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Foard’s Field of Dreams

If you build it we can play!


The Fred T. Foard Baseball field has gone through a major renovation this year and the team is excited about playing on their new field. Foard’s Field of Dreams is not quite complete and needs your help. The team is offering a brick fundraiser with the goal of creating a brick walkway and a tiled wall of fame.


We invite you to honor your son or daughter, or someone special who has contributed to the game of baseball or Fred T. Foard high school, by purchasing one or more commemorative bricks or tiles. Funds raised will enable us to complete our dugouts and walkway.


Help Us Pave the Way with a Brick Walkway Quantity


Sac. Bunt:

  1) 4x8 Red $25.00 (one line max 18 characters)

  2) 8x8 Red $50.00 (one line max 18 characters)



  1) 4x8 Red $50.00 (two lines max 18 characters per line)

  2) 8x8 Red $75.00 (two lines max 18 characters per line)



  1) 4x8 Red $75.00 (three lines max 18 characters per line)

  2) 8x8 Red $100.00 (three lines max 18 characters per line)

Patron Wall of Fame with Engraved Ceramic Tiles


Triple: 1) 8x8 $100.00 (two lines max 18 characters)


Homerun: 2) 8x8 $250.00 (three lines max 18 characters per line)


Grand Slam: 3) 8x8 $500.00 (three lines max 18 characters per line & Logo)


* Your Name
Your Company
If you represent a company or organization, enter their name.
* Street Address
* City
* State/Province
* ZIP Code/Postal Code
* Phone Number
Fax Number
* E-Mail Address
* Brick Size
* Number of Bricks  (Amount of Same Size Bricks Ordering)
Would you like to receive a Donor Certificate?
Would you like to receive a Donor Brick?
* Donation Amount $
Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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