


New Creation Christian Center 


II Corinthians 5:17

If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things are past away and behold, all things have become new…



R.E.A.L. Ministry – We provide ministry that is Relevant, Empowering, Accountable and Loving. 



To encourage, equip and empower individuals through the ministry of the Word of God to experience success in the home, at work and at recreation… 



People wake up every morning without a true sense of destiny and purpose.  These same people go to jobs they dislike or choose not to work because they either don’t know what they want to do or lack the qualifications to pursue the career they desire.  This leads to a lack of motivation and general frustration with life.  This stands in direct opposition to what Jesus came to do which is to give us a life we enjoy with more than we need.    



Through a variety of interactions that include worship, teaching, fellowship and personal development strategies; we exist to not only point people in the direction of their divine purpose, but to equip them to actively pursue that purpose.  We teach people that true fulfillment is found in Jesus Christ and that all other things are built upon this foundation.   We believe that Jesus Christ not only provides salvation, but inspiration to live as He designs.  We enable people to turn their inspiration into action by challenging them to actively pursue their divine purpose through the creative power of the Holy Spirit.      



R.E.A.L. Ministry for Real Life for Real People

Relevant, Empowering, Accountable, Loving


Success  1) Knowing God  2) what He desires for your life  3) growing to your maximum potential and  4) sowing seeds to benefit others.


Romans 12:1-2 – I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God which is your reasonable service; and be not conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that you might prove what is that good, acceptable and perfect will of God.


Our vision includes a comprehensive plan to structure ministry around four primary areas.  The New Creation Complex will house Creation Ventures.  It will consist of:


1) Worship & Education Complex – Ministry and Educational Programs & Resources

    a. Worship facility construct (June 2012)

    b. Education complex will consist of state of the art classrooms.  Programs will          

        include but will not be limited to: After School Program, Saturday Academy, 

        Summer programming

2) Arts Complex – Drama, Music, Dance, Production, Fitness

3) Activities Complex – Family events and activities

4) Sports Complex – Football, Softball, Soccer, Track and Field – (Fall 2010)


NCCC History

In early 2005, after sensing God’s prompting, Pastor Cherry sat down with his wife Annette and discussed the thought of beginning a ministry in Shelby.  With full assurance of her support and willingness to undertake this endeavor, Pastor Cherry sought further counsel from those he respected and held in high esteem.  With prayerful consideration and ‘mustard seed’ faith, Pastor Cherry and his wife decided to pursue the call of God to begin the ministry.  The question then came “what shall the name be?”  Pastor Cherry believes He was instructed to name the ministry New Creation Christian Center.  The emphasis was that once a person gave his or her life to Christ they were then a ‘new creation’ according to II Corinthians 5:17.  This name was indicative of a new start and a second chance to succeed in life. 


On June 12, 2005, New Creation was officially born.  The first meeting was held at the home of Allen and Deneen Jolly with a core group of seven adults.  The first official public service was held at the Holiday Inn Express in Shelby NC on July 3, 2005 with 27 people in attendance.  On August 28, 2005, New Creation moved to 1607 East Dixon Boulevard.  In early 2006, the church obtained a ten year loan to purchase 16 acres of land on James Love School Road.  In 2007, NCCC moved into the former Walls Memorial Church building on Masonic Drive.  In November of 2010, we moved to our present location on Millsap Road.  In July of 2012, we retired the debt on the land (in five years) and it was officially ours.  Plans were designed for our new church home in December 2012 and we obtained financing for our new facility in February 2013.  Construction is set to begin during the Spring of 2013 with completion projected for Fall 2013.  We are anticipating the opportunity to expand the scope of our ministry by making our new home a place where we can continue to provide ministry designed to meet the spiritual, social and physical needs of those we serve. 


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