:: Donate







Please support Cal Middle School! We are raising money to help pay for school programs including: Talent Show, Career Day, AVID, Art, Library, MESA, Mathletes, Poetry Jam, Science Olympiad, Spirit Days, Leadership, Band, Orchestra, Drama, Debate, Athletics, Yosemite National Institute, and the Ashland Shakespeare Festival.

We are selling bricks for $100. Your permanent inscribed brick will be set in Cal's new quad to commemorate your contribution to California Middle School and the Land Park community.

Thank you for your support!

* Your Name
Your Company
If you represent a company or organization, enter their name.
* Street Address
* City
* State/Province
* ZIP Code/Postal Code
* Country
* Phone Number
Fax Number
* E-Mail Address
* Donation Amount $ ($100.00)
Press the Continue button to enter the customized text that will be engraved on your bricks.

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