Think with me.... While being on a school field trip or family vacation or at some point in time, you've visited a monument. Whether it be a monument to the Mouse (Disney) or a President of the United States, you seemingly always walk on people's names. This has always intrigued me and has always made me stop and read. Who are these people? Where do they live? And why give money to this place? For a moment, I reflect, realizing that they deemed this place important enough to give. Some thought this place even necessary. They have not given so their names could be on a brick or paver, because most people don't stop and read. Many walk past to enjoy what the names on the ground sacrificially gave to.

However, without the names on the ground, the monument would not be as beautiful or as awe-inspiring. Here at Gateway, you have a chance to be one of those names on the ground. The monument is a testimony, not of a Mouse or a President, but of our Lord, our Savior, Jesus Christ. No, not every individual will read the names on the bricks, but every individual who walks through the doors will benefit because of the names on the bricks.



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