:: Donate








We are seeking the help of our friends, families,

corporations, agencies, businesses, and

those who wish to promote Christian living

and progress. Your investment in a brick

will help complete construction of both our

new Activity Center, as well as phase two of

our property enhancement project.

























To place your order or for more information,

you may contact Pastor John Carmona at:

361.575 8789









Leaving Your Mark ...


This fundraiser event is to help raise funds to pay for the completion of our new 4,500 sq.ft. activity center, which will house two offices, one large kitchen, one large devotion hall, and three large classrooms. Our activity center will allow us to expand many of our existing community services and implement some new critical services to meet the needs of today's community; such as, but not limited to: Bible classes, educational tutoring, counseling, adult/youth computer resource lab for education and employment, food and clothing distribution, rental hall for such activities as graduation, wedding, Quinceneras, anniversary, and other ceremonial receptions. This mult-purpose building, adjacent to our historic Pentecostal church of worship, will serve as a community outreach center. Pastor John's vision for now, and in the future, is to finish this building project without borrowing money, and to use every penny collected from fundraisers and gracious donors for completion of our new activity center.

The church congregation is made up of approximately 180 members, diverse through generational representation. Our church provides traditional worship, Biblical teaching and preaching, funeral and wedding ceremonies, special holiday celebrations, drama productions, and specific age appropriate ministries for any demographic. Since the very first ground breaking initiative and the onset of our construction work, there have been numerous fundraiser activities to raise direct funds for the construction and completion of our activity center. Our church will continue to plan and execute our fundraisers within the community until our activity center is complete and ready to share as God's work of fellowship and the wide array of individual and family needs.

We welcome you to stop by and tour our new activity building under construction.

The proceeds from each brick sale will also be used to construct the next phase of this project. The location of this walk(handicap accessible)will be strategically placed to utilize the space we have behind our activity center. It will include beautiful landscape installed by our church members, enclosed BBQ pit station, picnic tables, benches, and a courtyard with a Prayer Fountain.

Our vision for the new outdoor project will be to have a peaceful place for contemplation and prayer where parishioners and visitors can sit, walk, honor their loved ones, and have devotion with God.                     

 We welcome you to stop by and tour our new activity building under construction.

The proceeds from each brick sale will also be used to construct the next phase of this project. The location of this walk (handicap accessible) will be strategically placed to utilize the space we have behind our activity center. It will include beautiful landscape installed by our church members, enclosed BBQ pit station, picnic tables, benches, and a courtyard with a Prayer Fountain.

Our vision for the new outdoor project will be to have a peaceful place for contemplation and prayer where parishioners and visitors can sit, walk, honor their loved ones, and have devotion with God.



In our walk of faith, one of the most precious gifts from our Father is the generosity He instills in donors like you. We have become closely dependent on the strengths of our fellow volunteers, the many fund raising efforts, and the contributions from cheerful givers.

Our goal is to spread the Gospel to the world as God has instructed us. This new building, that Jerusalem Family Praise Center is in the process of completing construction on, will serve as a covering to many in need of spiritual guidance. This newly constructed building will also serve, in the near future, as a refuge for the youth of this community to partake in many favorable activities. Your donation will help make this possible.

Thank you for allowing me this moment you have given to share a need that we, as a community, have. May the Lord's blessings be upon you in your daily walk. Peace be with you.

                                                                               Rev. John Carmona, Senior Pastor

A word from our Lord, "Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."

                                                                                2 Corinthians 9:7


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    Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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