Whether you’re the one raising funds or making donations, fundraising is a big part of your life if you’re currently in college. This can make it tough for your organization to stand out from all of the other groups trying to hold a college fundraiser. But, with a few of these college fundraising ideas, your organization can stand out from the rest.
Selling Food Items
Raising money by selling food isn’t a new idea, but there are many variations of the theme. However, to gain name recognition for your fundraiser, try out a few of these bake sale ideas to support a larger fundraising campaign:
- Bake sales – A common event that requires a lot of volunteer time. However, the profit margin is great.
- Candy sales – Very convenient for both fundraisers and buyers, but candy sale profits are slim. This event is commonly held in high schools and colleges.
- Re-selling food items (Krispy Kremes, etc.) – Very popular with students, but the profit margin is slim.
- Cultural food sales – Depending on the type of food you’re selling, this fundraiser can do very well financially, while also increasing name recognition on campus.
Drive-In Movie
Most college students have probably never been to a real drive-in movie and would love to give it a try! There are many companies that can provide a full-size screen and equipment for your fundraiser. Your organization can then charge for admission and sell popcorn and drinks from a concession stand.
Before the event, you’ll need to work with your university in advance to get permission to block off a large parking lot. Your organization will also need to make enough money to cover the cost of the equipment rental, so publicity is a must.
Getting to Know Your Auction
This is a twist on a standard silent auction. For this fundraiser, the college administration, faculty and staff will donate their time, knowledge or special talents to a winning student. For example, a college president could auction off a night of board games at his home for four students. The basketball coach might offer a game of one-on-one, while a film professor could auction off movie night in his or her home theater for a group of six.
Your team will need to work hard to get enough “auction items” set up ahead of the actual event and to publicize it ahead of time as well.
Brick Fundraisers
Before seniors graduate, make sure they get a chance to leave their mark on your university. Selling engraved brick pavers lets them to do just that.
If you would like to know more about college fundraising ideas or engraved brick fundraisers, contact Bricks R Us today.
Image Source: freedigitalphotos