What Are The Differences Between A PTA And PTO?

April 30, 2015

If you have children, chances are you’ve heard of the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) through their school.  But have you ever heard of the PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)?  Do you know the difference between a PTA and PTO?

Both groups benefit schools and ultimately benefit the children.  Letters will usually be sent to parents asking for support of the group that is working with the school.  Which one is the best option for your school?  Bricks R Us is committed to helping schools raise funds by providing fundraiser guidance every step of the way.  Let’s take a look at what we found.

Here are the differences between a PTA and PTO


This organization is part of a national PTA group.  There is a fee for schools and parents to participate.  PTA funds are used to support administrative salaries as well as to support representatives who work on national school funding initiatives.  In return, parents and schools get to vote on upcoming initiatives for schools, and they also receive national discounts to use throughout the year.

Parents and teachers are encouraged to attend meetings to vote on national initiatives for their schools and express ideas for PTA members to take back to the national PTA board for review.

What Are The Differences Between A PTA And PTO?


Membership is free with this organization.  They are not involved at the national PTA level at all.  Members of a PTO are able to keep any monies raised from memberships and fundraising for their local school.  They are also able to review initiatives for their school and vote on them immediately.  They have control over their monies and how they are used in funding the school.

Fundraising is a huge part for both groups.  Various fundraising efforts are conducted throughout the school year to help support the schools.  In consideration of federal and state funding cutbacks, schools need fundraising to help make up for monies falling short.  Fundraisers can make up the difference for school trips or supplies needed for the children.

Have you ever thought about having a brick fundraiser for your school?  Brick fundraisers can bring in much needed school funding.  You can also help build a walkway or fun brick project while creating a beautiful donor memorial.

Did you find this article useful?  Let us know, and contact us for any questions about starting a brick fundraiser for your school today!  We are here to help you.

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