Historical societies, foundations and organizations help to remind us of significant people, events and places that have helped to shape the communities in which we all live.
These organizations work to preserve our history so that future generations can learn from it. They work to save and preserve historically significant buildings, artifacts and more. But all of the saving and preserving can be costly. That’s where fundraisers come in.
Through a variety of efforts, historical foundations must raise funds to help continue the work they do in our communities.
Brick fundraising for historical societies is a great way to support the work of historic preservation in our communities. Through brick courtyard or memorial brick wall, a community can help preserve the history of its people. This makes for a meaningful and especially appropriate project that many will want to support and participate in.
Programs fundraising can support
Historic Home and Building Tours
What better way to raise awareness for the work that is being done than to host tours of historically significant homes and buildings. Some communities make these annual events and choose to spotlight different homes each year.
Historic District Walking Tours
Walking tours are a great way to help teach residents and visitors of the historical significance of an area as well as its homes, buildings and people. These tours can happen daily, weekly or monthly as dictated by demand and volunteers.
Land and Building Purchases
Funds can also be used by organizations to help purchase homes and properties that are historically significant or integral to a historic district.
Preservation Workshops and Seminars
These events help residents or prospective residents of a historic district learn more about preserving and restoring homes and buildings that have historic value. Workshops and seminars can also help homeowners learn about tax credits, grants and more.
All of these fundraising efforts are important to help historical foundations and societies continue the work they do and raise awareness.
At Bricks R Us, we understand the importance of fundraising and we want to help. By using our tools and having a plan in place for fundraisers, you can succeed. You have our support throughout the process. We want to help you with your fundraising efforts. Contact us today to get started on your engraved brick fundraising project.