Embrace the Season with these Winter Fundraising Ideas

November 11, 2014

In the winter months, colder, shorter days are to be expected, which is why it’s no wonder bears choose to sleep from fall to spring!  However, unlike our animal friends, your fundraising program shouldn’t go into hibernation just because it’s wintertime.  There are many fun and easy winter fundraising ideas that are a perfect fit this time of the year.  If your organization is looking for some winter fundraising ideas, here are a few to consider:

Embrace the Season with these Winter Fundraising Ideas

Bolster your fundraisr this winter with a few of these seasonal fundraising ideas.  Source: morgueFile

Shovels for Hire

If you live in a snowy climate, your group should seriously consider a snow shoveling fundraiser.  You won’t have trouble finding clients from all different age groups.  Because snow shoveling requires a lot of time and energy, your clients will be more than happy to donate to your cause instead of shoveling the snow themselves.  Just remember to get the word out early, so you have jobs lined up before the first big snow.


Many organizations sponsor walk-a-thons or bike-a-thons in the summer months.  Since there’s no rule that says you can’t hold one of these events during the winter, why not hold a ski-a-thon?  Just like with a walk-a-thon, participants can ask friends and family to sponsor them for the distance they complete.  This can be done with cross country skiing or downhill skiing, depending on your location.

Dress Down Day

No matter where you live, by the middle of winter everyone starts to get cabin fever.  One winter fundraising idea that helps break monotony in the chilly season is a Dress Down Day fundraiser.  This can be utilized by schools or corporations, but the main idea is the same – the participants must donate to your cause in order to wear casual or silly clothes that day.  For corporations, this usually means a “jeans day” or possibly a sports team jersey day.  For schools nearly anything goes – crazy hats, pajamas, costumes, Hawaiian shirts and more.  The best part about this type of fundraiser is that it can be used again and again, just choose a different clothing option!

The weather may be cold now, but it won’t stay that way forever.  In the spring or summer, when you’re ready for a higher level of fundraising, give Bricks R Us a call.  We’ll be happy to help you design a brick campaign that will best meet your organization’s needs.

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