
The Commodore BuildingTheCommodoreBuilding
The Compassionate Friendstcf
The Council of The Little Theatre of Alexandriathelittletheatre
The Craig Henry Foundationkappasigma
The Daily Planetdailyplanet
The Delta Chi Fraternityucmdeltachi
The Doorthedoorkids
The Duryea-Navesink Library Organizationthenavesinklibrary
The East Bay COalition for the Homelessebch
The Estates at Carpenterseac
The First Church of Monsonfirstchurch
The Fisherman Fundthefishermanfund
The Flowertown Playersftpbricks
The For Beydn.  Foundationforbeydn
The Fort Foster Carethefort
The Foundation at Lake Charles Memorial Hospitallcmhf
The Foundation for Jonesboro Public Schoolsjonesboro
The Foundry Housethefoundryhouse
The Friends of the Kennedy kennedybrickwalk
The Friends Program, Incfriendsprogram
The Fund for American StudiesTFAS
The G.I.V.E.  Playground & FLIPANYgiveplayground
The Garrison Housethegarrisonhouse
The Gatewaythegateway
The Gateway Community Parkgateway
The Gig Foundationmasteaneck
The Going Green Foundationtggf
The Gray House, Incgrayhouse
The Greenhouse Projectgreenhouse
The H.E.R.  Foundation, INChonorher
The Haven - Friends for Lifethehaven
The Heronheronforever
The Historic Totem Villagetotemvillage
The Homeless Charityhomelesscharity
The Huish Theaterhuish
The Ike Fund, Inc.theikefund
The International School of Charlottesvilletheisc
The Kingsley Associationthekingsleyassociation
The Larry Holmes Statuelarryholmesstatue
The Learning Tree @ First United Methodist Churchfumcgt
The Life Church Christian Centerthelifechurch
The Lighthouse Refuge, Inc.lighthouserefuge
The Lithuanian Citizen Society of Western Pensylvanialithuania
The Living Word Baptist Churchlwbc
The Lyricthelyric
The Main Stage, Inc.mainstage
The Maine Republican Partymegop
The Metlar-Bodine House Museum forever4th
The Miami Dolphinsmiamidolphins
The Miracle League of Camden County, GAcamdenmiracleleague
The Miracle League of Moon Townshipmiraclesinmoon
The Montessori SchoolTMS
The Museum of Haywood County Historynchchgs
The Muss Family Montessori at Temple Emanu-elmuss
The National Spiritual Alliancetnsa
The New York Foundlingnyfsiller
The Night's Shield Children's Shelterthenightsshield
The North Suburban YMCAnsymca
The Northmen Pathwaythenorthmenpathway
The O'Connor Houseoconnorhouse
The Oakmont Parents Cluboakmont
The Omega Phi Chapter of Phi Gamma Deltaomegaphi
The Onsite Foundationtheonsitefoundation
The Oregon Gardenoregongarden
The Paleo + Pelagica Museumppm
The Panther Pressdarby
The Parish of Saint Annsaintannparsippany
The Pawtucket Foundationpawtucketfoundation
The Peoples Portaltosbandstand
The Pet Chapelagn
The Pet Hospital of Madisontphom
The Philadelphia Centerphiladelphiacenter
The Prevailing Church weshallprevail
The Pride Centerthepridecenter
The Ranch Teammates for Lifetheranch
The Randolph Schoolrandolph
The Renaissance Collaborative trcbronzevilleworks
The Rescue Me Projectrmp
The Residence at Hilltoprah
The Richland County Recreation Foundationrcrf
The Salvation Armyconnri
The Salvation Armykroc
The SandLotsthesandlots
The Sembrichthesembrich
The Senior Dog Sanctuary of Marylandsds
The Sherman Museumshermanmuseum
The Simple Roomthesimpleroom
The Smith Opera Housethesmith
The TASIS School in Doradotasisdorado
The Town of Sullivan's Islandsullivansisland
The Transitionthetransition
The UpTown Associationuptown
The Vanguard Schoolthevanguardschool
The Village at Germantown Memorial Brick Programvillage
The Village Thrift Storethevillage
The Washington Home & Community Hospicesthewashingtonhome
The Waterbury Skatepark Project at Hope Davey Parkwaterburyskates
The Way Retreat Centertheway
The Well Church of Nelson Incwlmplayground
The West High School Foundationwhsf
The Westfield Schoolwestfield
The WOW Center of Miamiwowcentermiami
The Zora Neale Hurston Florida Education Foundation, Inc.dusttracks
Theatre 29theatre29
Theodore Roosevelt Counciltrcbsa
Theta Chi Fraternity- Delta Psi Chapterkuthetachi
Theta Eta Housing Corporation of Arkansasthetaetahc
Theta Omega Chapterthetaomega
Third New Hope Baptist Churchtnhstones
Thomasville City Schoolsbulldogbricks
Thorndyke Road School Playground Committeethorndyke
Thornton Step by Stepthorntonar
Time Away RV ResortTimeAwayRV
TINICUM SCHOOL tinicumschool
Tintah Fire & First Responderjcanterbury
Tiny Friends Farm and PEEPstff
TKA Baseballtkabaseball
TMHS Class of 2012tmhs2012
Tobosa Developmental Serviceslospasitos
Tom Gola Plazatomgolaplaza
Tomahawk Creek Middle School PTAtcmspta
Top Contenders Gymmnastics Academytopcontendersgymnastics
Topeka Performing Arts Centertopekapac
Tornillo High Schooltornillohigh
Torrance High Schooltorrancehigh
Torrey Pines Elementary Schoolgardenbricks
Town and Countrytownandcountrypool
Town Creek Pooltowncreekpool
Town of Andover Veteran's Monument Partagentorangeadvocate
Town of AngierAngier
Town of Beekman - Remembrance Parkremembrancepark
Town of Boligeebobcatspaw
Town of Bridgeville EDCbridgebricks
Town of Brooklinebrooklinenhplayground
Town of Carthagecarthage
Town of Catawba Veterans Garden of Honorveteransgarden
Town of Chilhowiechilhowie
Town of Farmington, CTfarmingtonct
Town of Granite Quarrygranitequarrync
Town of Halifax NCtownofhalifaxnc
Town of Inlet Paver Programinletpavers
Town of Lake View - Veteran's Memorial Parktownoflakeview
Town of Medleytownofmedley
Town of Miami Lakesmiamilakes
Town of Nashville Park Commissionlincolnpinch
Town of Prosperitytopvision
Town of Selmaselmaciviccenter
Tracys Paws RescueTracysPawsRescue
Travelin the Rainbow Inctribecamp
Travis Roy Foundationpavinglittlefenway
Treasure Housetreasurehouse
Tri-County Education Foundation tricountyeducation
Tri-Point CUSD 6jTriPointCUSD6j
Tri-Sigma House Corporationsigmahouse
Trinity AME Zion Chuchtamez
Trinity Baptist Churchtrinity
Trinity by the Sea Episcopal Day Schooltrinitydayschool
Trinity Early Childhood Education Centertrinitykids
Trinity Lutheran Churchtrinityelca
Trinity Lutheran Churchtrinitysturgis
Trinity Lutheran Church & Schooltrinitypaso
Trinity Lutheran Church and Schooltlcs
Trinity Lutheran Church Tenaflytrinitytenafly
Trinity Lutheran Church Youth Grouptrinityyouth
Trinity Parish Bergen Pointtrinityparish
Trinity Players Inc.tapac
Trinity Preparatory Schooltpsaints
Trinity United Methodist Churchtrinitychurch
Trinity United Methodist Churchtrity
Trinity United Methodist Churchtrinityumc
Troop 21638wmpbricks
Troop 252 Eagle Projectbsatrooptwofivetwo
Troop 263connorweagle
Troop 343stjosephbricks
Troop 39troop39
Troop 52hawfields
Troop 73htis
Troup Community Development Corporationtroupsplashpad
Troy High Schooltroyoutdoorclassroom
True Blue: Navy Benefactors, Inctrueblue
Trumptight Salon & Spa Personneltrumptight
TRUTH FOR YOUTH, INC.truthforyouth
Tualatin High School PackBackerstualatinpackbackers
Tulare High School Foundationtjuhsd
Tullahoma Animal Sheltertas
Tulpehocken Area School Districttulpehocken
Tupelo Elvis Fan Clubelvisstatute
Tupelo Lee Humane Societytlhs
Twelve Gates Resource Centerjusticebeat
Twin Palms Center for the Disabledtwinpalms
Twin Rivers Council, BSAwak
Twin Shores Beach and Marinatwinshores
Two Harbors Public Librarythpl
Tyrrellinean Clubtownclock
U.S.  Grant Elementary Schoolgrantgrizzlies
U.S.  Kids Golfuskidsgolf
uaw 74 vetrans commiteeuawottumwa
UF Army ROTCurotc
UHS Athletic Facility Committeeuhsbricks
UM School of Lawmiamilaw
Uncommon Friends Foundation uncommonfriendsfoundation
Underhill Associatescolonialgardenslouky
UNION Christian Academyunioneagles
UNION Christian Academyunionchristian
UNION Colony Schoolsucprep
UNION County Police Chiefs Associationucpcamemorial
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lakelanduuclakeland
United Beagle Gundog Federationubgf
United Veterans Council Of Woonsocketuvcpark
United Way of Hunterdon County volunteercenter
Unity Center of Tulsaunityoftulsa
Unity Forest Playgroundunityforestplayground
Unity of Southeast Texasunitysetex
Unity of The Blue Ridgeunitycenter
Unity Spiritual Center of Vero Beachunity
University of Houston-VictoriaUHV
University of Memphis NROTCuofmnrotc
University of Miami Hillelmiamihillel
University of Rio Granderioredstorm
University of the Virgin Islandsuvi
Uplands Reach Conference Centeruplandsreach
Upper Dublin Education Foundationudef
Upshur Manor Nursing Homeupshurmanor
Upton Veterans' Memorialuptonveteransmemorial
USC Aikenuscasoftball
USC Salkehatchieuscsalk
USO Northwestusonw
Uthoff Valley Elementaryuv25th
UWM at Waukesha Foundation, Inc.uwwaukeshafoundation
V.F.W.  Post#889commandervfwcda
Vaca High Alumni Scholarship Associationvhsalumni
Vacamas Programs for Youthvacamas
Valle Verde Elementary School PTAvalleverdepta
Valley Sports Little Leaguevalleysports
Valor Health Foundationvhfpavers
Van Buren Agricultural Assocvbcofair
Van Buren Football Booster Clubvbfootball
Van Wert Elementary vanwert
Vandalia Christian Academy Incvandaliachristianacademy
Verde Valley Schoolvvs
Veteran Women's Enterprise Centerveteranwomensec
Veteran's Memorial Fundfranklincoveteranmemorial
Veterans for Tomorrowveteransfortomorrow
Veterans Hallveteranshall
Veterans Memorial Committeewolverinelake
Veterans Memorial Park at Academy Place Inc.academyplacevets
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #7103vfwathens
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6496vfw
Veterans Of Foreign Wars Post 9168VFW9168
Veterans Park Elementary Schoolvpes
Veterans Recognition Foundationveterans
Veterans Search And Rescueveteransearchandrescue
Veterans Tribute of Osceola County, Inc.  & Museum of Military Historymilitarymuseum
VETERANS WALKWAY OF HONORveteranswalkwayofhonor
Veterinary Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Clinicvetchiro
Veterinary Referral Cremation Servicesvrcs
VFW 4256vfw4256
VFW Post 1291vfw1291
VFW Post 2932 Ladies Auxiliaryvfw2932la
VFW Post 5573VFW5573
VFW Post 7788 Devon, CTvfw7788
VFW Post 8463post8463
VFW Stewart-Wendell Post 3904vfw3904
Via Cognitive Healthvia
Vice Provost’s Councilfiubbcvpc
Vicksburg High School Boostersvhsband
Victor Donato Memorial Foundationdonatomemorial
Victory In Praise ChurchVIP
Vietnam Veterans Of Americavvachapter1127
View Ridge Community Churchvrcc
Villa St.  Benedict Foundationvillastben
Villa Victoria Academy villavictoria
Village Academy Schoolvillageacademy
Village Churchthevillage
Village Leadership Academyvla
Village of Bushnellbushnell
Village of Grand Beach Golf Coursevillageofgrandbeachgolfcourse
Village of Harristownharristown
Village of Lake in the Hillslithvm
Village of Laurenslaurens
Village of Millingtonjodyspark
Village of Prairie Groveprairiegrove
Village of Russells Point Park & Recreationrpparks
Village of Schiller Parkschillerpark
Village of Shepherd Spray Parkvisspraypark
Village of Westlandvow
Villagers For Veterans, Inc.AshleysHouse
Vincennes Girls Softball Leaguevgsl
Vineyard House, Inc.vineyardhouse
Vintage Township HOAvintage
Vinton Town Squarevts
Virgin Valley High Schoolvvhsleaveyourmark
Vista Ridge Project Graduationvrhspg
Vivian B.  Adams Schoolvbas
Vivian Field Middle Schoolvfms
Volunteer Firemen's Assoc.  of Cambria County & Vicinityccvolfiremensassn
Volunteers of America, Northern New Englandvoanne
Voorhees Universityvoorhees
W.  R.  McNeill Elementary Schoolmcneillelementary
WA Porter Elementary PTAporter
WAG Farms Dog Parkwagfarms
Wakefield Wolverines Athletic Booster Clubwhswolverineclub
Walker Creek Elementarywalkercreek
Walkersville Southern Railroadwsrr
Walking N Da Lightwalkingndalight
Walla Walla Elks Lodge #287elks287
Walla Walla Fair & Frontier Days wwfair
Walla Walla Sunrise Rotary Clubvistaterracepark
Wallingford Dog Lovers Associationwdla
Walnut Grove Elementary PTOwges2017
Walter Hall Elementary E-STEM Magnet Schoolwalterhall
Wampatuck PTOWampPTO
Wapello County Fair, Inc.wapellocountyfair
Wards Creek Elementary Schoolwards
Warrior Legacy Ranchwarriorlegacyranch
Warriors Helping Warriors, Inc.whw
Warriors on the Movewarriorsonthemove
Washington County Agricultural Fairwashfair225
Washington County Commission on Agingwccoa
Washington Elementary Schoolwashingtonelementary
Washington HS Baseball Boosterswildcatbaseball
Washington Reformation UCCwashingtonucc
Washington Tennis & Education Foundationwtef
Washtenaw International HS wihipto
Watercourse Counseling Centerwatercourse
Watsonville Firefighters' Associationwatsonvillefirefighters
Waugh Chapel Elementary PTAwcespta
Waurika Softball Fieldwaurikasoftball
Waxahachie Global High Schoolglobal
Wayne ChurchWayneChurch
Wayside Elementarywayside
Wayside Elementary PTAwaysidepta
WCA Entertainment Committeethunderhead
WCDS - Wakefield Country Day Schoolwcds
WDAV Classical Public Radiowdav
We the People Alliance, Incmonument
Weatherly Heights Elementary PTAroadrunners
Weathervane Theatre Alumni Associationwvaabrick
Webberville Community Schoolswebberville
Webster Groves Masonic Templewebstertemple
Weckman InitiativeWeckmanPark
Weddinton Optimsit Cluboptimist
Weems Chapel United Methodist Churchweems
Welch Collegewelchcollege
Wellborn Middle Schoolthenestwms
Wellington EMSwellingtonems
wellington Soccer Association wsa
Wells Development CorporationWellsDevelopmentCorp
Wenonah Swim Clubwsc
Wentworth Schoolwentworth
Wesley AME Zion Churchwesleyamez
Wesley Chapel Elementary PTOwces
Wesleyan Heights United Methodist Churchwhumc
West Babylon Lions Clubwblegacy
West Boca High Schoolwestbocahigh
West Creek Elementary PTAwestcreekpta
West Hialeah Gardens PTAwhgesptabricks
West Liberty-Salem Athletic Associationtigerstrong
West Linn Baseball Alumni Associationwlbaa
West Linn Baseball Association (WLBA)wlba
West Madison Little Leaguewmll
West Morris Junior Woman's Clubwmjwc
West Orange High School PTAwohspta
West Pine Middle Schoolwpms
West Raleigh Baseball Associationwestraleigh
West Sebring Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.  westsebring
West Side Little LeagueWSLL
West Side Park Fire and Police Memorial Committeememorial
West Side Swim Clubwestside
West Texas Park Peopleparkpeople
West Union Endowment for Public Education, Inc.wueagles
West Virginia Wesleyan Class of 2018bobcats
Westby Norsemen Booster Clubwestby
Westchester Reform Templeeccplayground
Western Branch Little Leaguewbll
Western Christian Athletic Boosterswcsboosters
Western Colorado Universitymountaineer
Western Harnett High Schoolwhhseagles
Western Hills Athletic Clubwhac
Western PA Annual Conference of the United Methodist Churchwpaumc
Western Slope Pickleball Clubwspickleball
Western Springs Rotary/Friends of the Parksrotarypickleball
Westerville Central High School Baseballwchs
Westfield Boosterswestfieldboosters
Westford Friends of East Boston Campsfriendsebc
Westlake Athletic Development Foundationwestlaketurf
Westland High School Marching Band Alumniwhsmarchingalumni
Westland Hills Incwestlandhills
Westminster Christian Academywca
Westminster Collegewcmo
Westminster High Schoolwhs
Westminster Schools of Augustawestminsteraugusta
Westmont Hilltop School Districthilltoppers
Westmoreland Neighborhood Organizationwno
Weston High School PTO,Inc.whspto
Weston Volunteer Fire Departmentwvfd
Westport Historical SocietyWHSBrickwalk
WGP Warriors Against Addiction, Incwgpwarriors
Wheeler Magnet Foundationmagnet20thanniversary
Wheeling Dog Park Associationwhedog
Whisperwood whisperwood
White Oak Athletic Clubwoac
White Plains Little Leaguewpll
Whitney High School Baseballwhsbaseball
Whittier School PTAwhittier
WHS Class of 2016whswalkway
Wicksburg High School Ambassadorswhs
Wicomico High School Alumni Associationwihi
Wilbur McMahon Schoolwilbur
Wild Hearts Equine Therapeutic Center, Inc.  wildhearts
Wilde Lake Middle School PTSAwlms
Wilder Memorial Nursery Schoolwilder
Wildlife Response Inc.wri
Wiley Universitywileyuniversity
Will2Way Foundation Inc.  will2way
Willett Elementary School PTO Garden willettgarden
William King Museum Of Artwkma
William Monnig Middle Schoolwmms
Williams Park Alliance, Inc.  williamspark
Williamsburg Community Poolwcpbricks
Williamson County Regional Animal Shelterwcras
Williamsport Area School District Education Foundationwasdef
Willie Mae Stokes Community Centerwmscc
Williston Middle High Schoolwmhsfl
Willowbrook PTOwillowbrook
Willowcreek CSOwillowcreekcso
Wilmington Junior Academywja
Wilton Manors Main Streetwmms
Windchime Wishes Limited johnboysplace
Winder First United Methodist Churchwinderfirstumc
Windsor Dog Parkwindsordogpark
Windsor Park PTAwindsorparkpta
Wingate University School of Pharmacywusop
Wings of Godwingsofgod
Wiregrass Animal Foundationwanimalkingdom
Wirt County High Schoolwirtcountyhighschool
Wirt Post No.  55 INC, The American Legion of West Virginia legionpost55
WO Baseball Booster wobaseball
Wolcott Dog Parkwolcottdogpark
Wolf Creek Elementary School PTAwolfcreek
Wolfpack Foundationwolpackfdn
Wolverine Pickleballwp
Woman's Club of Hodgenvillewc
Women's Help Centerwomenshelpcenter
Women's Resource Center Newport -Bristol Countieswrc
Wood Acres Elementary Schoolwoodacres
WoodBore Housing & Constructionredbrickhouse
Woodburn Baptist Churchwoodburnbaptist
Woodbury Volunteer Fire Department wvfdvt
Woodfield Elementary Schoolwoodfieldes
Woodland Discoverywoodland
Woodland High Schoolstarsandstripes
Woodland Lakewoodlandlake
Woodland Multipurpose Field Booster Clubswoodlandmultipurposefield
Woodland String Bandwsb
Woodsdale Playground Projectwoodsdaleplayground
Woodstown High School Boys & Girls Soccer Programswhssoccer
Wootton Booster Clubwootton
Word FM wordfm
Word Of Faith Global Ministrieswofgm
World Bird Sanctuaryworldbird
World Compass Academyworldcompassacademy
World Languages Institute PTOwlipto
World Wonder Tower Projectworldwondertower
Wounded Warriors Abilities Ranch wwar
WOW Ministries Churchwowministries
WRHS Athletic Boosterswrhsathleticboosters
Wright Way FoundationWrightWayFoundation
Wrightwood Veterans Memorialwvmeagle
WUSF Public Mediawusf
Wyalusing Area School Districtwyalusingrams
Wylie Elementary School wyliegarden
Wyngate E.S.  Education Foundationwesef
Y.E.S.  House Foundationyeshouse
Yalaha Community Clubyalaha
Yaqui Animal Rescueyaqui
Yardley Borough Mayor's Clock Committeeyardley
Yarmouth Dennis Red Sox Baseball Club, Inc.ydredsox
YCHS Baseball/Softball Alumni Brick Fundraiserychsalumni
YMCA of Abileneabileneymca
YMCA of Greater Williamson Countyctl
YMCA of Metropolitan Atlanta Robert D Fowler Family YMCAYMCAmanningplayground
YMCA of San Angeloymcasanangelo
YMCA Raintree Ranchraintreeranch
Yorba Linda UMCylumc
York Central Schoolyork
York River District United Methodist Menyrdumm
Young Scholars Child Care Centeryoungscholars
Youth Enhancement
YWCA of South Hampton Roads ywcashr
YWCA of the Niagara Frontierywcatremont
Zachary DuFault's Eagle Scout Projectzacharydufaulteaglescout
Zapata County Museum of Historyrathmellplaza
Zemp Stadium of Camden High Schoolzempstadium
Zephyr Pride Foundationzpf
Zeta Beta Tauzbt
Zeta Kappa - Pi Kappa Alphazkfsu
Zeta Lambda House Corporationadpizl
Zeta Tau Alpha-Sigma Chaptersigma
Zeta Xi Housing Corporation (Alpha Kappa Psi)zxhcakpsi
Zhang Sah Martial Arts and Learning Centerszhangsah
Zion Cathedral Church of God in Christzioncathedral
Zion Historical Societyzionhistory
Zoo Miamizoomiami